"Dream job"

Best...with some exceptions...Bill?....Bill?
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ah yes. Let's play the fan card. I still make the six hour drive to see Tennessee play every weekend I can sneak away from the Army for a weekend in the fall, I have probably a dozen Tennessee T-shirts, 3 hoodies, some fleeces and who knows how many hats and how much in memorabilia, but since I doubt our fan base as the best, obviously I'm not fan.
I kinda think he's telling the truth.. If you watched when we played them you could tell by they way he was looking around at the fans and place he was kinda in awe IMO

He might not want to say that he was blown away when he came here as an opposing coach with another team, but I don't mind thinking there is something to that. It's no disrespect to Cinci. Tennessee is bigger ball with more tradition, in the best conference in the country...very much needing a good coach. Jones thinks he is that coach, and I think he is probably right. Good fit, imo.
ah yes. Let's play the fan card. I still make the six hour drive to see Tennessee play every weekend I can sneak away from the Army for a weekend in the fall, I have probably a dozen Tennessee T-shirts, 3 hoodies, some fleeces and who knows how many hats and how much in memorabilia, but since I doubt our fan base as the best, obviously I'm not fan.

No hate on here man...so when you're not defending our country you load up on Vols gear...much respect...Gulf War veteran myself but when you posted in this thread you were inviting a response.. I think you would have been disappointed if you hadn't received one
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Yep. Just crazy.

Here's a good pic representing us as the best fan base in the SEC. Check out the loyalty:


All I've got to say about that pic is I was there. I did my part.
I look at it differently.... harts job was to find a coach to beat Fla n bama. As part of that criteria the coach had to understand the fans tradition and recruit more than 3 stars. Does butch fit that bill? Check on all of them except the wins at this point.

On Butch's side he held out on accepting other jobs because at that time hart was floundering and tn was a great oppt for him if he was going to leave cincy. Think about all other sec jobs were filled except us. Was it his dream job no but a huge payday plus the oppt to be in sec n at a top 10 historical football program made it his dream job. IMO

Bottom line I don't care if its his dream job he better beat Fla n bama or he should be fired because that's why he makes 3m a year n it performance driven.
I look at it differently.... harts job was to find a coach to beat Fla n bama. As part of that criteria the coach had to understand the fans tradition and recruit more than 3 stars. Does butch fit that bill? Check on all of them except the wins at this point.

On Butch's side he held out on accepting other jobs because at that time hart was floundering and tn was a great oppt for him if he was going to leave cincy. Think about all other sec jobs were filled except us. Was it his dream job no but a huge payday plus the oppt to be in sec n at a top 10 historical football program made it his dream job. IMO

Bottom line I don't care if its his dream job he better beat Fla n bama or he should be fired because that's why he makes 3m a year n it performance driven.

Well said!

If you're the coach of UT, Bama, UF, UGA, Auburn, or LSU you're hired to compete for championships...not go 7-5 or 8-4.

I think Butch knows this and will act accordingly. IMO, he's not just happy to be here collecting a big check.
No hate on here man...so when you're not defending our country you load up on Vols gear...much respect...Gulf War veteran myself but when you posted in this thread you were inviting a response.. I think you would have been disappointed if you hadn't received one
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I invited no such response to insinuate I'm an exception. I'm here, I'm posting, I talk about UT football daily.

But our fanbase as a whole isn't the best in the SEC. It's just what it is. Being realistic doesn't equate to me not being a fan. Kinda pathetic to even somehow think to lump the two together imo.
I invited no such response to insinuate I'm an exception. I'm here, I'm posting, I talk about UT football daily.

But our fanbase as a whole isn't the best in the SEC. It's just what it is. Being realistic doesn't equate to me not being a fan. Kinda pathetic to even somehow think to lump the two together imo.

I don't agree with you...good luck in your future endeavors
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On first thought it was a bunch of BS as time as moved on slowly, i really think he meant this is his dream job he is acting like it anyway.
What do y'all think about Jones saying this is his dream job?

Before he was hired, I had the attitude that the Tennessee head coaching job should be anybody's dream job.

And then, when we hired somebody who actually said it was, I thought "yeah, right, just saying what we want to hear".

As time has gone by though, I'm thinking why wouldn't it be his dream job? The SEC, the greatest traditions in the SEC, the best fan base in the SEC. Why wouldn't it be his dream job?

I wanna believe he was sincere. Whatcha think?

Well, the Colorado job was open and offered to him but he declined it, in hopes that he was in line for the Tennessee job.

To me, this makes his statement of this being his "Dream Job" more believable to me....

He say "No" to the sure thing, the Colorado job, and waited on a hope that he would get the Tennessee job.
I think its a little hyperbole and a little truth
I doubt seriously growing/coaching and playing in Michigan he wanted to coach at UT.But as moved through the coaching circles and after his visit to Neyland with the Bearcats he most likely determined he would love to coach at an SEC powerhouse.
He also saw the talent Dooley had that year and thought to himself with that group I wouldve beat myself by a lot more
So what's your point? You could say that about ANY coach prior to them taking a job at a new school! A coach is not going to go on record as saying "hey I like it here but <--insert school--> is my dream job so if they come calling, see ya!!" NOBODY is going to have public knowledge of such things unless you are someone who is close to that coach like a family member or maybe even the AD.

No, a coach isn't going to talk about another school being a dream job while working elsewhere, but there's circumstantial evidence which might make the claim much more credible.

For instance, if a candidate grew up near a school, or played at a school, or previously was an assistant coach at a school, or otherwise maintained some contact with a program over time, then I might buy it.

For example, if David Cutcliffe had been hired, and proclaimed this was his dream job, hardly anyone would give it a second thought.

But when someone from Michigan/Ohio comes here, who probably hasn't been on campus other than as an opposing coach, I'm chalking it up as coach speak (i.e., this is a great opportunity to advance my career).
Volfanbill? I agree....as I followed this thread I kept thinking..."Wouldn't the BEST fan base sell out EVERY home game regardless of record?" It's 7 weeks. That's it. The Dallas Mavs sold EVERY home game and didn't even make the playoffs. How many years do the Cubs sell out...they NEVER win anything. I DO believe a SEGMENT of our fan base...and a large segment it is...is as passionate as any other. But as a whole? Well when you see that many empty seats...it makes you wonder.

In regards to a dream job? I think CBJ saw UT as a sleeping giant. Waiting for the right person to wake it up. I am believing more and more that he is the guy to do just that. We may be groggy...and it's still early...but the giant is getting restless IMO.

I think 6-6 or 7-5 is doable this year...but look out in years to come. Prospects WANT to come to a program that is more than "relevant". And I think that page is starting to turn for us.

Looking forward to getting the heck out of GA for 2-3 weekends next fall and head to Rocky Top. I hate this God forsaken fan base I deal with down here!
Being his "dream job" may mean that it meets certain qualifications rather than meaning that the UT job specifically was his "dream job".

If it had been Bama, LSU, UGA, UF, Mich, OSU, or another traditional power with large followings... that would have likely been his "dream job" too.

I do glean from that phrase that he thinks of UT as a top tier job on par with the other power programs in CFB... which is a good thing if he succeeds.
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There is no doubt this is Jones' dream job. It was probably Dooley's too. But that doesn't mean he knew what to do with it. My dream job is a playboy photographer, but I don't know the first thing about photography.

Butch gets it...Butch gets UT
well put, in depth response. Solid. You're going to go far here.

I'm doing ok...feel free to actually post something worth a read...I'll follow your progress
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I don't agree with you...good luck in your future endeavors
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I agree with ya, some of the things these so called fans say is simply pathetic. As a Vol fan when I see the color orange anywhere I think of UT & get pumped. other fans need more I guess
I agree with ya, some of the things these so called fans say is simply pathetic. As a Vol fan when I see the color orange anywhere I think of UT & get pumped. other fans need more I guess

Keeping it real seems like a real drag...when I'm with fellow Vol fans, no one can convince me that there are a better bunch
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