EJECTION !! The Penalty For 'Targeting' Hits

It is comforting to know that this new rule in going to be implemented by the always consistent SEC officiating crews. I am sure this will not affect the outcome of any games.
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In the 70's, the best athlete on the field was 5'10" and 175 pounds and ran a 4.8. Today, guys 6'4" and 260 run 4.4's and run right you looking to pancake you.

oh, i understand.

look, this stuff ticks me off because i am old enough now to understand that everything is political. which is why i do follow politics. damn near everything has a political angle to it.

well, this is no different. i named activities earlier that have resulted in death and no one cares. even if i ignored those activities that were actual jobs, there are others i did not list. riding a horse and snow skiing cause more fatalities than football.

so, why football? why do we gnash our teeth over football? why does no one have a problem with a 15 year old doing evil knievel stuff with a motorcycle, but we are freaking out over football? why is no one looking to ban skydiving, but football has to be transformed? how about cheerleading? there have been serious cheerleading injuries. 42 cheerleaders died from cheerleading activities from 1982 through 2007. no one cares.

i believe i have the answer to my question. i won't go there because this is not a political forum. we could debate about it, but this much i know for sure. it's political.
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Bottom line: the outcome of games will be affected by this rule.

Clean hits will get players ejected, and dirty hits will still go unnoticed, or unpunished.

Much like the NFL, college football is slowly becoming an "offense only" league.

We're only a few short steps away from Arena Football.

Go Vols.
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In the 70's, the best athlete on the field was 5'10" and 175 pounds and ran a 4.8. Today, guys 6'4" and 260 run 4.4's and run right you looking to pancake you.

Its all relative. We have 6-6 240 wr's and similar, and sometimes larger, qb's.
With these types of rule changes it seems only inevitable that we will begin to see the equivalent of the "flop" in basketball. Offensive players will begin to lower their heads, or position themselves such that it appears the defensive player "targeted them".
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Ugh. Sarcastaball here we come.


Grow up.

If someone doesn't step in and do something officially to remove targeting hits to the head, then we are going to have, with no doubt, a player death. DEAD. Right there in front of millions, DEAD. Carting off the corpse.

Kewl, right? :eek:hmy::mf_surrender:

Are you serious?

That just isn't true and frankly will never happen.

I have done various martial arts for over 15 years. I have been knocked out (completely) three times. I have no brain trauma and my life has never been in danger as a result of these activities.

99.99% of football players go through entire careers without being hit so hard that their head snaps hard enough to lose consciousness. But even the ones that have, are fine.

I don't think you understand the issue. With helmets, it is a virtual impossibility that someone get hit in the head with enough force to kill someone. The neck is a different issue altogether. But hits that break the neck are never in "standard" position, and will not be affected by this rule.

The repeated hits to the head causing repeated concussions is what people are worried about.

The idea of a death from head trauma is ludicrous. When there is a knockout on evey play come talk to be about it.
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Grow up.

If someone doesn't step in and do something officially to remove targeting hits to the head, then we are going to have, with no doubt, a player death. DEAD. Right there in front of millions, DEAD. Carting off the corpse.

Kewl, right? :eek:hmy::mf_surrender:

This could potentially change football in a terrible way. Sure the kids have a hazard of getting concussions or worse, but in my whole 25 years of watching football, I've never saw a player die from a hit. Could it happen? Yes. But the players sign up to play and that's just many risks of it.

Grow up? I didn't make fun of you for spelling your name wrong or anything. I just expressed my opinion. Don't get so butthurt.
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:banghead2:Flag football flag football flag football its a damn joke, the game we all love and they are fixing to fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff it up, i believe in playing the game safe but roger screwed the nfl up and its coming on down to the college game, oh im pissed and not a damn thing we can do about it.:banghead2:
This is such crap. So if a 6'2 safety crushes a 5'8 WR above the shoulders because he can't get lower than the much shorter guy he's ejected? BS. What about breaking up bang-bang catches? This is a terrible rule change.
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This is such crap. So if a 6'2 safety crushes a 5'8 WR above the shoulders because he can't get lower than the much shorter guy he's ejected? BS. What about breaking up bang-bang catches? This is a terrible rule change.

I promise the safety can lower his head and body enough on that hit; the human body's easily capable of that feat.

Are there even 5'8 wide receivers?
I promise the safety can lower his head and body enough on that hit; the human body's easily capable of that feat.

Are there even 5'8 wide receivers?

Tavon Austin. First WR taken in the draft. I'm pretty sure it's easier for the guy who is 6 inches shorter to get lower than the 6'2 guy. That's just me though. You missing the logic there?
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Tavon Austin. First WR taken in the draft. I'm pretty sure it's easier for the guy who is 6 inches shorter to get lower than the 6'2 guy. That's just me though. You missing the logic there?

No, it just seemed an odd height to pick for a WR; I was under the impression of that being low end on the average range.

But that's beside the point; that safety could still get to the proper height to not make that a helmet to helmet (unless he just really wants to injure the kid or is lazy)

What you're getting at kind of sounds similar to the people who - when helmet to helmet started becoming penalized - were saying players were going to consistantly miss tackles because they'd be hesitating before each hit, all so worried about getting a penalty, and the ball carrier would be gone.
In my lifetime, college football will cease to exist. Lawsuits and rule changes will drive viewers away from watching games. The sport will wither and die. The only way to prevent this is to do away with the NCAA.
In my lifetime, college football will cease to exist. Lawsuits and rule changes will drive viewers away from watching games. The sport will wither and die. The only way to prevent this is to do away with the NCAA.

I'm not sure getting rid of the NCAA would really stop the lawsuits...
This is great for teams with good player depth. If Clowney gets ejected, I see USCe defense vaporizing, especially with all new LBs this year.

So we need to recruit extra big hit players such as LB, Safety, etc. And put 3rd stringers on Special Teams.
I read in the paper today about this....anyway they broke down some of the language in the rule book. One type of hit was "thrusting". So can a player be penalized and called out over the entire stadium for "thrusting" another player?
Grow up.

If someone doesn't step in and do something officially to remove targeting hits to the head, then we are going to have, with no doubt, a player death. DEAD. Right there in front of millions, DEAD. Carting off the corpse.

Kewl, right? :eek:hmy::mf_surrender:

You're being an extremist here. The number of people that have actually died from a hit in football is extremely extremely low. If the objective was to try to eliminate the possibility of death from sports, then there would be no sports. Period. 99gator said it right, every single sport offers its slim chances of death. Theres no way to eliminate the chances without eliminating the sport. I can understand the penalties for targeting hits but ejection is a little extreme to me.
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I promise the safety can lower his head and body enough on that hit; the human body's easily capable of that feat.

Are there even 5'8 wide receivers?

In football ur taught to get lower thatn the other...no way in hell that safety can get lower than a wr 6 inches shorter...the wr isnt gonna stand straight up.and wait on.the contact
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Lets penalize for blocked shots in basketball too. Someone might get theor eye poked or break a finger.

No thats crazy right? Its part of the game.

So is hitting a part of football.

Afraid of getting hit while catching a ball?

Dont play
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Let's all just stay in bed all day. It's safer there. :crazy:

Maybe they should just start playing the game on a video screen. Not only would that promote safety but it would allow just about anybody a shot at making it to the next level. I am tired of seeing only the most gifted, dedicated athletes rewarded.

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