Even More Obamacare Follies

If this is the case, why did I receive a refund on my health insurance this year?

Because the commie bastards that wrote this law put a mandate in it that stated .85 out of every dollar the insurance company takes in must be applied to claims payments. If not, they get hit with a penalty and you get a refund.

Think about that for a minute.... .85 of every dollar on claims.... That leaves .15 to pay salaries, commissions, expenses, benefits, etc. how much do you think this leaves for profit? Not a lot is it?

Well the insurance companies margins weren't big by any means prior to the law. You always heard outrageous profits blah blah blah..... Well do the math.... 3% of tens of billions is an outrageous number. The insurance companies weren't the evil empires they were made out to be. Their rates are actuarily based on the health care costs and designed to generate s margin of around 3%. The remainder of their income is generated from investments and etc. made
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Because the commie bastards that write this law put a mandate in it that stated .85 out of every dollar the insurance company takes in must be applied to claims payments. If not, they get hit with s penalty and you get a refund.

Think about that for a minute.... .85 of every dollar on claims.... That leaves .15 to pay salaries, commissions, expenses, benefits, etc. how much do you think this leaves for profit? Not a lot is it?

Well the insurance companies margins weren't big by any means prior to the law. You always heard outrageous profits blah blah blah..... Well do the math.... 3% of tens of billions is an outrageous number. The insurance companies weren't the evil empires they were made out to be. Their rates are actuarily based on the health care costs and designed to generate s margin of around 3%. The remainder of their income is generated from investments and etc. made

UnitedHealth Group reported that it made $10.3 billion in profits in 2014 on revenues of $130.5 billion. Both profits and revenues grew seven percent from 2013.
That is a profit of 7.9%.

Public records are easy to locate.
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UnitedHealth Group reported that it made $10.3 billion in profits in 2014 on revenues of $130.5 billion. Both profits and revenues grew seven percent from 2013.
That is a profit of 7.9%.

Public records are easy to locate.

Would your company have survived on 7.9% profits?

Mine wouldn't have....
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UnitedHealth Group reported that it made $10.3 billion in profits in 2014 on revenues of $130.5 billion. Both profits and revenues grew seven percent from 2013.
That is a profit of 7.9%.

Public records are easy to locate.

Those numbers include investment income. Even so .... Is 7.9% an insane margin for a business? Is that enough to demonize?
What if the market had been down during that period?
UnitedHealth Group reported that it made $10.3 billion in profits in 2014 on revenues of $130.5 billion. Both profits and revenues grew seven percent from 2013.
That is a profit of 7.9%.

Public records are easy to locate.

Look up Cigna and Humana.... Let's see how they did
I'm paying mine and half of someone else's.... But they've got a much better plan than I do.....f*** them

I feel badly for ya, CP. I wish I could tell you it's gonna get better. But...it isn't and we all know it.
Yes it would and did several years.
It is about the volume ob.

Math is math.

It doesn't add up.

No business model allows for a 7.9% profit

The more money you make, the more you spend.

I can see those numbers year(s) 3-5 but not a established business gramps.
Math is math.

It doesn't add up.

No business model allows for a 7.9% profit

The more money you make, the more you spend.

I can see those numbers year(s) 3-5 but not a established business gramps.

I ran a business for 22 years that netted 10% or less every year in business. I sold it in 1997 for a fair chunk of change. I like you and normally agree with your post Ob but to say a business cannot be successful on < 10% profit is ridiculous.
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I ran a business for 22 years that netted 10% or less every year in business. I sold it in 1997 for a fair chunk of change. I like you and normally agree with your post Ob but to say a business cannot be successful on < 10% profit is ridiculous.

I thought brothels had s higher profit margin there gramps..&#128540;
There's not a profit percentage that means anything except for common businesses. For example, a lot of professional services are 50% margin on top line revenue. Sounds like a lot but the top line for services is relatively smaller than other businesses.
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I ran a business for 22 years that netted 10% or less every year in business. I sold it in 1997 for a fair chunk of change. I like you and normally agree with your post Ob but to say a business cannot be successful on < 10% profit is ridiculous.

I guess it's the difference in our business's.

I operated at a 35-38% profit margin. (Sometimes 50%). I suppose I got spoiled to the capital maybe.

I sold my company when the margins fell. (I'll be honest, I did get lazy) I wasn't going to put the hours in for a small amount of funds.

(My company only grossed 500k yearly when I sold it)
I guess it's the difference in our business's.

I operated at a 35-38% profit margin. (Sometimes 50%). I suppose I got spoiled to the capital maybe.

I sold my company when the margins fell. (I'll be honest, I did get lazy) I wasn't going to put the hours in for a small amount of funds.

(My company only grossed 500k yearly when I sold it)

35% of 500k is $175,000.00
I am just a poor ole country boy, I would not personally call that a small amount of funds. :)
There's not a profit percentage that means anything except for common businesses. For example, a lot of professional services are 50% margin on top line revenue. Sounds like a lot but the top line for services is relatively smaller than other businesses.

Good post Ernest T
What part of obamacare demands penis be in female locker rooms across the land?

Chicago school district found violating transgender rights could lose funding | MSNBC

A high school district in Chicago has a month to provide a transgender student who identifies as female full access to the girls’ locker room, or it could face cuts to its federal funding.

The U.S. Department of Education on Monday found the Township High School District 211 in violation of Title IX, which protects against sex discrimination. The school district restricted a transgender student’s access to the girls’ locker room by requiring her to change and shower privately.

The student, who is recognized as a female on school records and participates on a girls’ sports team, said the school’s policy made her feel like an outcast.

“The district’s policy stigmatized me, often making me feel like I was not a ‘normal person,’” she said in a statement released by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The ACLU filed a complaint about the policy in 2013, which led to the investigation and the landmark decision on Monday.

According to the ACLU, a petition supporting the student’s access to the locker room was signed by hundreds of students and community members.

Earlier in October, the district released a statement that said it would not provide full access to locker rooms for transgender students and would continue the private accommodations.

“The goal of the District in this matter is to protect the privacy rights of all students when changing clothes or showering before or after physical education and after-school activities, while also providing accommodations necessary to meet the unique needs of individual students,” the statement reads.

If the school district does not comply now, however, it will risk its federal funding. According to Reuters, $6 million of the school’s funding last year was contingent on compliance with Title IX.

The Department of Education’s decision comes as other fights for LGBT rights are taking hold elsewhere, including in Houston, Texas, where voters on Tuesday will decide whether or not to ban sex discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations.

The goal of the school district? Who cares when Obozo has his own goal. Bring down the country from the inside.
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Profit margin means different things to different companies. Most small owner operators tend to keep salaries of owners low. This inflates the profit margin which is taken as a dividend by the owners. Can't really do that in large companies.
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Cigna gave a refund to policy holders

Because they were forced to bro.... They didn't meet the mandate of spending 85% of the premium dollars taken in on claims. It wasn't because they like you or because they wanted to or because they made outrageous profits.....they were forced by the commie bastard law that is the ACA
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