DucksflyinPAC Answer[ed] Questions And/Or Refute[d] Ridiculous Claims

Thanks for saying that. I tried. And my intentions were always noble. But then Mr. Security guard-thinks he's a cop shows up and started inciting people and changing my thread titles to insite flaming towards me. And then little bison the butt kisser showed up, as he always does, whatever site I am on, anywhere in the world, always follows me around like a lost puppy, stalking me, and joins in. He likes to do that sort of thing, always has, always will. He craves the attention.

Earlier today it was going awesome... everyone was laughing, good thread, going well. Some negative Nancie's or envious Edwards joined in. Thread went all to hell. Oh well, that's what Security Guard junior Mod wanted for this thread and conversation all along... oh well.... life goes on...

But It's getting too old childish for me.......
(and look for Bison to jump right in, he always does, always will. He has done this more then I can count)

Never imagined it was possible for someone to be so butthurt about having a thread title changed. What a baby.

Anyway, vaya con Dios.
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Are you sure those are the stats of qbs that Oregon has faced?

ESPN numbers this is an interesting stat that scouts and coaches use....probably has not thrown much but I did see enough to know that containing him may be a viable option...

Answer is yes.....
Autzen really is a cute little stadium. I'd love to visit there sometime.
Well, what I am saying is kind of self-serving, I must admit that. I am saying you are playing flag football and wanting Oregon to play traditional football which they would most probably get their hat handed to them. However, it is a scheme that is attempting to distort what I believe football to be, maybe I am wrong, but either way I find it boring and cheap.

What you say about Chip Kelly getting more beef up front is true, he made a comment after the LSU game that "they don't grow them like that up there", referring to LSU's DL. And he was absolutely correct, what most fans don't understand out West is you need a whole 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string of trees to get through a typical SEC schedule. LSU has almost no seniors, why? because they are all in the NFL, but no rest for the wicked, we still need 3 strings of personnel to get through a season.

It's no disrespect to Oregon, but there is college football and then SEC football. There are teams that can beat the SEC teams on any given day, happens all the time, heck I think Clemson is a fine football team.... however, they already look beat to hell. Now imagine they have LSU, Bama and UF coming up in a row.

We are rotating two fronts every other series. Likewise, we're interspersing some threes when the game is on the line. I understand this from studying LSU. Benny Logan jumped off the screen in the cowboy classic and I was expecting him to be #4 in the rotation after Brockers, Downs, and Freak.

Oregon has gotten there, imo. I think our biggest problem this year will be getting depth at OG and making sure our RBs stay healthy. The defense is deeper than we've ever had it and by far.
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Like my first thread, check it out...

And btw, I do not give a rip if you are a Mod. If you want to ban me, here I am. Unlike Bison I do not kiss arse. Now Vercingertorix, you claim to have no motive for changing my thread titles(yet you just did it again) but yet, it illicites the exact responses from fellow Vols that you were hoping for all along. And guys come on here, without even reading hardly through any of my posts, many of them the same faulty and boring logic, and just jump right into attack mode. Gee, I wonder why. And you deleted my help thread as well... Hmmm, trying to cover something up from your fellow Mods?

If you are going to try and threaten me, to ban me, then quit being a pussy and just do it. It really is that simple. I could give a rip. If not, then quit your bluffing because I do not have time for immature childishness.

If you must know, many Tenn fans treated us very well and that was my motive for coming on here, not to mention learning about your team, interacting some ect... But you are a odd Mod. You are actually a immature one. Perhaps you are sweating for the upcoming Saturday, who knows. But if you are going to do it, man up and just do it. Threats are for children.

In Vercingertorix's defense, I started reading this thread and thought you to be a complete douche long before he changed the title. Hope my English doesn't make this post hard for you to read since it's just a football board and all. Talk until your blue in the face and the number of crystal footballs in your trophy case won't change!
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We are rotating two fronts every other series. Likewise, we interspersing some threes when the game is on the line. I understand this from studying LSU. Benny Logan jumped off the screen in the cowboy classic and I was expecting him to be #4 in the rotation after Brockers, Downs, and Freak.

Oregon has gotten there, imo. I think our biggest problem this year will be getting depth at OG and making sure our RBs stay healthy. The defense is deeper than we've ever had it and by far.

Pretty sure Actual Football Content is not allowed in this thread
Autzen really is a cute little stadium. I'd love to visit there sometime.
It really is nice, it's about like what you'll see at Tennessee Tech or Middle Tennessee State, save the airfare, drive over, and check it out!
We are rotating to fronts every other series. Likewise, we interspersing some threes when the game is on the line. Likewise, we are interspersing the threes when the game is on the line. I understand this from studying LSU. Benny Logan jumped off the screen in the cowboy classic and I was expecting him to be #4 in the rotation after Brockers, Downs, and Freak.

Oregon has gotten there, imo. I think our biggest problem this year will be getting depth at OG and making sure our RBs stay healthy. The defense is deeper than we've ever had it and by far.

If you don't have 6-8 guys on the DL that are not NFL caliber or practice squad caliber, you have basically close to zero chance of making it to the SEC championship game.

LSU has backups getting picked in the 3rd round NFL draft and beating Bama is still tough to say the least.

There are three things that separate the SEC from the rest.
1.) DL is NFL caliber across the board... bigger and bad to the bone
2.) Depth
3.) Teams are intense.... many injuries and hard hits... ask Missouri... SEC schedule is no joke even against easy opponents... I hate it when play Miss St.

It's not a disrespect to the West, it's a semi-pro league.
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Thanks for saying that. I tried. And my intentions were always noble. But then Mr. Security guard-thinks he's a cop shows up and started inciting people and changing my thread titles to insite flaming towards me. And then little bison the butt kisser showed up, as he always does, whatever site I am on, anywhere in the world, always follows me around like a lost puppy, stalking me, and joins in. He likes to do that sort of thing, always has, always will. He craves the attention.

Earlier today it was going awesome... everyone was laughing, good thread, going well. Some negative Nancie's or envious Edwards joined in. Thread went all to hell. Oh well, that's what Security Guard junior Mod wanted for this thread and conversation all along... oh well.... life goes on...

But It's getting too old childish for me.......
(and look for Bison to jump right in, he always does, always will. He has done this more then I can count)

Are you a drama a have a great team and think you are the beaters of the world when you should be humble until you become a dominant factor in college football.. Face it Oregon has always been the brides maid, the window dressing or the doormat to someone else's National Championship...
Are you a drama a have a great team and think you are the beaters of the world when you should be humble until you become a dominant factor in college football.. Face it Oregon has always been the brides maid, the window dressing or the doormat to someone else's National Championship...

I thought Florida fans were bad because they had only been relevant for 20 or so years. A least they have titles. Imagine how pompous the majority of Oregon's fan base will be IF THEY EVER WIN A TITLE.
If you don't have 6-8 guys on the DL that are not NFL caliber or practice squad caliber, you have basically close to zero chance of making it to the SEC championship game.

LSU has backups getting picked in the 3rd round NFL draft and beating Bama is still tough to say the least.

We'll have to see. Dion Jordan went 3rd in the draft I got laughed at for saying he was a Mingo clone to LSU fans. Buckner and Armstead are three and out guys as true sophmores. Hart is projected in the 3rd round (he got the most praise from LSU fans at the cowboy classic). Heimuli is playing his best football this year and finally healthy (an all American high school player that has played through high sprains, dislocated elbow, etc.). I have no way to gauge what Keliikipi will get drafted - definitely a scout player. Balducci is a true sophomore that had his redshirt pulled last year, so that bodes well. That's our three man front.

There's the potential but since we've never done that, can't say for sure.
Can someone please provide the scientific explanation of how our players will walk out of the stadium with their ears bleeding but Oregon's players will be just fine?
We'll have to see. Dion Jordan went 3rd in the draft I got laughed at for saying he was a Mingo clone to LSU fans. Buckner and Armstead are three and out guys as true sophmores. Hart is projected in the 3rd round (he got the most praise from LSU fans at the cowboy classic). Heimuli is playing his best football this year and finally healthy (an all American high school player that has played through high sprains, dislocated elbow, etc.). I have no way to gauge what Keliikipi will get drafted - definitely a scout player. Balducci is a true sophomore that had his redshirt pulled last year, so that bodes well. That's our three man front.

There's the potential but since we've never done that, can't say for sure.

A lot of people missed how good Jordan was.
I never got run off scraggly. For those that do not know this guy, he lives in my town, I met him. He has never played football, but pretends that he knows it well. And he is #1 Mr. Butt kisser one could meet. That is his M.O. on every board, any site, his M.O. He also likes to stir up trouble. He also is just a little small man with the classic M.O. I have met him in person. He is fake as dirt.

He knows VERY well, I never even remotely got run off of TD. I simply requested, on my own that they ban me. Their immature behavior just got old. And even after requesting all the top Adminds refused. Fact is, all my threads I ever created had the most pages by far more then any other. But that site got old and boring for me. But it can be addicting so I simply requested they actually remove and ban my account- so I would not be temped, which is actually a very common request at that site. Now Scruffy, Bison, as I call him, the guy who lives in my city, who I met once and bought a beer for and had dinner with, knows all this. As I said. He likes to stir up trouble. Nothing new...

If i were to leave this site, I could give a rip. Just this coming game is exciting to process and I have several friends and connections to Tennessee in some ways.

Just so you all know.... Make sure you all cover your butt well, cause Bison will work hard to kiss any arse and pretend he is hip. He is a nerd, classic loser that feels the need to pump himself up, classic small man syndrome... for what it's worth...

No, every time I drive into Portland I am worried about mowing over bicyclists. They think they own the damn road.


UT has the Vol Navy. Oregon should start The Bicycle Brigade. They could all meet at a coffee shop and then ride into Autzen together in a huge line.
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A lot of people missed how good Jordan was.

Chip Kelly announced his move from TE to DE and said he was a 1st round DE and he was buried on the TE depth chart. Kelly wasn't prone to hyperbole, so it was shocking. I never thought 3rd pick.

The buzz at camp is this is an elite SEC defensive front and we've had some analyst reiterate that. I am mostly excited about this game to see our front go against a formidable OL in Tennessee.

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