With that said...some issues I have with what u r saying makes me want to ask u...wouldn't u have "quit" recruiting half season??
I would love to think "no" but unless you stand in those turf shoes you really don't know what you'd do. Many here have no appreciation for that level of stress. They just don't have the life experiences or perhaps a mentor that prepared them for what is almost bound to come in every life with any significance.
U r in the rebuilding field in a sense if iirc from a post a long time ago...do u really think 2.5 yrs is enough time? Especially in such a highly regulated industry like CFB??
Yes. Not because it "should be" but because it "has" to be.
The program is still bigger than the coach. Yes he had the confidence to take on a dumpster fire. I know some want to "support" the current guy whoever it is... but IMO Dooley inherited a worse situation than Jones in several ways. Some of the infrastructure that Jones has used well and improved was started by Dooley (VFL for instance). But the fact is, UT can NEVER afford a coach on a hot seat for very long. Not Fulmer. Not Dooley. Not Jones. UT's dependence on out of state players precludes it.
People like to bash him on his losing record as a HC, but both of his gigs were short lived and both big rebuilds. Not gigs like what Meyer or Sumlin tend to walk into as examples.
You know I don't condemn him and am not afraid of the childish namecalling and hate by association. It was a long shot gamble for Dooley but he took it. With his resume, he was getting a shot at a premier program. He got his shot. He failed (granted against difficult odds). He was fired. Now we move on in search of "the right guy".
Some folks are delusional and can't seem to put things in the perspective of how it generally goes with these types of things. I supported Fulmer getting extra time before getting canned because once you are on the coaching carousel... you never really know when you'll get off. Programs almost always go through a few coaches between good ones.
I've been reading this thread for the last 4 days or so, and finally just finished it. And I agree with u that we should win 6-8 games next year including a bowl game. I really found it interesting that throughout this thread one could just change Jones for Dooley and Dooley for Kiffen(mixed in with Fulmer from time to time), and we could be back in the '11 offseason. I find it to be hypocritical, and major memory loss by many jilted lovers. The same people that will go crazy if after this year CBJ wins 4-5 games, and if they lose to KY or something. They build themselves up so high that if there's a stumble the fall is so hard. That's why I believe we r in no way like LSU or Bama where we should look at the schedule as a season whole, but game by game as they come up. Who knows what's going to happen come Mizzou...half our team could be hurt or vice versa. I want to see close well fought games. Not surprising that only one person in this long thread stated that, and compared it to the '12 season. Cause that's what was wanted, and we got that.
Agree. But barring inordinate injuries, UT should beat Mizzou. Mizzou has much bigger problems right now than UT does. I don't want to even think about how this board would be if the best returning WR UT had was a guy on the level of Bud Sasser.
Another thing I found interesting is how people like to say how bad Dooley's players are, but can't accept the possibility that CBJ couldn't use the players he had.
I take a lot of heat for pointing that out.
Other thing I've noticed u do a lot is blaming Dooley for hiring Sunseri. Was it proven that that hire was totally on him or was it pushed on him?? The switch to the 3-4 was his demise, but if he hadn't signed DMc he may not have done it.
I think it was DD's decision to move to the 3-4. He began to recruit in a way that made you think he was changing before Sal was in the picture. It was a terrible mistake. There aren't that many players out there who are both elite talents and suited to play the 3-4. He wasn't getting many of them then made the change anyway.
Sal may have been forced on him. But the biggest mistake was going to the 3-4 to start with.
My issue is that so many people act like jilted lover as if Dooley purposely made the move to hurt the program. Or act as if it was a stupid move and that there was a huge backlash about making the change when announced. It may have not been a stupid move if it was given time, and people knew it could have issues at first. But we'll never know.
It was stupid. It was not malicious. But it WAS a decision that belongs to the HC. He owns it for good or ill... just like Jones' decision to start Peterman. I respect both guys for taking that big of a swing. Neither worked out... and there are consequences.
Jones may have left a UF win on the table. That could eventually weigh into him being let go. Dooley's decision was far more significant... and did contribute to him losing his job. Running the 4-3 with Wilcox, he probably has a 9-10 win season in '12 and the adoration of many of his biggest haters here.
I said it a while back, and oddly enough oregonvol (we've hashed it out a lot) believes the same thing, but if we end up needing to get another coach down the road Hart will need to go too.
I frankly don't believe Hart chooses head football coaches... or Hamilton either. "Money" makes those decisions. He may do the work. I don't think he makes the decision. But... he will likely be the fall guy.
I will always believe theat the Gruden Fiasco cost the Vols 1-2 games in '12. That's what I care about. If he would have come out in support and eased Dooley in '12 he would have went bowling imo, and that wouldn't have fit Hart's agenda imo.
That requires alot more speculation than I am willing to engage in.
At the end of the day imo I think CBJ gets that extra 4th year cause Hart hired him, and even if he doesn't deserve it he'll give it to him. I'm sure their will be reasons like no money for the payout, etc.
Again, I don't think that decision would be Hart's if it comes to that point.
CBJ needs to show progress w/o fail, and at this pt 5 wins isn't that. IMHO Dooley walked into a way different and more difficult situation than CBJ. CBJs situation isn't a cake walk by any means, but not as bad.
Obviously, I agree.
I won't be happy with 5 wins only, but can swallow it with close games. Same I said with Dooley going into '12, and I believe he met that.
Disagree on both. Dooley's '11 SHOULD have put him on a hot seat. He was rightly fired for his performance in
'12. It was his failures, not Hart's, that allowed the Gruden talk. A 5-7 season this year should land Jones on a hot seat needing a very good year next year to hang on.
It won't make me feel comfortable if we get 5 wins, cause I agree it will hurt recruiting. He had the luxury of being able to sign 35, and a boat load of legacies this past year. That's a CFB HCs wet dream, and an anomaly more than the norm. The 35 signing allows for so much more leeway when juggling recruits than having to stay in the low 20s. Something Dooley had to do. I don't think he took early commitments cause of the need to not have to take one away in case it was needed. Has the combo of being able to sign 35 and the high # of talented legacies ever happen for any team?? I can't remember ever seeing it.
Jones is a better recruiter than Dooley was. If Jones fails, the next coach will have a better talent foundation to start with. I believe you are going too far in making excuses on this one. Dooley was not the salesman that Jones is.
6-8 games is a must for CBJ to survive imo. Not for me to think he's a good coach or not, but for him to build confidence in all involved....players, fans, recruits, and :fingerscrossed: Hart too. I want what's best for UT, and that's it.
His odds will be very long unless he improves W/L. Not impossible but very difficult.
I have stated incorrectly that it would take 21 wins to guarantee a 4th year. I believe that total is actually 18 or 19. IMO, if he wins only 5 this year then his minimum next fall is 8-9 wins. I don't think improving to 6 or 7 in year three will save him... nor should it.