Eviction Moratorium

Collections will at least scare some of them

You'd think but no, most DGAS about their credit report. What many don't realize (or don't care about) is while they might be able to squat a little while longer eventually they will be evicted and finding a new place to live will be extremely difficult. I look for an EO or bill passed that would bar landlords from using past rental history in denying a potential renter.
All of mine are month to month. there isn't clarity on whether a tenant could appeal to a judge (got to go through the legal process of eviction in TN) to remain in the property though. There are already such considerations given when other extraordinary circumstances are in play. I suspect if someone was dealing with inability to pay rent month to month and that inability was a result of covid, the judge would grant their appeal.

They have to find a squatter with the resources to take all the way to appeal.
In Memphis they can't get a judge to sign an eviction order for simple non payment.

During the moratorium yes, but you could still evict for the lease having expired. I know some landlords who have gone to straight vacation rentals as soon as they get the property back to avoid these issues.
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You'd think but no, most DGAS about their credit report. What many don't realize (or don't care about) is while they might be able to squat a little while longer eventually they will be evicted and finding a new place to live will be extremely difficult. I look for an EO or bill passed that would bar landlords from using past rental history in denying a potential renter.
No need half of these renters will use the race card
During the moratorium yes, but you could still evict for the lease having expired. I know some landlords who have gone to straight vacation rentals as soon as they get the property back to avoid these issues.

My wife has 2 complexes in Memphis and she tells a different story. If the tenant has given their notice to move then yes, they can get them out but if the landlord hasn't offered to renew the lease because of nonpayment they can't get a judge to sign the eviction order.
My wife has 2 complexes in Memphis and she tells a different story. If the tenant has given their notice to move then yes, they can get them out but if the landlord hasn't offered to renew the lease because of nonpayment they can't get a judge to sign the eviction order.

There is no reason to give a reason on the decision not to renew, but we've not had as much of a problem down here. Usually, when they call and I explain why I am doing what I am doing, they offer up a payment plan that includes rent plus a portion of back rent each month to stay. There are simply no rentals available down here.
There is no reason to give a reason on the decision not to renew, but we've not had as much of a problem down here. Usually, when they call and I explain why I am doing what I am doing, they offer up a payment plan that includes rent plus a portion of back rent each month to stay. There are simply no rentals available down here.
Same in Jax. You're better off paying your current rent and being in good graces with the land lord than trying your hand elsewhere.
I saw an interview with a landlord recently and he had one renter that subleased out the apartment and was collecting the rent from the sublessie but just didn't pay the landlord and there was nothing he could do about it.
I honestly don't know why people want the hassle or renters. My dad had rental property and it was a constant headache of people skipping out in the middle of the night without ever paying rent or damage and even people moving and stealing the appliances.
There are no elements other than lease is over. In order for them to stay judge would have to find that lease wasn't over.
Are you asserting that all judges follow the letter of the law and contracts without ever making a bad judgement?

Whether by edict or precedent, local judges do deny the eviction on occasion even when the eviction is lawful.
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I know, plus I'm sure SCOTUS wants to stay out of it. Hopefully many of the states will ignore the order.
I wonder if a clever lawyer could somehow make this a 3rd Amendment violation? This isn't necessarily quartering soldiers, but it is basically the govt forcing you to house people on your property.
When will the lessor's real estate taxes, insurance and notes be forgiven? No wherewithal to pay these items because of "state" action. This bovine excreta has to flow to the related parties.
Are you asserting that all judges follow the letter of the law and contracts without ever making a bad judgement?

Whether by edict or precedent, local judges do deny the eviction on occasion even when the eviction is lawful.

I haven't seen it here. Most are afraid of reversal on appeal.
I don't see how you can blame the American society for the failures of a few, sick twisted individuals. Frankly, the landlords are psychotic - but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastard tenants. Now, we could fight 'em with conventional weapons. That could take years and cost millions of lives. No, in this case, I think we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
Most of the ones I deal with. They are much more careful when I have a court reporter present.
This may be a shock to you, but no landlord I know (including myself) has ever mentioned going for an appeal after a small claims judgement against them. I didn't even know such an avenue existed.
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When will the lessor's real estate taxes, insurance and notes be forgiven? No wherewithal to pay these items because of "state" action. This bovine excreta has to flow to the related parties.
BlackRock will come in and scoop up the properties of these peon rental home owners.

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