Drivers in Tennessee will have immunity for hitting a protester

But wait there’s more!
The bill also strengthens punishments on protesters. It would upgrade penalties for illegally blocking streets from a misdemeanor to a class E felony. That brings the maximum penalty from $500 to $3,000, and the person would lose their right to vote.

It’s almost like they’re trying to tell people they need to stay the hell outta the roadways. Crazy huh?
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Why? So people like you can call them racist for doing so? 😂

When they do racist s*it, they should be called on it. Apologist former mall cops like you who give them a pass on everything are disgusting.
When they do racist s*it, they should be called on it. Apologist former mall cops like you who give them a pass on everything are disgusting.
You think George Floyd, Michael Brown, etc are examples of actual racism? And I have called our law enforcement multiple times for actual issues. Not made up racism and hurt feelings for felons
But wait there’s more!

It’s almost like they’re trying to tell people they need to stay the hell outta the roadways. Crazy huh?
or they're taking it on themselves to further limit what is defined as a legal protest and increase the penalty for those who dare disagree with the govt
or they're taking it on themselves to further limit what is defined as a legal protest and increase the penalty for those who dare disagree with the govt

Or they’re protecting everyone else who don’t give a s**t about idiots walking in the streets over faux causes. “Hey look at me! I have to inconvenience you to show I matter!”
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Or they’re protecting everyone else who don’t give a s**t about idiots walking in the streets over faux causes. “Hey look at me! I have to inconvenience you to show I matter!”
Nope. Enjoy your expanding govt and shrinking liberty
or they're taking it on themselves to further limit what is defined as a legal protest and increase the penalty for those who dare disagree with the govt
No I’d say they’re trying to point out to people play stupid games win stupid prizes. It’s sad that they have to legislate the common sense point that “hey if you get ran over while threatening somebody it’s your own damn fault” 🤷‍♂️
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Blocking the freedom of others to move about freely is not a legitimate protest
To you. Are you saying a protest blocking the street has never been legitimate? Why do you get to now define that for others?
To you. Are you saying a protest blocking the street has never been legitimate? Why do you get to now define that for others?

Would it have been legitimate out of everyone’s way that doesn’t care?
To you. Are you saying a protest blocking the street has never been legitimate? Why do you get to now define that for others?
Because you are restricting the freedom of others to go home, get their kids, go to the hospital, go to school, go to work, etc. it’s wrong and illegal and anti American to do such. Protest all you want on sidewalks or other areas
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you're the one in favor of restricting constitutional rights

How many would you have mowed down in Selma?
I wouldnt have “mowed” down any because there were other road options for the very few automobiles that even were in that city at the time and they were basically on one way path. That is different from the antifa types who block interstates and multiple intersections then trap cars there. Including ambulances on their way to the hospital. If you support that as some misguided “freedom” then you are part of the problem
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If you're out blocking streets you are a criminal, regardless of what side you're on. BTW, I fully support the 1st Amendment and the right to peacefully protest. However, is a protest that's blocking major highways or interstates truly peaceful? Lives could be at stake.

What if there's an ambulance that needs to get a hospital? What if first responders need to get to a car accident? These are just a couple of scenarios and there are many more where that came from.

Edit: I support most of this bill.
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Hard to really disagree with this
This legislation would suppress protest by turning obstruction of traffic into a felony offense, robbing individuals of their right to vote if they are convicted of these new felony charges. It also offers immunity to drivers who run over protesters in the road and criminalizes speech that causes 'emotional distress' to or 'frightens' another person. This vague and troubling suppression of free speech can easily be abused, leading to the criminalization of protesters’ words and beliefs. As was demonstrated this past summer, the government does not need more tools to criminalize, abuse or potentially kill protesters.

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