glad your a police officer,I appreciate you,but what about all the people that are injuored or kill in some of these high speed chases by the police.guess you think thats all right because the police were just doing there jobs,right.
No I don't and that is why the policy at the department I work at has a no pursuit policy. The only times a pursuit is authorized is on a dangerous felony. I bet you would ***** and moan about the police not chasing someone that just broke into your house. Think before you type. Most departments are moving toward none pursui policies.
I got a question then. Why don't cops follow their own laws? They never use turn signals, run red lights, and illegally talk on their cell phones while driving.
" The ones that enforce the laws but do not follow are bad at making decision "
To me that makes them unfit to wear the uniform . They should be found , accused , tried and FIRED if guilty . JMO
EDIT: also the folks who broke the oath they take to uphold the law , should never receive a pension . It just does not seem Right . jmo
Really! What "laws" do you speak of Mr. Perfect! I would bet police officers break laws just like we all do each day. I think, in all probability, you are a hypocrite ... If not you and Jesus have something in common!
In Tennessee it is not against any law to turn without a signal. It is also not illegal to talk on a cell phone unless you are texting watching movies... Ect. Also I can't speak for bad examples of police officers. It is against ethics to cheat on your spouse but people do. Does that make every person bad, no. The ones that enforce the laws but do not follow are bad at making decision. Hard to compare that to someone who takes a life in a neglectful manner, ie drinking and driving. JMOeace2:
Not sure why you felt the need to respond to my factual statement with some diatribe about how we're all hypocrites. I said nothing hypocritical, just made a statement based on my knowledge of The Huffington Post.
So Limbaugh's an "extreme" conservative huh? That's fine. Obama's an "extreme" Marxist liberal. Neither changes the fact that the Huffington Post is a liberal publication with an agenda to promote gay rights.... Stallworth was interviewed to help further the cause.
If you wanna find an example of a conservative publication using an athlete to help them promote their shared views then ok. Won't make you a hypocrite unless you try and say the lib publications you subscribe to don't the same thing.
Don't get overly defensive. Or see accusations against you where none were made. And read my tagline to know what I think about politicians whether it's Bush, Obama, Tea Party candidates or whatever. So don't presume to throw Obama at me. All politicians are liars and will say anything to get your vote and money. Which is why I'm an Independent who votes for what I consider the lesser evil.
I subscribe to lib publications? No need to make assumptive accusations, bud. I don't subscribe to anything except National Geographic, Smithsonian, Omni, and the Bottomline (personal edition). So not sure why you went overboard on this unless you harbor certain ethno-centric and political agendas.
And finally, it's off season, we jabber about all kinds of stuff during that period. And yes, we're all hypocrites. The human race is far from trustworthy, whether they're car sales personnel, democrats, republicans, liberals, independents, preachers who engage in the very sins they preach against, cops who break laws and file false reports, teachers who hump their students, black, white, red, yellow or purple with indigo stripes. If it wasn't so we wouldn't have religions that try to get rid or at least minimize this tendency in us. Or laws to control it. So chill man, no need to unleash a personal attack just cause I think different than you. or have experienced life different than you. Too bad you didn't pay attention to my other posts where I aligned myself more than one conservative on certain issues. You'd realize your snide liberal accusations against me were baseless. I didn't accuse you of anything so not sure why you felt you had to accuse me. Chill. We still Vols???
I made a simple, factual 2 sentence post to no one in particular about the Huffington Post. You replied with a 2 paragraph response invoking the names of multiple "controversial" conservatives and going on about politicians and how everybody's a hypocrite.... and I'm the one defensive one? Knew better than to make a political comment on here.... there's always a liberal lurking waiting to be offended.
Headed back over to the Recruiting forum now some I can chill and regain a little sanity.
In Tennessee it is not against any law to turn without a signal. It is also not illegal to talk on a cell phone unless you are texting watching movies... Ect. Also I can't speak for bad examples of police officers. It is against ethics to cheat on your spouse but people do. Does that make every person bad, no. The ones that enforce the laws but do not follow are bad at making decision. Hard to compare that to someone who takes a life in a neglectful manner, ie drinking and driving. JMOeace2:
SIGH! You win. It's pre-Xmas Eve you or you and me both have PMS today. Bye thread. But it's funny how people like you accuse someone who happens to think different than you as a liberal. Makes me believe you're projecting your own status on others.
Hardly. I originally made a harmless statement. You were apparently offended and went on a rant. My only mistake was not letting it go and responding to it.
Funny how people more often than not run away from the word that seems to correctly identify their political leanings. Either way, I'm done with this useless back and forth. Merry Christmas.