EJECTION !! The Penalty For 'Targeting' Hits

im just going to go ahead and say i think this will get called a ton for like a month until it costs some big team (hopefully alabama) a game because theyre missing great players in the secondary and then it wont get called again...at least that is what i hope is that they realize the stupidity but this obviously wont happen until it is too late

This is gonna hurt the Tennessee's of the CFB world more than the Alabama's. They have 5-stars playing 2nd team so its not going to hurt them that bad.
Who amongst you is ready to admit that having players unprotected from targeting hits is really about their fantasy of our football youth being 'warriors' who most necessarily must expose themselves to death to quell the primal urges of bloodlust and war?

Who? You? You?

Whose got the 'nads?

C'mon tough guys, let's see who really has the cajoles.
Of course, but we're guaranteed a frustrating adjustment period, and then, no matter where they set the line, there are going to be plenty of grey area calls that could have outcome determinative effects. This will also be frustrating.

Yep, best get ready to be frustrated.

Not that I don't care about the safety of these kids first, mind you. It's just going to take a generation to get used to this whole concept, IMHO.

Might well.

Eventually the. Players will adjust, and we'll just go on enjoying a slightly different sport. There's nothing wrong with that, except for the great frustration that will occur in the interim.

It's worth it.
They are destroying the game.

I can see that. Billions of $$$$ the schools, networks, etc etc etc don't need. Or want.

Half of the game is won when the receiver is afraid to go over the middle.
The other half is won pre-game when the better team screams and shouts and jumps up and down the best.

This is terrible news. This is football.
Maybe we should rename it headball or deathball or warball...or warble.


Let's get the blood on!! Where's the DEATH?

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I don't disagree with the intent of this rule, but enforcing it will be tough.

To suggest that Clowney would be ejected for his tackle on the kid from Michigan if it happened this season is nonsense.

No hit on any Michigan player like that should ever be flagged.
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I can see that. Billions of $$$$ the schools, networks, etc etc etc don't need. Or want.

The other half is won pre-game when the better team screams and shouts and jumps up and down the best.

Maybe we should rename it headball or deathball or warball...or warble.


Let's get the blood on!! Where's the DEATH?


Perhaps pansies like yourself shouldn't watch. Football is a violent game, it's a high contact sport. The players know the risks they take every time they buckle up their chin strap.
They are basically tying the db's hands behind their back. Absolute rubbish.

How about some of the blame go on the qb's shoulders when they lead a wr into getting destroyed.
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im just going to go ahead and say i think this will get called a ton for like a month until it costs some big team (hopefully alabama) a game because theyre missing great players in the secondary and then it wont get called again...at least that is what i hope is that they realize the stupidity but this obviously wont happen until it is too late

Bama has the depth that ejections won't matter as much. If Clowney or AJ get ejected, it affects USCe & TN much more than if a 3 deep defense like AL, LSU or FL takes a hit. The only thing they have to overcome is a possible change in momentum.
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I can see that. Billions of $$$$ the schools, networks, etc etc etc don't need. Or want.

The other half is won pre-game when the better team screams and shouts and jumps up and down the best.

Maybe we should rename it headball or deathball or warball...or warble.


Let's get the blood on!! Where's the DEATH?


clearly, you must know how many players have died from being hit in football so I'm interested to know. To my knowledge, more players have died from summer heat in practice, maybe football should be a strictly winter time sport? Of course then, all the northern teams would have to worry about frost bite.
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Who amongst you is ready to admit that having players unprotected from targeting hits is really about their fantasy of our football youth being 'warriors' who most necessarily must expose themselves to death to quell the primal urges of bloodlust and war?

Who? You? You?

Whose got the 'nads?

C'mon tough guys, let's see who really has the cajoles.

yeah, i'll admit it. we're human beings. deal with it.

there's a reason people creep by a car accident on the highway and "rubbberneck". it isn't to see if everyone involved is ok. they want to see hwo cool the crash was. how jacked up the car is.

when we watch boxing, we want to see knockouts. we want to see people pummel one another. we don't want to see people jab and dance around the ring.

my anger with all this is (1) pretending we are above that, (2) determining which things are ok and which aren't on a whim (3) the people making the decision and (4) why. if people were concerned about death, we could go after equestrian before football.

so, again, let's look at auto racing. people participate in an activity that kills people yearly. far more people have died on racetracks than from football related injuries.

but, that's ok. it's ok to die on a racetrack. unless it's a famous driver like dale earnhardt, then we freak out for a while. but, otherwise, no one cares.

but, football players getting injured. we can't have that.

and these rule changes aren't going to change anything but the game.

rules have been changed to protect the qb. intentional grounding is basically legal and you pretty much are no longer allowed to hit the qb. yet, half the qb's in the league are injured during the year. there is nothing to suggest that anything they have done to protect qb's have actually protected qb's.

if we were concerned about death in football, we would focus on people playing the game not having heart conditions as the leading cause of death has been from heart related problems while on the practice field in the summer.

but, those deaths aren't from a violent hit. so, that's ok. it's ok to die during two a days.
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Holy crap! You mean rec league and high school coaches are actually going to have to teach kids to TACKLE properly?

What IS the world coming to?

There is absolutely no reason on God's Green Earth to leave your feet to make a tackle. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen some highlight reel junkie (Teddy "Big" Gaines comes to mind) try to knock down a ball carrier rather than WRAP HIM UP AND PUT HIM ON THE GROUND.

It's like shooting free throws: a game winning fundamental that nobody seems to teach anymore.
This is bs, next they won't be able to go low either because of what happened to Lattimore. You'll have a "strike zone" for tackling and if you're outside of it, bam outta the game.
I don't disagree with the intent of this rule, but enforcing it will be tough.

To suggest that Clowney would be ejected for his tackle on the kid from Michigan if it happened this season is nonsense.

Agree completely. There needs to be some consideration for the angle of the hit and the awareness of the runner. Ostensibly, a tackler could be ejected if he happens to get the best of a runner's attempt to run him over.
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This is bs, next they won't be able to go low either because of what happened to Lattimore. You'll have a "strike zone" for tackling and if you're outside of it, bam outta the game.

That's the other thing some people don't see.

This isn't the end of this. There will be more stuff to follow which will slowly but surely completely change the game into something radically different from what it is/was.
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I just don't get it. All jobs are dangerous. If you get hurt you get compensated in the work place. But normal people don't make millions. You know the risk playing this sport. the people in charge should say: If you wish to participate in the sport, you do so knowing there is risk of injury. We will continue to research safer equipment but cannot garuntee a injury free game.
I know someone else has already made this observation, but at this rate, in 20 years, they'll be playing two hand touch below the waist, and if the ball carrier happens to fall down on the "touch", the the toucher gets ejected.

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I just don't get it. All jobs are dangerous. If you get hurt you get compensated in the work place. But normal people don't make millions. You know the risk playing this sport. the people in charge should say: If you wish to participate in the sport, you do so knowing there is risk of injury. We will continue to research safer equipment but cannot garuntee a injury free game.

If the players were actually paid, I might listen to that argument.
I know someone else has already made this observation, but at this rate, in 20 years, they'll be playing two hand touch below the waist, and if the ball carrier happens to fall down on the "touch", the the toucher gets ejected.


I've said it before . . . People always freak out when football tries to get safer and then they forget why they were mad within a few months.

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