Drivers in Tennessee will have immunity for hitting a protester

I think we all know how this bill is intended to work and I don’t think it’s proposal is a result of Q’s having a habit over the last four years or so of blocking roads, assaulting drivers, their vehicles and putting their lives at risk. But yes, if it becomes law, it should work from all sides. No one should be subjected to just having to sit there, be attacked by protesters out of fear that the law will not protect them if they believe they have to act to protect their own life or that of someone else.
So what happens when some Q loony tries to block a street, sees the driver is not going to stop, then Q opens fire on driver? No one is culpable in that situation?

Trade out Q for lib, same thing, I just find the Q scenario more likely in 2021 and forward in the state of TN.
Except that hasn’t really happened much whereas the BLM/Antifa rioters did this in dozens of cities last year
I think we all know how this bill is intended to work and I don’t think it’s proposal is a result of Q’s having a habit over the last four years or so of blocking roads, assaulting drivers, their vehicles and putting their lives at risk. But yes, if it becomes law, it should work from all sides. No one should be subjected to just having to sit there, be attacked by protesters out of fear that the law will not protect them if they believe they have to act to protect their own life or that of someone else.
I’m sorry, did you say something? I was distracted by your avi.
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When's the post time you saw Q followers blocking streets?

I mean, most have jobs, so, they don't have the time to perform such antics.
Uh, I did not see any coverage about Qs in the streets, but they were the most recent group to riot and several were identified and lost their jobs....
Except that hasn’t really happened much whereas the BLM/Antifa rioters did this in dozens of cities last year
You could actually give us some really good insight on a topic. So how would my hypothetical scenario play out in your opinion?

Or are you going to avoid answering the question again?
You could actually give us some really good insight on a topic. So how would my hypothetical scenario play out in your opinion?

Or are you going to avoid answering the question again?
In your scenario the protestor would be at fault for blocking the road but the driver still would have to use due caution and can’t intentionally hit the protestor. If the protester fires at a moving vehicle as he is breaking two laws, it’s not likely he will escape charges. Don’t know why simple law is so hard for some to grasp.
In your scenario the protestor would be at fault for blocking the road but the driver still would have to use due caution and can’t intentionally hit the protestor. If the protester fires at a moving vehicle as he is breaking two laws, it’s not likely he will escape charges. Don’t know why simple law is so hard for some to grasp.
I apologize, I'm 100% guilty of not reading the article and reacting to the headline. My mistake.
1 you should probably read the proposed law more closely.

2 if blocking the road becomes a felony use of force to "defend" oneself isn't going work.
Good call, did not read the article. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
So what happens when some Q loony tries to block a street, sees the driver is not going to stop, then Q opens fire on driver? No one is culpable in that situation?

Trade out Q for lib, same thing, I just find the Q scenario more likely in 2021 and forward in the state of TN.
Breaking the law is not an affirmative defense to claim self defense. There is already precedent in TN for that we’ve covered it here before

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