Drivers in Tennessee will have immunity for hitting a protester

Not really, just that I actually have an understanding of law, but I guess a Leo is better than being a cancer 😂 and if you think brown and Floyd are examples of actual racism, well you aren’t very bright
Ironic coming from a cop
Not really, just that I actually have an understanding of law, but I guess a Leo is better than being a cancer 😂 and if you think brown and Floyd are examples of actual racism, well you aren’t very bright
True, but the guy down in Georgia who was chased down and shot was 100% racism
What made it racist?
Can I say with certainty it was racist? No, I cannot, because even though I doubt they hunt down a white man the same way, my conjecture isn't proof. Doesn't change the fact it's illegal behavior and those men should rot in jail. There was no reason for Ahmaud Arbery to die that day, no excuse for it, and no reason those ass holes should get away with it.
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When they do racist s*it, they should be called on it. Apologist former mall cops like you who give them a pass on everything are disgusting.

And the media who goes along with every false narrative in the world is equally disgusting. Jacob Blake was an armed rapist and the media told us “he was just a Good Samaritan breaking up a fight”.

And let’s not forget “hands up don’t shoot”.
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Isn't dozens of protestors surrounding a car meant to antagonize and intimidate those inside?

If protestors gather around a car and threaten the occupants, yes, that's a crime. I'm all for arresting them.

This bill is just a big nanny nanny boo boo, that's all.
Spend 2 minutes researching it and you will know

Arbery was on camera trespassing. The men followed him and like other cases before Arbery felt the need to confront and attack the men. If you’re innocent why wouldn’t you just call the cops and say some peckerwoods are harassing you for no reason? If I’m not mistaken there’s a law in GA, or there was, that allows for citizen arrest. Regardless the guy wasn’t targeted simply for being black.
Arbery was on camera trespassing. The men followed him and like other cases before Arbery felt the need to confront and attack the men. If you’re innocent why wouldn’t you just call the cops and say some peckerwoods are harassing you for no reason? If I’m not mistaken there’s a law in GA, or there was, that allows for citizen arrest. Regardless the guy wasn’t targeted simply for being black.
That's an oversimplification. Since when did trespassing become a crime that merits death? And that's ignoring that the men who hunted Arbery down weren't even the property owners. Why did they feel the need to take weapons? If they honestly feared for their lives, why even initiate the confrontation? Why not simply let the police handle it? And as I said before, can I say 100% race was a motivation? No, I cannot, but it doesn't stop me from doubting they treat a young white man differently. There was no legitimate reason Ahmaud Arbery gets killed that day. The men involved deserve to go to jail.
That's an oversimplification. Since when did trespassing become a crime that merits death? And that's ignoring that the men who hunted Arbery down weren't even the property owners. Why did they feel the need to take weapons? If they honestly feared for their lives, why even initiate the confrontation? Why not simply let the police handle it? And as I said before, can I say 100% race was a motivation? No, I cannot, but it doesn't stop me from doubting they treat a young white man differently. There was no legitimate reason Ahmaud Arbery gets killed that day. The men involved deserve to go to jail.

It was a f***ed up situation for sure but I can’t chalk any part of it up to racism. Was Arbery up to no good? Probably. We’re the guys that followed him a bit overzealous? Probably. Was Arbery wrong for confronting them and trying to disarm them? Yes.
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