The crowd on hand for trivia night gets a little dumber every week. I feel your pain.Almost choked a couple at the Brewery last night. Not only did this guy's girlfriend knock over a full beer into the foosball table and spill most of whatever she had in her hand at any given time on the floor, but somehow managed to knock my mug into the floor.
Thankfully, the folks at the brewery gave me a refill. This act of kindness may have saved that wretch and her boyfriend who, while laughing, chucked out a "soooorrriiiieeeyyyy" at me after I gave them the universal "what in the hell is wrong with you?" look.
I don't know about everyone else, but you don't act like that at dtgb. Drink your beer like you're somebody.
It's still great, just the occasional outbreak of idiocy. That's the price an establishment pays for being popular. The more folks that come through the door, the better the chance of some morons entering.Is DTGB no longer a classy joint? That was one of my favorite haunts a few years ago. Haven't been by in three years or so.
It's still great, just the occasional outbreak of idiocy. That's the price an establishment pays for being popular. The more folks that come through the door, the better the chance of some morons entering.