Electric Vehicles

British to Be Forced to Drive Electric​


LONDON - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has rejected appeals from the Conservative Party to extend the deadline for requiring all new car sales in the UK to be electric by 2030. The Tories say the goal is impossible to meet. Government ministers, who have embraced the "climate change" faith and are supported by virtually all UK media, which refuse to interview scientists who take a different view, are also sticking by tough interim targets for electric vehicles, reports The London Times.

Charging stations remain a problem, along with battery life. One cabbie said he is afraid to turn on the air conditioner during summer for fear he will run out of electricity before his workday is done. Another told me he has a good deal at a car park that includes a charging station which he uses for an overnight top-off. Few others have such an option. What about lengthy road trips or emergencies when the car battery is depleted?

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Looks really nice. Funny story about cars and electronic controls. Yesterday I got in the car to head out to a doctor's appointment. Haven't driven much lately especially with the work in the yard ... turned the key and the starter just clattered. No problem; I'll just roll the car out of the garage and pop the clutch or hook up the charger. EXCEPT with the battery problem, the electric parking brake wouldn't release. I have maybe a foot on either side of the car in the garage and virtually nothing in front of the car, but I did manage to pop the hood which has the pneumatic struts. Got the hood open, battery charger connected, and the car started immediately ... has been doing fine starting every time I've driven it the last couple of days.

Message is that the battery is dying and isn't going to start reliably if the car sits more than a week ... so new battery time (will be the second in twelve years). The thing is all the electrical and electronic gadgets are nice (probably including the gull wing doors on that Delorean) ... as long as there are no battery hiccups.

Green Inferno: Tesla Model 3 Engulfed in Flames After Hitting Debris on New Jersey Road​


A 2022 Tesla Model 3 reportedly caught fire and was completely destroyed in Newark, New Jersey, last week after the electric vehicle struck debris on the road.

The electric vehicle started issuing warnings that there was a critical problem shortly after the Tesla hit an object on the road, at which point the driver then pulled over, called authorities, and exited the vehicle before the battery pack started smoking and later erupted in flames, according to a report by InsideEVs.

The outlet noted that the Tesla fire in New Jersey was reminiscent of a vulnerability the EV had when it first launched, in which “multiple vehicles went on fire after striking road debris,” sparking an investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).


Green Inferno: Tesla Model 3 Engulfed in Flames After Hitting Debris on New Jersey Road​

View attachment 581243

A 2022 Tesla Model 3 reportedly caught fire and was completely destroyed in Newark, New Jersey, last week after the electric vehicle struck debris on the road.

The electric vehicle started issuing warnings that there was a critical problem shortly after the Tesla hit an object on the road, at which point the driver then pulled over, called authorities, and exited the vehicle before the battery pack started smoking and later erupted in flames, according to a report by InsideEVs.

The outlet noted that the Tesla fire in New Jersey was reminiscent of a vulnerability the EV had when it first launched, in which “multiple vehicles went on fire after striking road debris,” sparking an investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

And people make fun of me for having owned a Pinto ... I know I drove it at least fifteen years without ever getting toasty.



Eh a Tesla fan club forum probably isn’t the best Iocation to get your defense. A few posts in it produced this gem.

When people say diesel trains, it turns out the diesel is used to run a generator for the train's electric motors.

It doesn't sound intuitive because why not burn the diesel to run the train engines directly instead of going through the hoops of making electricity first to run the train's motors?

It turns out that going through the hoops to run an electric motor is still more efficient than directly burning fuel to run an engine.

One gallon of fuel to go through the hoops generates more miles on the road for EV while that same gallon to burn inside the engine would generate fewer miles for the road.

No that isn’t why locomotives are diesel electric.

If a diesel generator is present it’s likely to provide backup/surge power to ensure Elon’s marquis charging Mecca is always available to his faithful. As it would be bad press for it to be down.

And I read long reply claiming click bait. It was a non answer answer. The generator if available is there to power “everything” also.
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“I discovered that Tesla’s battery swap station was not in fact being made available to owners who regularly drove between California’s two largest cities,” Niedermeyer wrote in a May 2022 exposé for Slate. “Instead, the company was running diesel generators to power additional Superchargers (the kind that take 30 to 60 minutes to recharge a battery) to handle the holiday rush, their exhaust mingling with the unmistakable smell of bulls—t.”

“I discovered that Tesla’s battery swap station was not in fact being made available to owners who regularly drove between California’s two largest cities,” Niedermeyer wrote in a May 2022 exposé for Slate. “Instead, the company was running diesel generators to power additional Superchargers (the kind that take 30 to 60 minutes to recharge a battery) to handle the holiday rush, their exhaust mingling with the unmistakable smell of bulls—t.”

The point is that this was recycled from a 2015 article when there was a period they used the diesel engine for three months as they switched out batteries/power sources.

No one is claiming the original powering of a charging station is going to be 100 pct pure, at least not for some time. But it's better and cheaper than simple fossil fuel generated power for each vehicle.

Next, you'll point out that, for now, Tesla manufacturing plants are also not pure. And you'd be right. But you're setting an impossible standard.

This is essentially classic straw man. You pretend that the argument is that EVs have no carbon footprint and then mock the one they have, despite it being a fraction of a gas powered vehicle.

No one is claiming EVs are perfect so when you show they are not, and glibly smirk, it means nothing over the long haul.
The point is that this was recycled from a 2015 article when there was a period they used the diesel engine for three months as they switched out batteries/power sources.

No one is claiming the original powering of a charging station is going to be 100 pct pure, at least not for some time. But it's better and cheaper than simple fossil fuel generated power for each vehicle.

Next, you'll point out that, for now, Tesla manufacturing plants are also not pure. And you'd be right. But you're setting an impossible standard.

This is essentially classic straw man. You pretend that the argument is that EVs have no carbon footprint and then mock the one they have, despite it being a fraction of a gas powered vehicle.

No one is claiming EVs are perfect so when you show they are not, and glibly smirk, it means nothing over the long haul.
What if I told you I had pictures, of Elon Musk paying Rudolph Diesel, to piss on him? Would you believe that? Nah of course not. No one is that dumb.

“I discovered that Tesla’s battery swap station was not in fact being made available to owners who regularly drove between California’s two largest cities,” Niedermeyer wrote in a May 2022 exposé for Slate. “Instead, the company was running diesel generators to power additional Superchargers (the kind that take 30 to 60 minutes to recharge a battery) to handle the holiday rush, their exhaust mingling with the unmistakable smell of bulls—t.”

You back up your first article by quoting the article that’s already quoted in it?

Diesel generators are everywhere. They kick in when the grid goes down.
The point is that this was recycled from a 2015 article when there was a period they used the diesel engine for three months as they switched out batteries/power sources.

No one is claiming the original powering of a charging station is going to be 100 pct pure, at least not for some time. But it's better and cheaper than simple fossil fuel generated power for each vehicle.

Next, you'll point out that, for now, Tesla manufacturing plants are also not pure. And you'd be right. But you're setting an impossible standard.

This is essentially classic straw man. You pretend that the argument is that EVs have no carbon footprint and then mock the one they have, despite it being a fraction of a gas powered vehicle.

No one is claiming EVs are perfect so when you show they are not, and glibly smirk, it means nothing over the long haul.
impossible standard? that is the 2035 goal for you nutcases. learn to love it.
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The point is that this was recycled from a 2015 article when there was a period they used the diesel engine for three months as they switched out batteries/power sources.

No one is claiming the original powering of a charging station is going to be 100 pct pure, at least not for some time. But it's better and cheaper than simple fossil fuel generated power for each vehicle.

Next, you'll point out that, for now, Tesla manufacturing plants are also not pure. And you'd be right. But you're setting an impossible standard.

This is essentially classic straw man. You pretend that the argument is that EVs have no carbon footprint and then mock the one they have, despite it being a fraction of a gas powered vehicle.

No one is claiming EVs are perfect so when you show they are not, and glibly smirk, it means nothing over the long haul.
EV’s are currently so good that the federal government has to bribe people to buy them. Additionally you have state governments offering a helping hand by mandating the cessation of selling gasoline powered vehicles after a certain date.

No they aren’t perfect. Far from it based on how people have to be bribed to buy them and even have their competitors removed from the consideration pool

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