If we suddenly, over the next 10 years switched to plug in electric, our grid would crash. It's a mathematical equation, it not speculation. We're 50-100 years away from being able to provide the extra needed electricity to charge those vehicles and that's if we continue to use fossil fuels to generate that electricity. Do people even remember the rolling blackouts a few months ago? We can't provide for our current (that word works doubly well here) needs let alone the addition of millions of EVs. It's the equivalent of forcing people to purchase a mode of transportation that runs on a fuel that doesn't exist.
This is being done in the name of saving the planet and all it does is cause more damage to the environment. Reminds me of switching to plastic bags in the 80s all for the environment.
And I'll add, this is less about saving the planet, it's about government control. Government loves the idea of being able to "turn you off" for whatever reason they feel justifies it.