Durham, under pressure to wrap up Investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source

Are we ever going to get to the part where we get to drag the charred bodies of some of these people thru the streets?
1) Did it involve a sitting President or a sitting Vice President? No.

2) Are you talking out of your a$$? Yes.

Just like Al Gore in January of 2001, Richard Nixon presided over the certification of his own electoral defeat in January of 1961. Even Nixon understood that a sitting Vice President does not have the power to overturn his own election loss. It seems that Donald Trump is in a class by himself when it comes to such stupidity.

Tech exec looked for Trump dirt on White House computers, says Durham

Special counsel Durham alleges Clinton campaign lawyer used data to raise suspicions about Trump - CNNPolitics

where’s lawgator and his “ only the right is covering this junk “ at ? Not only are both sides covering it , it says that he was spied on as a candidate and as a sitting President in the executive office .
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Tech exec looked for Trump dirt on White House computers, says Durham

Special counsel Durham alleges Clinton campaign lawyer used data to raise suspicions about Trump - CNNPolitics

where’s lawgator and his “ only the right is covering this junk “ at ? Not only are both sides covering it , it says that he was spied on as a candidate and as a sitting President in the executive office .
Let me clarify what I meant ...

These accusations of wrongdoing are only being made against Hillary Clinton and members of her 2016 Presidential Campaign. John Durham's accusations do not involve either Barack Obama or Joe Biden, or any current members of Congress, or anyone who is currently serving or who has ever served in the Biden Administration.

So, in other words .... Who the hell cares?

Do you really think anyone on the left gives a $hit about what happens to Hillary Clinton at this point? I don't. She is politically dead, and she has long since become a liability for Democrats anyway. Hell, lock her up in ADX Florence if you want to.
Let me clarify what I meant ...

These accusations of wrongdoing are only being made against Hillary Clinton and members of her 2016 Presidential Campaign. John Durham's accusations do not involve either Barack Obama or Joe Biden, or any current members of Congress, or anyone who is currently serving or who has ever served in the Biden Administration.

So, in other words .... Who the hell cares?

Do you really think anyone on the left gives a $hit about what happens to Hillary Clinton at this point? I don't. She is politically dead, and she has long since become a liability for Democrats anyway. Hell, lock her up in ADX Florence if you want to.

Do you really think Hillary could keep her mouth shut about the the team she had in place to spy on a Trump and not tell Anyone , or that someone that was as popular as Obama was in DC would not have known ? These are both speculations of course but I bet we would all speculate the exact same way .. if we were honest about it .We should all care that the executive office of a sitting President was compromised, regardless of who’s doing the spying . I also believe you would be screeching to the roof tops if Trump had lost to Hills and then found out he had spied on her during the campaign and while she was POTUS. Lol
Do you really think Hillary could keep her mouth shut about the the team she had in place to spy on a Trump and not tell Anyone , or that someone that was as popular as Obama was in DC would not have known ? These are both speculations of course but I bet we would all speculate the exact same way .. if we were honest about it .
I think you are reaching to make the story more relevant to Democrats, than what it appears to be (at least as of now). If it just involves Hillary Clinton and her 2016 Presidential Campaign, then it won't make much of a splash. It is fodder for Republicans, but there isn't any reason for Democrats to pay attention to it. Nobody cares about Hillary Clinton anymore.
Let me clarify what I meant ...

These accusations of wrongdoing are only being made against Hillary Clinton and members of her 2016 Presidential Campaign. John Durham's accusations do not involve either Barack Obama or Joe Biden, or any current members of Congress, or anyone who is currently serving or who has ever served in the Biden Administration.

So, in other words .... Who the hell cares?

Do you really think anyone on the left gives a $hit about what happens to Hillary Clinton at this point? I don't. She is politically dead, and she has long since become a liability for Democrats anyway. Hell, lock her up in ADX Florence if you want to.

Yes. Because if Hillary goes down it's unlikely she's going down alone. And for that reason, she won't go down. I'd say Hillary, Trump. and a whole lot of other politicians would currently be in jail if laws actually applied to politicians. But they rarely do.
I think you are reaching to make the story more relevant to Democrats, than what it appears to be (at least as of now). If it just involves Hillary Clinton and her 2016 Presidential Campaign, then it won't make much of a splash. It is fodder for Republicans, but there isn't any reason for Democrats to pay attention to it. Nobody cares about Hillary Clinton anymore.
Given her various positions within government, do you think it fair to say Hillary knows where the bodies are buried? I say that metaphorically, but it probably applies in the literal sense as well. Do you honestly believe she'd take the fall alone? But like I said, it's not going to happen. DC protects their own.
Yes. Because if Hillary goes down it's unlikely she's going down alone. And for that reason, she won't go down. I'd say Hillary, Trump. and a whole lot of other politicians would currently be in jail if laws actually applied to politicians. But they rarely do.
If Durham's allegations ever do extend to the Obama White House from 2016, then that would be a game changer, but as of right now, that isn't the case. Fox News and the Republican Party want liberals to care about Hillary being in trouble again ... but we don't.
If Durham's allegations ever do extend to the Obama White House from 2016, then that would be a game changer, but as of right now, that isn't the case. Fox News and the Republican Party want liberals to care about Hillary being in trouble again ... but we don't.
YOU don't. I bet people with actual power in the Democratic Party do.
Given her various positions within government, do you think it fair to say Hillary knows where the bodies are buried? I say that metaphorically, but it probably applies in the literal sense as well. Do you honestly believe she'd take the fall alone? But like I said, it's not going to happen. DC protects their own.
This isn't her first rodeo. She never has to "take the fall."
This isn't her first rodeo. She never has to "take the fall."
Exactly what I've been saying. It doesn't matter that she has broken laws. She's not going to face any jail time. She's protected. Top Dems will never allow her to be in jeopardy. Just not going to happen.
Some of these folks like Jake Sullivan might not go before congress until the Republicans win the House back. The democrats might be better served if they bring Sullivan in like they want to get to the bottom of it. That may not matter if Sullivan is found like many(edited) others to be a co-conspirator. I wonder how many people involved in this are now part of the Biden administration.

Btw, where are these leftist intelligence folks now like Brennan, Clapper, Comey, etc? I thought they had gigs on MSNBC and CNN as purveyors of thought and truth.
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If Durham's allegations ever do extend to the Obama White House from 2016, then that would be a game changer, but as of right now, that isn't the case. Fox News and the Republican Party want liberals to care about Hillary being in trouble again ... but we don't.

We need to know exactly what the allegations are. Technically, that is. Specificity. As is, it's hard to tell from that filing what he's saying they did, ie did they mine data from the net, did they collect what is otherwose public record or accessible, or did they actually breach a security system ?

Too much speculation right now. Not enough fact.
We need to know exactly what the allegations are. Technically, that is. Specificity. As is, it's hard to tell from that filing what he's saying they did, ie did they mine data from the net, did they collect what is otherwose public record or accessible, or did they actually breach a security system ?

Too much speculation right now. Not enough fact.
I can't really see you posting this:

"Did Trump really collude with the Russians to influence the election? Did the Russians simply act alone? Do we really know the document, the Steele Dossier, used to secure federal warrants was legitimate or just something fabricated? We need to know more before we jump to conclusions. "
Oops. Are we going to have an investigation on the ineptitude of the Durham Investigation?

Let me clarify what I meant ...

These accusations of wrongdoing are only being made against Hillary Clinton and members of her 2016 Presidential Campaign. John Durham's accusations do not involve either Barack Obama or Joe Biden, or any current members of Congress, or anyone who is currently serving or who has ever served in the Biden Administration.

So, in other words .... Who the hell cares?

Do you really think anyone on the left gives a $hit about what happens to Hillary Clinton at this point? I don't. She is politically dead, and she has long since become a liability for Democrats anyway. Hell, lock her up in ADX Florence if you want to.

It does include Jake Sullivan
Oops. Are we going to have an investigation on the ineptitude of the Durham Investigation?

You mean the defendant disagrees with the prosecution? Staggering.

Trump wasn't yet POTUS so yes it came from the Obama era. One question remains is whether it continued after Trump was elected. We know other surveillance did.

The big picture is this is one more piece of the puzzle showing one political opponent manufactured this and fed information to Intel agencies (friendly to them) to damage a candidate and eventually elected official. I guess I'm not shocked that tribalism trumps principles and the result is "so what?"
We need to know exactly what the allegations are. Technically, that is. Specificity. As is, it's hard to tell from that filing what he's saying they did, ie did they mine data from the net, did they collect what is otherwose public record or accessible, or did they actually breach a security system ?

Too much speculation right now. Not enough fact.

Either way - this is yet another link of the Clinton campaign manufacturing a "scandal". It has been disastrous for the country.
Hillary Clinton dodges questions about Durham probe developments

Clinton ignores reporter's questions when confronted in NYC

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to answer questions as to whether or not her presidential campaign spied on former President Donald Trump.

"Did you pay to spy on the Trump campaign," Hillary was asked by a Daily Mail reporter in New York City on Tuesday. "When are you going to comment on the spying allegations, Hillary?"


Clinton declined to answer both questions as she simply waved at the reporter while continuing to walk inside a building.


Clinton's lack of comment comes after special counsel John Durham’s Feb. 11 filing alleging that lawyers from Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign in 2016 had paid to infiltrate servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to federal government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia.

Durham alleged in the filing that Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent as part of the special counsel’s investigation, brought Trump-Russia allegations — which Durham said "relied, in part" on the "traffic" that had been "assembled" from the servers — to the FBI and a second government agency, which has since been identified as the CIA.

Hillary Clinton dodges questions about Durham probe developments
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