Electric Vehicles

As many homeowners resort to diesel-gen backup (diesel-type), it is then absolutely acceptable for the owners of that remote mini elect-pump to do the same (regardless of what efforts manly-men will undertake to poke fun) ;

On a larger scale (regarding lies and fact checking), the topic of false reports brings us to another terribly, terribly bad lie, and to point out the importance of the church as being the truthful fact checkers that still stands today to tell the truth :

Matthew 28
11Now while they were on their way, some of the men from the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests all that had happened. 12And when they had assembled with the elders and consulted together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, 13and said, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came at night and stole Him while we were asleep.’ 14And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will appease him and [e]keep you out of trouble.”

15And they took the money and did as they had been instructed; and this story was widely spread among the Jews and is to this day.

Ephesians 3
8To me, the very least of all [e]saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, 9and to [f]enlighten all people as to what the plan of the mystery is which for ages has been hidden in God, who created all things;

10 so that the multifaceted wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.

11This was in accordance with the [g]eternal purpose which He [h]carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord, 12in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith [j]in Him.

^ 3:10 absolutely
addresses anyone who desires to speak against Christ's new testament church and spread the false accusation described as "replacement theology" (but, respond if you'd like).
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Irate family called Police on Jennifer Granholm's team for Blocking Charging Station Spot For Her Electric Car​

Energy secretary's staff parked non-electric car in charging spot due to shortage of stations in Georgia town: Report​

Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm had a rocky electric vehicle tour that included a confrontation with a family who called the police on her staff over a charging station standoff.

Granholm’s staff got into a tiff with an unhappy family earlier this summer after her team tried to hold an electric vehicle charging spot by parking a gas car there, according to an NPR story from Sunday headlined, "Electric cars have a road trip problem, even for the secretary of energy."

The four-day trip from North Carolina to Tennessee was "intended to draw attention to the billions of dollars the White House is pouring into green energy and clean cars."

Just got a notice this morning that Tesla opened it's 50,000th supercharging station Sept 1st.
Yep Tesla is ahead of the power curve on total chargers. Now how many of those are Level 2’s vs DCFC? Supercharging would imply that they all are that would be quite the accomplishment. I did miss that word or first read if it really means DCFC

ETA I googled it. 50,000 world wide but still a major accomplishment for them.

This says a little under 29k DCFC chargers total in the US with the majority concentrated in CA

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Gonna need several million considering there are about 1.5 million gas pumps
Probably 3 times as many needed as time is 3 times longer at minimim
Good luck with all the 230V service required everywhere
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Gonna need several million considering there are about 1.5 million gas pumps
Probably 3 times as many needed as time is 3 times longer at minimim
Good luck with all the 230V service required everywhere

stations: pumps ; connectors

Analysts say that Tesla’s North American Charging Standard (NACS) connector and cord are much lighter and easier to handle

experts say it appears Tesla is on its way to becoming the industrywide standard.

Tesla has about 17,000 Supercharger stations in the U.S. There are about 54,000 public charging stations in the U.S., according to the Department of Energy, but many charge much more slowly than the Tesla stations.

Updated 12:54 PM CDT, September 7, 2023

House passes bill that would Ban state limits on selling gas-powered vehicles​

The House passed a bill banning states from implementing laws that would ban or limit the sale of gas-powered vehicles, marking Republicans' latest efforts to stymie Democrats' environmental agenda.

Lawmakers voted 222-190 to pass the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act, which would amend federal law to block state attempts to eliminate the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines as well as prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from issuing waivers that ban such sales. The bill passed largely along party lines, with Republicans pushing to impede Democratic efforts to replace gas-powered cars with electric vehicles to cut down on emissions.

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Ford CEO: We Won’t Give Workers Pay Increases that Keep Us ‘from Investing in This Transition to EVs’​

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” Ford President and CEO Jim Farley stated that he’s not opposed to giving workers pay increases, “But if it prevents us from investing in this transition to EVs and in future products like the ones we have now like a new F-150,” they won’t do that because they’ll go bankrupt.


UAW strike: General Motors CEO Mary Barra assures strikers electric vehicle transition won't harm jobs​

General Motors CEO Mary Barra assured striking workers the transition to electric vehicles would not harm or replace their jobs.

The transition to electric vehicles is one of the primary underlying problems in the UAW strike, as the Biden administration pushes for the transition.


UAW strike: General Motors CEO Mary Barra assures strikers electric vehicle transition won't harm jobs​

General Motors CEO Mary Barra assured striking workers the transition to electric vehicles would not harm or replace their jobs.

The transition to electric vehicles is one of the primary underlying problems in the UAW strike, as the Biden administration pushes for the transition.

How could she say that with a straight face? Takes a lot fewer jobs to make an electric motor than a ICE, transmission is virtually zero labor in comparison, no hydraulic for power steering, GM workforce would be 2/3 or less

'Our Tesla insurance is DOUBLE what we pay for our gas car!' Married couple is shocked to discover high cost of covering electric vehicles - so why DO insurers penalize eco-drivers?​

But there are other reasons EV insurance costs may never come down, and those relate to the way electric cars are made and the technology that goes into them.

'When they're damaged, the cost of repair is higher,' she said. Since electric cars have fewer components, when one does fail its more expensive to replace. That means insurers may prefer writing off a car over repairing it.

'If an electric vehicle is involved in a car crash, the likelihood of it being declared totaled is sometimes greater than a gas-powered vehicle because the cost of that battery can be half the price of the car,' she said. 'That's where the cost comes in.'

According to data from The Zebra, the average cost of insurance for a Tesla is $3,000 per year, well above the national average.

'I have reservations about their data practices when it comes to privacy and everything they monitor in the car and how that could be weaponized against you,' he said. 'I would shy away from doing business with them on those grounds.'

Tesla insurance policy holders can be penalized for accelerating too fast, passing too close to other vehicles, and even driving after 10pm. In California, although the insurance service does exist, state privacy laws prevent the collection of real-time driving data to determine premiums.


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