Drivers in Tennessee will have immunity for hitting a protester

It was a f***ed up situation for sure but I can’t chalk any part of it up to racism. Was Arbery up to no good? Probably. We’re the guys that followed him a bit overzealous? Probably. Was Arbery wrong for confronting them and trying to disarm them? Yes.
Were they more wrong for arming themselves and hunting him down? Absolutely. They created the situation through their actions. Arbery reacted, in fear for his life.
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And the media who goes along with every false narrative in the world is equally disgusting. Jacob Blake was an armed rapist and the media told us “he was just a Good Samaritan breaking up a fight”.

And let’s not forget “hands up don’t shoot”.

Ahh yes, the ole' boogeyman media fallback.

It was a f***ed up situation for sure but I can’t chalk any part of it up to racism. Was Arbery up to no good? Probably. We’re the guys that followed him a bit overzealous? Probably. Was Arbery wrong for confronting them and trying to disarm them? Yes.

You can't?

Or won't?
Arbery was on camera trespassing. The men followed him and like other cases before Arbery felt the need to confront and attack the men. If you’re innocent why wouldn’t you just call the cops and say some peckerwoods are harassing you for no reason? If I’m not mistaken there’s a law in GA, or there was, that allows for citizen arrest. Regardless the guy wasn’t targeted simply for being black.
Ok Gomer
You can't?

Or won't?
You seem to really get hung up on racism. Mind sharing your experience that made you an emotionally fragile p##$y? If it involves a public restroom in a park or Airport though you can keep that private and leave it in your spank bank.
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Interesting. So to clarify your stance people downplaying what you consider to be an unjust killing=disgusting.

Media lying to create racial tension that then leads to deaths=yawn
When your only avenue to express your anger and rage at your own mistakes is posting on the internet, your logic is going to be heavily flawed.
Interesting. So to clarify your stance people downplaying what you consider to be an unjust killing=disgusting.

Media lying to create racial tension that then leads to deaths = yawn

Try to pay attention. People who give cops a pass=disgusting. And people who blame the media for convinience = yawn.

I wonder if hyperbole and misrepresentation are a cover for the fact you really just don't understand the argument.
You seem to really get hung up on racism. Mind sharing your experience that made you an emotionally fragile p##$y? If it involves a public restroom in a park or Airport though you can keep that private and leave it in your spank bank.

Aren't you adorable?
Try to pay attention. People who give cops a pass=disgusting. And people who blame the media for convinience = yawn.

I wonder if hyperbole and misrepresentation are a cover for the fact you really just don't understand the argument.

And the media false narratives have lead to deaths as well. Yet your response to that is “yawn”? Or did you intend on admitting that they’re to blame?
And the media false narratives have lead to deaths as well. Yet your response to that is “yawn”? Or did you intend on admitting that they’re to blame?

You attempting to blame "the media" for "narratives" that "lead to death" is exactly the kind of faceless boogeyman deflection I'm yawning about. So, yeah.
You know it. However I'd still pass on your offer to ride around in your late model VW bug convertible while drinking wine coolers.

Again with the extraordinarily detailed and well thought out things you have definitely not done before.

You attempting to blame "the media" for "narratives" that "lead to death" is exactly the kind of faceless boogeyman deflection I'm yawning about. So, yeah.

Yes. The media picks what to cover and what not to. Obviously not every police shooting makes cnn. So when they decide to run the objectively false narrative from the attorney of Jacob Blake that he was unarmed and breaking up a fight. And the riots break out and people die.

Or in Atlanta when a man used a taser on a cop and was shot. And then an 8 year old black girl gets shot and killed by blm protestors.

So the media is deciding to cover these. The same networks have anchors telling us black men are being murdered in the streets with immunity and that the police in this country are systemically racist.

Yes, the media deserves a lot of blame for flaming racial tensions for their own profit.
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Yes. The media picks what to cover and what not to. Obviously not every police shooting makes cnn. So when they decide to run the objectively false narrative from the attorney of Jacob Blake that he was unarmed and breaking up a fight. And the riots break out and people die.

Or in Atlanta when a man used a taser on a cop and was shot. And then an 8 year old black girl gets shot and killed by blm protestors.

So the media is deciding to cover these. The same networks have anchors telling us black men are being murdered in the streets with immunity and that the police in this country are systemically racist.

Yes, the media deserves a lot of blame for flaming racial tensions for their own profit.

Do you attribute the narrative shifting to malice? If so, to what end and what for what purpose? Or is the false narrative you're speaking of simply profit seeking through providing content to confirm bias?

Surely you wouldn't fault a business for providing a product or service where the customers are completely satisfied.

If the latter, who's really at fault for buying what's being offered?

Constantly blaming the media for everything that's bad is a cop-out, people are free to interpret and seek alternative views to balance the "narrative", few do.
I wouldnt have “mowed” down any because there were other road options for the very few automobiles that even were in that city at the time and they were basically on one way path. That is different from the antifa types who block interstates and multiple intersections then trap cars there. Including ambulances on their way to the hospital. If you support that as some misguided “freedom” then you are part of the problem
So you know that no one was "trapped" at Selma, no ambulances were interfered with?

Your point of availability doesnt help your cause. If it's ok to block roads because people could walk back then, why isnt it ok to block roads if people can walk now? Convenience?

I bet plenty of people were inconvenienced or hurt as collateral damage during the Revolutionary war. So saying its unAmerican fails at the most basic examination.
Were they more wrong for arming themselves and hunting him down? Absolutely. They created the situation through their actions. Arbery reacted, in fear for his life.

Yes, he was very reasonably in fear for his life.
Yes, it matters as much. Irrelevant as to this specific example. That you can't distinguish the two events is troubling, given your occupation and age
How so? The movement is BLACK lives matter. They seem to not care about a 14 year old black child that was killed by another black child in a driveby, but a black adult with a criminal history is killed by a white cop and it is martyr time. Black lives only matter when they are politically beneficial. And I can distinguish between the two quite well, and my occupation is a complete non sequitur and irrelevant.
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