"Dream job"

I do think he was/is sincere when he says this is his dream job. I don't think, however, that Tennessee in particular was his dream job. I think that Tennessee fits the bill of a "dream job" for a football coach. Other schools would also fit the bill.

Having said that, once he landed this particular job, he embraced it fully and now Tennessee is his dream job.

I think that- in this regard- there is a real similarity between CBJ and CBP.

Couldn't have put it better myself.
We won't know until after 3 or 4 years when Butch has turned the Vols around and some big programs are after him. Some people have multiple dream jobs...
What do y'all think about Jones saying this is his dream job?

Before he was hired, I had the attitude that the Tennessee head coaching job should be anybody's dream job.

And then, when we hired somebody who actually said it was, I thought "yeah, right, just saying what we want to hear".

As time has gone by though, I'm thinking why wouldn't it be his dream job? The SEC, the greatest traditions in the SEC, the best fan base in the SEC. Why wouldn't it be his dream job?

I wanna believe he was sincere. Whatcha think?

Vollygirl, asking me what I think is a dangerous thing. Mainly because I actually think about things when asked. Too often what I think doesn’t sit well with a lot of people. And here it is.

Butch has done a nice job at smaller venues but obviously wants something bigger. Hence his leaving for programs that were always a step up. He’s accused of basically following Kelly’s footsteps thus standing on Kelly’s shoulders and remaining unproven. He poured in his energy at Cincinnati to disprove this and it’s reflected in his teams’ performances and his coaching. You saw this when he played the Vols. His team was beaten but never once laid down and died. We had to kill them and they didn’t die exactly easy, you may recall. Dooley was even forced to use onside kicks to take some wind out of the Bearcats sails.

He was offered other positions but sat back to see what would come of the UT coaching search.
An SEC team is step up from his conference at the time. His dream? To coach at an upper echelon program to prove once and for all he was a big time coach and compete with the highest level teams and coaches. You’re going to see some serious play calling this season, mark my words.

Butch isn’t stupid. He knows that if he can turn a PPP (problem plagued program) around and back to winning consistently again, his stock goes into warp drive. No better place for all this to come into play than the UT. The UT will be forced to find serious bucks to keep him because suitors who come calling will be seeking to get him if they have to send dump trucks to unload cash onto his front lawn. Butch gets a lot more than VN realize when they use the refrain, “Butch Gets It.”

Based on all the above, the UT HC position isn’t just Butch’s dream job, it’s one heck of a dream. Told ya it was dangerous to ask me what I think. :salute:
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I think each fan base is going to say their's is the best...thus making it debatable.

I think there are things that UT does that are unrivaled as far as places I've been. The band's entrance into the stadium is VERY cool as is UT's pre-game. It is by far the best I've seen...although I like the one from the late 80s-90's better.

Yep... Our traditions are great. And Alabama, Georgia, Auburn, think theirs are too. That's the neatest thing about going to away games.
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I do think he was/is sincere when he says this is his dream job. I don't think, however, that Tennessee in particular was his dream job. I think that Tennessee fits the bill of a "dream job" for a football coach. Other schools would also fit the bill.

Having said that, once he landed this particular job, he embraced it fully and now Tennessee is his dream job.

I think that- in this regard- there is a real similarity between CBJ and CBP.

I keep thinking CBP also in how CBJ goes about treating his job at UT. I really think that he is such a players AND fans coach. Dooley was just weird to me. It always seemed like they let one of the professors of the University try out his hand at coaching. It just never seemed to "fit".
I believe in Coach Jones, Jones believes in Tennessee or he would be coaching somewhere else, look at the jobs he turned down before he excepted the Tennessee job.... COACH BUTCH JONES IS WHAT TENNESSEE & THE FAN BASE NEEDS, HE IS A FOOTBALL COACH :hi:
I think he's sincere. I just think he would have been sincere about a few places. And I'm not sure that really matters.

My definition of "dream job" is the one you always dreamed of having. That's why I was skeptical
No way Tennessee was his dream job, that he always wanted. What I think he meant was that this is one of the few gigs he considers a destination job. I do believe that he stays here as long as he does well, and as long as UT pays him well, if he does.

Simply put, Correctly stated :thumbsup:
Yep... Our traditions are great. And Alabama, Georgia, Auburn, think theirs are too. That's the neatest thing about going to away games.

I agree and that my original point to VG. I love going to away games to see another team's atmosphere.
Perhaps the sporting news ranking Neyland stadium as the best place to watch a college football game (citing tradition, scenery, and sheer awesomeness of the stadium) might have something to do with it. Keep on with your jaded outlook though. It suits you.

The Sporting News? When was this, 1997? In 1997, I would agree with you. The Backstreet Boys and the Spice Girls were also at the top of the charts then.

The Sporting News! :eek:lol:
best fan base in the SEC?

that's a sttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhh
Yes, many times. I didn't hear Kiffin or Dooley say it so what is your point?:whistling:

Google "Dooley dream job"

this is the first link:

Cleveland Daily Banner - Fans tradition make UT a dream job for Dooley

“No matter what was happening at the time, it is still the University of Tennessee. I grew up in this league (Southeastern Conference) and have been very fortunate to watch Tennessee as an outsider. I always admired the fan base, the passion the fans have, the tradition of winning, the great traditions they have at the program, the great coaches that have been a part of the program and the investment in the program to winning,” Dooley said. “You put all that together and it’s a dream job for any young coach, especially one who grew up in the SEC.”

boy that sounds familiar
Any job paying $3M is a dream job. :yes:

No kidding!

We all love the Vols but if another SEC team called me right now and offered me $3 Mill, I'd have to take it.

I hate cowbells, but for $3 Mill I'd have 2 of them.
My definition of "dream job" is the one you always dreamed of having. That's why I was skeptical

That was kinda my thought as well initially, and unless he grew up a Vols fan then that's probably not the case. I think it is more likely that he views UT as one of the top programs of all time, and that coaching at a place like this is his dream job.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
The Sporting News? When was this, 1997? In 1997, I would agree with you. The Backstreet Boys and the Spice Girls were also at the top of the charts then.

The Sporting News! :eek:lol:

Pulling the Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls card?...good thing you still have their posters on your wall...for reference purposes I'm sure
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I'm just shocked I tell ya. :crazy:

Yep. Just crazy.

Here's a good pic representing us as the best fan base in the SEC. Check out the loyalty:

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Pulling the Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls card?...good thing you still have their posters on your wall...for reference purposes I'm sure
Posted via VolNation Mobile


OK. That was funny.

I couldn't spell Chumbawamba (sp) but Tubthumping rocked as well!

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