eBook readers

Really wish SI would go to the Nook Color. I thought the new Android deal might get it but as of now it appears to be no luck.....
After finding this thread, it got me to reading and checking out the options. Because of some weird eye problems (brain, too), I haven't been able to read books for quite a while. Eyes wouldn't stay focused, hard to read the print on some pages, print too small, light not exactly right, etc. So, my needs were just a way to be able to read again. I decided on the Kindle and took it for a test drive/read. I bought one a few days ago and it has solved my particular problem. I can actually read again. It's great. Small compact, thin and very light. It's b/w, but that doesn't matter to me. Not worth it to me to spend and additional $$200-300 for color. I got the 3G which has wireless internet access. The built in browser is IE, unfortunately. But, fine with me since I won't be using the internet on it all that much. It hold (they say) 3500 books. There have many that are free or $ .99. I've download about 15 so far. Got a lot of classic Twain, Steinbeck, Poe, Dickens, etc. for free or $ .99. Got some old '40's-'50's science fiction for free, too. You need a light source of some kind for reading. Just like a real book. All the books I've downloaded are searchable through various options. Also, all have an interactive table of contents. Anyway, I'm very satisfied with my purchase. For those who love actual books, the feel, the pages, the smell the turning of the pages, etc., you might not like this gizmo. But, it's nice to grab when I head out for an appointment or something where I anticipate some wait. I have many options for reading in a very compact unit.
Amazon's Kindle E-Books Outselling Paper Books - Desktops and Notebooks - News & Reviews - eWeek.com

Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) is claiming that Kindle e-books are outselling hardcover and paperback print books on its Website.

“We had high hopes that this would happen eventually, but we never imagined it would happen this quickly—we’ve been selling print books for 15 years and Kindle books for less than four years,” Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, wrote in a May 19 statement. He also claimed that the Kindle is the bestselling e-reader in the world, although his company has never released sales numbers for the device.
i know this is a completely stupid question, but can ya'll tell me how these things actually work? i've always seen about kindle and nook i think it is, but i was thinking of getting my dad one for father's day. do you just enter ur CC info and then purchase books that way, is it limited to where you can get books from. i guess i'm just really dumb about it
i know this is a completely stupid question, but can ya'll tell me how these things actually work? i've always seen about kindle and nook i think it is, but i was thinking of getting my dad one for father's day. do you just enter ur CC info and then purchase books that way, is it limited to where you can get books from. i guess i'm just really dumb about it

Pretty much, you buy the books from Amazon or upload other reading materials.

Best library manager I've found is Calibre: calibre - E-book management

I thought I would hate it when I received my Kindle wi-fi as a gift... I absolutely love it, especially if you travel for business, it lightens the load quite a bit.
I have the Kindle and really like it. Kat, as noted above, I just browse the e-books at Amazon. The purchase goes just like a normal purchase and the file is sent to the Kindle. Amazon has a ton of free books and you order them the same way. Most all the classics are free or $.98 or so. Click to order, follow through, no payment and sent to your Kindle. Amazon has a deal on the base Kindle right now for $114. Not sure what the specifics are. Also, if you want to look at one and try it out before purchase, you can do it at Staples or Target. I bought mine at Staples after playing with it for a bit. Other stores may carry them. Same price at Staples and Target as at Amazon.
I'll probably pull the trigger and get myself one for my birthday.

As far as web surfing capabilities, from reading this it seems the Color is the only one that has that, or is it just alot better than the nook or kindle?

From everything I've gathered I think i'll go with the nook, but am still a lil hesitant to decide.
Does anyone know if you can connect a Color Nook to a external hard drive (ie CD/DVD player) via a USB port?
I love the idea of these, but have resisted cause I love physical books and owning a physical library. I think my in-laws are getting one for my wife this Christmas and that will allow me to get the benefit while maintaining my retro edge.
I'm gonna end up spending a lot of money on this thing

The 2 best tips I can tell you about Kindle:
Go here: Amazon Best Sellers: Best Kindle eBooks
Then Top 100 Free. I find TONS of books here for free.
Go here: Amazon Best Sellers: Best Kindle eBooks, Then click on discussions. I go to 2 threads every day. 1 is the monthly informal poll-What Are You Reading on your Kindle- there is a new thread every month.
Also Discounted / Price Dropped Kindle Books
I find so many recommendations and price drops on books here. You can save soooo much money here.
Good Luck and enjoy!

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