ESPN segment on Tyler Bray

Having now had the chance to view the entire program, I must say, in the strongest possible terms, that whoever was responsible for editing this snippet (Gruden's QB Camp: Tyler Bray - ESPN Video - ESPN) really gave ammunition to the "ESPN hates Tennessee" crowd; he/she absolutely selected excerpts which gave the worst possible impression of Bray.

Gruden was very fair and even in his analysis, unlike the editor who pieced together this film clip. Like so many of us, Gruden marveled at Bray's physical talent but pointed out the obvious need for more work on the mental side of the quarterback position, specifically mastering his progressions and playing with consistency and discipline. Incidentally, if you take Bray's comments at face value, he didn't even know what Tennessee's colors were prior to our recruitment of him, but he was captivated by the game-day experience. It was somewhat reminiscent of Heath Shuler's initial reaction to UT. Gruden also was very complimentary of Tennessee and made it a point of emphasis to note how much coaching at the University of Tennessee meant to him personally and in terms of his career.

Grudens QB show isn't a fluff piece. He tries to point out what the QB being featured needs to work on. I'm pretty sure Gruden picks out the clips. Either way they showed an equal mix of good and bad. As you mentioned Grudens analysis was fair and spot on (imo) in fact Tyler seemed to even lose focus half way through the show.
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I completely agree. The 30-minute program was very fair and thorough in terms of Gruden's critique of Tyler's strengths and weaknesses. The 2 1/2 minute video clip, however, created a far different impression, and one much more negative, than the program as a whole. Therein lies the editorial selectivity which, in my opinion, misrepresented Gruden's perspective.
I really enjoyed the show. Bray is extremely talented.

Gruden did a great job of showing where his weakness is.
It must suck sitting in front of Gruden realizing most complaints about him at Tennessee are shared by Gruden.
Actually Tyler was right about that over the middle throw. He put air under it and gave the safety time to react on it. Otherwise, if he had thrown a frozen rope, it would have been a TD. The WR had beat his man enough to stick it in there. Bray was already committed to the throw before his check down ever got clear of the LOS.

Same thing with the criticism for him smoking Amerson on that pass play to ZRo. Bray was told to attack him, and jump on him early. So, he's supposed to see Rodgers get on top of his man, and instead wait for Hunter to clear traffic? WTH, Gruden? Ain't you got anything better than that to biatch about?
Let me guess. Austen Carter-Samuels, QB from that storied traditional football power Vaginabilt, will be drafted in the 1st rd one day and will be a multiple pro bowl hall of famer..... How many superbowls you got him winning?

Samuels has yet to start A game in the SEC much less the NFL. I think he will do well this year but I don't know for sure. Vandy has the best reciever duo in the country and A talented back field in my opinion. Samuels will have every oppurtunity to put up good numbers. He has A good attitude and puts in the extra practice time it takes to be an elite player. In some ways I think he's an upgrade from Jordan Rodgers.
Actually Tyler was right about that over the middle throw. He put air under it and gave the safety time to react on it. Otherwise, if he had thrown a frozen rope, it would have been a TD. The WR had beat his man enough to stick it in there. Bray was already committed to the throw before his check down ever got clear of the LOS.

Same thing with the criticism for him smoking Amerson on that pass play to ZRo. Bray was told to attack him, and jump on him early. So, he's supposed to see Rodgers get on top of his man, and instead wait for Hunter to clear traffic? WTH, Gruden? Ain't you got anything better than that to biatch about?

His point was lost with you. Let me try, throw the ball to a wide open player instead of throwing into double coverage against the best secondary in the nation. If you make a mistake with double coverage, then it's picked like he did. A mistake with the check down, is an incompletion. That was his point. Btw, Lane had nobody near him for ten to fifteen yards so he wasn't just open he was wide, run for days open.

Let me guess, the only football you played was Madden.
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His point was lost with you. Let me try, throw the ball to a wide open player instead of throwing into double coverage against the best secondary in the nation. If you make a mistake with double coverage, then it's picked like he did. A mistake with the check down, is an incompletion. That was his point. Btw, Lane had nobody near him for ten to fifteen yards so he wasn't just open he was wide, run for days open.

Let me guess, the only football you played was Madden.
You don't know what the funk you're talking about. The receiver he threw to wasn't double-covered when he let the ball go. The safety was loitering between Hunter and the inside WR. He was waiting to jump either route. Pig was on a LB. Chaney would have told Bray to take that matchup all day long. Pig beat his man and was running toward the middle of the field AWAY FROM THE SAFETY.
Bray made two mistakes on the play, and it had nothing to do with progressions. He failed to look off the safety, and he put air under the ball gave him time to move into position to make a play on the ball.

If Bray takes just a second to look toward Hunter and then put some heat on that pass more toward the center of the field, that is a touchdown.

As for the check down....dufuss, go back and watch the tape again. Where is the check down when the ball is released? That's what I thought. Now sit down and STFU.


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It must suck sitting in front of Gruden realizing most complaints about him at Tennessee are shared by Gruden.
It must suck for you by not having near the ability or level of play to play like Tyler.. Ty will be in the NFL and you will be just left to type comments and criticize. Did you see the other QB's that were on the show? Gruden was hard on all of them. I thought Bray came out looking good. He criticized him some but also praised him some.
You don't know what the funk you're talking about. The receiver he threw to wasn't double-covered when he let the ball go. The safety was loitering between Hunter and the inside WR. He was waiting to jump either route. Pig was on a LB. Chaney would have told Bray to take that matchup all day long. Pig beat his man and was running toward the middle of the field AWAY FROM THE SAFETY.
Bray made two mistakes on the play, and it had nothing to do with progressions. He failed to look off the safety, and he put air under the ball gave him time to move into position to make a play on the ball.

If Bray takes just a second to look toward Hunter and then put some heat on that pass more toward the center of the field, that is a touchdown.

As for the check down....dufuss, go back and watch the tape again. Where is the check down when the ball is released? That's what I thought. Now sit down and STFU.

Hahahahaha, Tyler is that you?

I guess Gruden is an idiot too man. The guy just has a Superbowl ring, what's he know right? You are agreeing with Tyler Bray, you know that right? The same Tyler Bray that said in response to the question, what team do you struggle with, "the whole SEC." You are agreeing with the guy who won a SEC game last year.

Lastly, you are proving my theory that all of your football experience has come from Mr. Madden's football game. You don't understand what double coverage is. If two players are in the area then its double coverage. Also, its called baiting if you are a safety. You can bait a qb into thinking that you are out if position but your 4.3 speed allows you to recover. It's called recovery speed chief. You see really good DBs have recovery speed and I realize that our 4.7 safeties have prolly dulled your Madden learned football senses. UTs safeties have lacked recovery speed, but Bama's have plenty. Gruden even pointed that out to our boy wonder but he like you reply with I should throw it harder. His vision should have seen that the entire defense was dropping deep and he should have hit the check down. You picture proves my point chief. Lane is wide open. You must not remember Deon Grant, cause he baited qbs and was fast and tall that he could chase down whatever a qb threw. But you're still in high school so you don't know any better.

Lastly, if he should have thrown it harder, then why didn't he? That seems to happen a lot with Bray in big moments. He seems to never do what he should when the game was on the line. Want another example, South Carolina. I got the last word and I'm out. I'm done with you so enjoy your life. Yell up and tell your mom and dad hi for me.
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I thought Gruden was spot on with his praise and criticism. My thought while watching this segment was how good could Bray have been with a great coach who kept him accountable. Imagine how much smarter Bray would be with Cutclife as his coach.

This segment really showed how much more he has to learn and mature. Maturity would allow him to check down instead of forcing a throw into double coverage.

Also found it very insightful on the last play of the USCe game when Clowney sacked Bray and caused a fumble. Bray didn't recognize he should check to a different play and resulted in the sack. At the time everyone blamed Tiny but Bray was equally at fault for not changing the play and it forced him to hold the ball longer. Loved Grudens response when Bray said Clowney hadn't done anything all game, Gruden - did you see him eat two Michigan players... LOL

I still think he has a ton of potential if he matures and becomes a student of the game.
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You don't know what the funk you're talking about. The receiver he threw to wasn't double-covered when he let the ball go. The safety was loitering between Hunter and the inside WR. He was waiting to jump either route. Pig was on a LB. Chaney would have told Bray to take that matchup all day long. Pig beat his man and was running toward the middle of the field AWAY FROM THE SAFETY.
Bray made two mistakes on the play, and it had nothing to do with progressions. He failed to look off the safety, and he put air under the ball gave him time to move into position to make a play on the ball.

If Bray takes just a second to look toward Hunter and then put some heat on that pass more toward the center of the field, that is a touchdown.

As for the check down....dufuss, go back and watch the tape again. Where is the check down when the ball is released? That's what I thought. Now sit down and STFU.

If u look at that pic, when pig makes his cut that's an easy TD if he throws it on a line, which is what he was saying. And Gruden agreed to an extent by saying what pretty much means shoulda, coulda, woulda.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
If u look at that pic, when pig makes his cut that's an easy TD if he throws it on a line, which is what he was saying. And Gruden agreed to an extent by saying what pretty much means shoulda, coulda, woulda.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Some of you guys are really twisting the facts to defend Bray. Throwing it harder would not have helped. His responsibility was to take the checkdown.
Some of you guys are really twisting the facts to defend Bray. Throwing it harder would not have helped. His responsibility was to take the checkdown.

It's really easy after the fact to look at film and point to the check down.
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It's really easy after the fact to look at film and point to the check down.

It's also easy to point out that Bray wasn't really pressured, yet he still didn't make it past his first two reads, both of whom were triple covered, and both of whom had helped clear out the middle of the field.
It's really easy after the fact to look at film and point to the check down.

What do you mean it's easy after the fact to pin point the check down. That's his job to know that crap. It's not hind sight, it should have been foresight. I can't believe that I am agreeing with Bama crapeater either.
As for the check down....dufuss, go back and watch the tape again. Where is the check down when the ball is released? That's what I thought. Now sit down and STFU.

The pic you posted only shows 9 vol players. So either rhe checkdown was out of the frame or this is "classic Dooley" where we had the wrong number of players on the field
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Naturally after all this bashing he's taking from us and ESPN, he'll end up as the next Tom Brady and have a better career than any of us would care to see.
It must suck for you by not having near the ability or level of play to play like Tyler.. Ty will be in the NFL and you will be just left to type comments and criticize. Did you see the other QB's that were on the show? Gruden was hard on all of them. I thought Bray came out looking good. He criticized him some but also praised him some.

Hahahahaha. Seriously? That's your argument? Grow up Peter Pan. There are less than 100 NFL QBs and millions of fans. There is nothing in my statement that criticized Bray. Tennessee fans, as a whole, complained about the same weaknesses of Bray. Gruden reiterated them and I just said it must suck to hear someone, deemed an expert in his craft, say the same thing.

Your response is that of someone who doesn't know **** and only resorts to points that implies a message board is pointless. And here we are. On a message board.
You don't know what the funk you're talking about. The receiver he threw to wasn't double-covered when he let the ball go. The safety was loitering between Hunter and the inside WR. He was waiting to jump either route. Pig was on a LB. Chaney would have told Bray to take that matchup all day long. Pig beat his man and was running toward the middle of the field AWAY FROM THE SAFETY.
Bray made two mistakes on the play, and it had nothing to do with progressions. He failed to look off the safety, and he put air under the ball gave him time to move into position to make a play on the ball.

If Bray takes just a second to look toward Hunter and then put some heat on that pass more toward the center of the field, that is a touchdown.

As for the check down....dufuss, go back and watch the tape again. Where is the check down when the ball is released? That's what I thought. Now sit down and STFU.

There was a guy wide open in the flat iirc.
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If u look at that pic, when pig makes his cut that's an easy TD if he throws it on a line, which is what he was saying. And Gruden agreed to an extent by saying what pretty much means shoulda, coulda, woulda.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Revisionist are fun aren't they? You just disregard that 5 star safety that's lurking don't you?

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