Let's look at this alleged "trend"-Here are the locations of the schools for Heisman winners since '86:
'86-Miami, FL
'87-South Bend, IN
'88-Stillwater, OK-Media Mecca.
'89-Houston, TX
'90-Provo, UT-Hugely influential media center.
'91-Ann Arbor, MI
'92-Miami, FL
'93-Tallahassee, FL-Another media center.
'94-Boulder, Co-Isn't that America's sports media center?
'95-Columbus, OH
'96-Gainesville, FL- Comparable to New York in influence.
'97-Ann Arbor, MI
'98-Austin, TX
'99-Madison, WI-Huge media center. America couldn't get information if it weren't for Mad Town.
'00-Tallahassee-Again, a dominant media center.
'01-Lincoln, NE-Gigantic national media presence.
'02-Los Angeles, CA
'03-Norman, OK-Isn't CNN based there?
'04- Los Angeles, CA
'05- Los Angeles, CA