Durham, under pressure to wrap up Investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source

Let's use another scenario. We have several locked offices at our company. If you let someone in an office, then not only is the person that let you in the office in trouble but you are to since you knowingly entered an area where you shouldn't have been.

Durham not using inflammatory language makes this issue no less agregious. The Durham report is not final. It's clear it's slow and deliberate.
"It's clear it's slow and deliberate."

You are right. It is clear... but on February 12th, Fox News still published this article anyway :

Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia, Durham finds

^^^^ This is called a lie. ^^^^

Contrary to the false report by Fox News, which is linked up above, the most recent John Durham court filing did not allege that the 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign paid for information obtained through the authorized maintenance of servers by a cyber-security contractor (Neustar) at either Trump Tower or The White House.

Right-wing media has misrepresented the latest Durham court filing, in order to better suit a narrative, which serves their pro-Trump political agenda.

Imagine that.
"What-about-isms" are a natural part of conversation. The people that generally scream about it are the ones that don't want to have an honest, across the spectrum conversation on politics but would instead rather regurgitate the talking points of the party they have chosen allegiance to. But I won't mention any names.
You expect to have an "across the spectrum" discussion on an internet message board forum? That isn't practical in every post. Discussions should be focused and to the point.

Also, there is a fallacy to the "what-about-ism" debating tactic . It does not serve as a defense of misconduct, and therefore, it does not have to be "a natural part of conversation," as you claim. It definitely should not be a part of EVERY single conversation as you try to make it.
Durham adds to Spygate's chapter on Trump transition

by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter
February 23, 2022 07:00 AM

Special counsel John Durham's recent filing alleging that a Democratic-allied technology executive "exploited" White House internet traffic after the 2016 election appears to add to a growing list of instances in which former President Donald Trump and his team were targets of snooping during the presidential transition period following his surprise victory.

The fresh findings, which raise questions about just how involved former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her failed 2016 campaign were in pushing a narrative of Trump-Russia collusion, add more fuel to the so-called Spygate scandal in which it has been revealed that the FBI targeted Trump during his campaign into his presidency. That includes British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s discredited dossier being used to obtain warrants from the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court as well as the unmasking controversy involving retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, FBI leadership’s use of a Trump Tower transition team intelligence briefing to further its Trump-Russia investigation, and more.

The latest instance stems from the case focused on Michael Sussmann, a Democratic cybersecurity lawyer who was indicted last year for allegedly concealing his clients, including Clinton's campaign, from the FBI in September 2016 when he pushed claims of a secret backchannel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank. However, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz said in a 2019 report that the FBI "concluded by early February 2017 that there were no such links" between Trump and Alfa Bank.

Durham adds to Spygate's chapter on Trump transition
You don't consider that evidence that Trump mishandled classified documents? That's crazy. LOL.

The right-wing will put their double standard for Trump on full display concerning this matter. That's not a surprise.

No matter though. You can rest easy. Nothing will ever happen to Hills. She is safe until they bury her nasty ass.
.... and it's been another two weeks and right-wing media has seemingly abandoned this story, after initially hyping it as being "bigger than Watergate."

Did some of you get out over your skis just a bit on this a month ago ... maybe?
.... and it's been another two weeks and right-wing media has seemingly abandoned this story, after initially hyping it as being "bigger than Watergate."

Did some of you get out over your skis just a bit on this a month ago ... maybe?
Durham runs a tight ship so who knows. At the end of the day it keeps a high priced team of lawyers and investigators employed . Both sides love spinning up investigations for the short term publicity and we get the long term bill for services rendered with little to no results.
^^^ The problem with this story, is Fox News got a critical element wrong in the first report. ^^^

John Durham's court filing last month, DID NOT allege that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign paid Neustar for information uncovered during their authorized maintenance of servers at either Trump Tower or The White House. The headline in the Fox News link, posted by @NorthDallas40 up above, is a lie.

Rather than correct that error, Fox News has evidently decided to just drop the story altogether, which would be fine, if they hadn't already hyped it on their prime time opinion shows as being "bigger than Watergate." Fox News handled this story in exactly the same manner in which CNN handled the reporting of the Steele dossier, which Fox News hosts have been so critical of. More than simply being unprofessional, they look like hypocrites now.
^^^ The problem with this story, is Fox News got a critical element wrong in the first report. ^^^

John Durham's court filing last month, DID NOT allege that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign paid Neustar for information uncovered during their authorized maintenance of servers at either Trump Tower or The White House. The headline in the Fox News link, posted by @NorthDallas40 up above, is a lie.

Rather than correct that error, Fox News has evidently decided to just drop the story altogether, which would be fine, if they hadn't already hyped it on their prime time opinion shows as being "bigger than Watergate." Fox News handled this story in exactly the same manner in which CNN handled the reporting of the Steele dossier, which Fox News hosts have been so critical of. More than simply being unprofessional, they look like hypocrites now.
Lol! Her proxy most definitely did pay for it. Now twist and bend how that doesn’t mean a thing 🤡

Lol! Her proxy most definitely did pay for it. Now twist and bend how that doesn’t mean a thing 🤡

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You are missing the point. The John Durham court filing from last month DOES NOT allege that. Even if what you say is true, the Fox News headline is still a lie, and they know it. That is why they so suddenly dropped a story which they initially claimed was "bigger than Watergate."
Lol! Her proxy most definitely did pay for it. Now twist and bend how that doesn’t mean a thing 🤡

Meh, we now know much more of what they did but also know equally well that not a damn one of them will ever "pay" for it. Wouldnt stun me if Durham rode this gravy train out for another 2 years and in the end slap the hands of a few low to mid level henchmen. When Sandy Berger walks out of the national archives with yet unknown items and gets 100 hrs of community service, you KNOW that the only crime in Washington is to be out of power.
You are missing the point. The John Durham court filing from last month DOES NOT allege that. Even if what you say is true, the Fox News headline is still a lie, and they know it. That is why they so suddenly dropped a story which they initially claimed was "bigger than Watergate."
LMAO keep grasping at straws I won’t waste the forum space on the gif 😂
LMAO keep grasping at straws I won’t waste the forum space on the gif 😂
Grasping at straws? Pointing out a blatant lie in a headline, is grasping at straws? LOL.

You should stay... and keep making a big fool of yourself. You're so good at it.
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Grasping at straws? Pointing out a blatant lie in a headline, is grasping at straws? LOL.

You should stay... and keeping making a big fool of yourself. You're so good at it.
Would you prefer “unhealthy fixation on meaningless stupid ****”? Do you like that characterization better?

And that last sentence is gold Jerry pure gold 😂🤡
Well, it is pretty damning.
That is an article by Sean Hannity, who is running with a report from John Solomon. The last court filing by John Durham from February was clearly both misinterpreted and over-hyped by the opinion show hosts on Fox News, which would include Hannity.

If this latest filing is a "smoking gun", then why didn't Fox News let Sean Hannity post this article on their site... instead of his own personal site - which has considerably less traffic? That should tell you something right away. They know they blew it last time, and they are being more careful this time around.

The evidence involved in these types of reports never proves to be as "damning" as initially presented by the sources who approach the story with an agenda in mind.

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