Donte Stallworth Interview

The circumstances behind the accident had more to do with his sentencing than anything. This talk about Vick and dogs vs humans is pretty inconsequential.
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Huff Post live had a sit down interview with him and they covered a variety topics. They talked about his DUI, Manslaughter Conviction. Players coming out in Pro Sports, and many other topics.

It was a really good interview.

HuffPost Live

you had me at "really good interview" then you lost me at "HuffPost Live"
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Oh so easy to say. I am a police officer, go tell someone that a family member has been killed due to a drunk driver. Then look them in the face at court when the person responsible gets to do no time. It sucks @$$! He is one of my all time favs but he should have went to prison. My opinion only. Sorry if it pisses anyone on here off.

I think he made amends with the family if I'm not mistaken. So he had to face the family personally. He also pleaded to have his license suspended his whole life which is quite a large deal to make.
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I'm sure most havent had DUI's or been convicted of Manslaughter..

Stallworth hit a J-walker lol. Not his fault. J-walking has its own risks. Remember, don't J-walk when a car is coming. Stallworth shouldn't of had to pay a fine at all for the victim's stupidity.
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Oh so easy to say. I am a police officer, go tell someone that a family member has been killed due to a drunk driver. Then look them in the face at court when the person responsible gets to do no time. It sucks @$$! He is one of my all time favs but he should have went to prison. My opinion only. Sorry if it pisses anyone on here off.

glad your a police officer,I appreciate you,but what about all the people that are injuored or kill in some of these high speed chases by the police.guess you think thats all right because the police were just doing there jobs,right.
Oh so easy to say. I am a police officer, go tell someone that a family member has been killed due to a drunk driver. Then look them in the face at court when the person responsible gets to do no time. It sucks @$$! He is one of my all time favs but he should have went to prison. My opinion only. Sorry if it pisses anyone on here off.

I got a question then. Why don't cops follow their own laws? They never use turn signals, run red lights, and illegally talk on their cell phones while driving.
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Oh so easy to say. I am a police officer, go tell someone that a family member has been killed due to a drunk driver. Then look them in the face at court when the person responsible gets to do no time. It sucks @$$! He is one of my all time favs but he should have went to prison. My opinion only. Sorry if it pisses anyone on here off.

It's great to have the point of view of a police officer.. Oh wait, no I don't really care.
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You're right; I am holier than thous. I didn't kill anyone.

Have you ever gotten behind the wheel after a few beers, while drowsy, texted while driving, looked away to tune the radio for a sec, or been distracted by anything else while driving? If so you could have just as easily stuck a jay walker or worse.
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Have you ever gotten behind the wheel after a few beers, while drowsy, texted while driving, looked away to tune the radio for a sec, or been distracted by anything else while driving? If so you could have just as easily stuck a jay walker or worse.

You can strike a jay-walker with a blind corner or over a hill. If you jay-walk and somebody hits you, it should be 100% your fault no matter what.
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Glad to see you guys come out of your ivory towers!!! It's like you people have an alarm set that ANYTIME someone on this site mentions Sallworth, Little, or Goodrich you have to come here and let everyone know that they screwed up...WE KNOW!
Homosexuals have no "special" rights and will all Burn in Hell

Lmao....I've never understood people hating something that doesn't affect them at all :eek:lol:

I assume you think homosexuality is a choice....So, how many hours did you spend looking at erect penises before you decided it wasn't your cup of tea?

And no, I'm not gay lol....but I'm also not a bigot.
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The guy took full responsibility for his actions but that's not enough for the ivory tower dwellers.

Not being anti-Stallworth, just making a semantic point. The term "taking full responsibility" is nothing more than a buzzword now. Especially if it isn't coupled to relevant consequences.
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I don't now but in my early 20s I certainly did. It was wrong and not something I'm proud of. I'm lucky nothing happened. It's also the reason I can forgive someone like Stalworth who owned up to it. That could have just easily been me or dozens of people I know.

Homosexuals have no "special" rights and will all Burn in Hell

Son (or maybe daughter), curb in the hatred. I'm not particular to homos either and like Phil Robertson, I think homosexuality is a sin. But I also think it's a matter between God and the sinner. I also think by harboring and spouting hatred at homos puts me out of favor with God who says if you claim to love Him yet hate your fellow man, you're a liar.

As long as they keep their lifestyle out of mine, I don't really have a problem with them, though they have and will have a problem with God. But it's not your job to be judge, jury, and executor. If you're a bigot by choice or upbringing, you need to think about what kind of nature Jesus had in mind for you and what you insist on being. You should be hoping and praying these people find the way, the truth, and the life instead of just hating them.
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Not being anti-Stallworth, just making a semantic point. The term "taking full responsibility" is nothing more than a buzzword now. Especially if it isn't coupled to relevant consequences.

He called 911 immediately and pleaded guilty against his lawyers advice. He could have gotten off scott free if he really wanted too. He even reached out to the family of the victim. From what I understand about the situation, the incident could have just as easily happened had he not been drinking.

It just kills me when people look at the surface details from atop their high horse and pass irrefutable judgement.
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He called 911 immediately and pleaded guilty against his lawyers advice. He could have gotten off scott free if he really wanted too. He even reached out to the family of the victim. From what I understand about the situation, the incident could have just as easily happened had he not been drinking.

It just kills me when people look at the surface details from atop their high horse and pass irrefutable judgement.

It just kills me people don't pay attention. Please read my post again and realize my issue was with the phrase take full responsibility, that was employed by a poster and not Stallworth himself. Geez man, learn to read.

Originally Posted by WoodsmanVol
Not being anti-Stallworth, just making a semantic point. The term "taking full responsibility" is nothing more than a buzzword now. Especially if it isn't coupled to relevant consequences.
It just kills me people don't pay attention. Please read my post again and realize my issue was with the phrase take full responsibility, that was employed by a poster and not Stallworth himself. Geez man, learn to read.

Originally Posted by WoodsmanVol
Not being anti-Stallworth, just making a semantic point. The term "taking full responsibility" is nothing more than a buzzword now. Especially if it isn't coupled to relevant consequences.

Sorry I should have been more clear. I understood what you were saying. I was just pointing out that in his case it wasn't just a "buzz phrase".

The following line was directed more towards others who simply see "DUI" and "killed a person" without looking at any of the circumstances surrounding the case.
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