Eviction Moratorium

I’m not going anywhere. Once this is all over I’m claiming squatter’s rights.
I'll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our landlords - we did. [wink] But you can't hold all tenants responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole property rental system? And if the whole property rental system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our land ownership institutions in general? I put it to you, @agVOL90 - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but I for one am not going to stand here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America.

Well played Sep. Classic of course.
So Nancy Pelosi first said she only heard about the eviction moratorium expiring the day before, now she's saying the Republicans blocked her from extending it? She seemed to have plenty of time for ice cream and Jan 6th hearings though 20210731_231012.jpg20210731_232929.jpg
She needs to figure out how to pay landlords their back-rent and keep it current if that's the way she feels.
Yeah this is a bad situation that to me is as big of a deal as "too big to fail" they gotta find a way to get these property owners paid...even if it isn't all they are owed at once...or else we are gonna have mass evictions and hedge funders and folks like Potter snatching up properties and making Pottervilles
Yeah this is a bad situation that to me is as big of a deal as "too big to fail" they gotta find a way to get these property owners paid...even if it isn't all they are owed at once...or else we are gonna have mass evictions and hedge funders and folks like Potter snatching up properties and making Pottervilles
Typically, around here, a landlord should assume they won't get the unpaid rent after eviction because its not worth it to collect, but you should be able to regain the property and re-let it. This non-sense refuses to acknowledge that landlords have expenses and not all landlords are huge conglomerates that are still profiting.
I guess its nice to live rent free, when is the next round of stimulus checks coming ?
There has been an eviction moratorium for non payment of rent, but once the lease is over. They can be evicted. You just cannot seek money damages. This thing has been going on for more than a year. Most are month to month right now and subject to eviction.
There has been an eviction moratorium for non payment of rent, but once the lease is over. They can be evicted. You just cannot seek money damages. This thing has been going on for more than a year. Most are month to month right now and subject to eviction.
All of mine are month to month. there isn't clarity on whether a tenant could appeal to a judge (got to go through the legal process of eviction in TN) to remain in the property though. There are already such considerations given when other extraordinary circumstances are in play. I suspect if someone was dealing with inability to pay rent month to month and that inability was a result of covid, the judge would grant their appeal.
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All of mine are month to month. there isn't clarity on whether a tenant could appeal to a judge (got to go through the legal process of eviction in TN) to remain in the property though. There are already such considerations given when other extraordinary circumstances are in play. I suspect if someone was dealing with inability to pay rent month to month and that inability was a result of covid, the judge would grant their appeal.
What kind of proof would a judge need ?

What kind of proof would a judge need ?
No idea. I've only had 1 in 13 years go to court. My father had tenants given extensions due to weather, new baby, and company layoff.

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