Explosions in Norway

The tea party Palin worshipper who LG told us shot Rep Giffords.....oh, wait....
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yeah, I'm struggling here to come up with the examples of right wingers killing liberals - other than this example in Norway if that was indeed the case.
I cracks me up how libs go out of their way to defend a religion (Islam) that is so much less tolerant than any other religion and it's not even close. A religion that routinely calls for the killing of people libs associate very closely with. They don't call for the turning of the cheek like other religions at all. Yet libs across the nation seem almost giddy that it appears to not be a muslim.
White liberal guilt amazes me. The hatred of conservatives, Christians and Jews that libs have over all else is mind blowing.
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Reality is that a Christian fundamentalist has murdered 94 people in the name of far rigt politics.
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I cracks me up how libs go out of their way to defend a religion (Islam) that is so much less tolerant than any other religion and it's not even close. A religion that routinely calls for the killing of people libs associate very closely with. They don't call for the turning of the cheek like other religions at all. Yet libs across the nation seem almost giddy that it appears to not be a muslim.
White liberal guilt amazes me. The hatred of conservatives, Christians and Jews that libs have over all else is mind blowing.
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The Koran routinely calls for pacification; it only calls for violence against oppression. You are welcome for the knowedge I have provided.
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Really, really tragic what has happened in Norway. Really gives us an awful look at the underbelly of Western culture. We need new inspiration.
Any thinking individual would conclude that islamic organizations and operatives were involved in the OKC bombing.

Usually eye witness accounts are allowed in court.

I'm pathetic??

What are you?

Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way // The Norwegian Government - Covering Up Immigrant Rapes - The League of Dumb Retards

Not a single source in the entirety of that link actually backs up the claim made in the title. You are slipping.
I cracks me up how libs go out of their way to defend a religion (Islam) that is so much less tolerant than any other religion and it's not even close. A religion that routinely calls for the killing of people libs associate very closely with. They don't call for the turning of the cheek like other religions at all. Yet libs across the nation seem almost giddy that it appears to not be a muslim.
White liberal guilt amazes me. The hatred of conservatives, Christians and Jews that libs have over all else is mind blowing.
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Oh **** off, there were about 10 people in this thread that were ready to cum their pants when the Muslim group apparently claimed responsibility.
Reality is that a Christian fundamentalist has murdered 94 people in the name of far rigt politics.
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Show me where Christian leaders are praising what he did and calling him a hero. You know, like we see from muslim leaders after the members of that "religion of peace" commit terror acts. Please show me people on the streets celebrating like the muslims did in NUMEROUS countries when the twin towers fell. I don't recall seeing that happen yet. So please show me.
Thanks in advance.
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Oh **** off, there were about 10 people in this thread that were ready to cum their pants when the Muslim group apparently claimed responsibility.

The mainstream media reported that. Your friends who belong to the "religion of peace" stated they would in fact go after these folks in video threats.
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The mainstream media reported that. Your friends who belong to the "religion of peace" stated they would in fact go after these folks in video threats.
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Your politics posts make your baseball posts seem almost intelligent, that takes effort.
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The Koran routinely calls for pacification; it only calls for violence against oppression. You are welcome for the knowedge I have provided.
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Really? You are wrong. It calls for the slaying of those who do not accept "their God". It says to try and convert the infidels and those who will not accept shall be slain.
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The Koran routinely calls for pacification; it only calls for violence against oppression. You are welcome for the knowedge I have provided.
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These from their "holy" book sound peaceful.

"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)

"Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people...They desire nothing but your ruin....You believe in the entire Book...When they meet you they say: 'We, too, are believers.' But when alone, they bite their finger-tips with rage." (Surah 3:118, 119)

"If you should die or be slain in the cause of God, His forgiveness and His mercy would surely be better than all the riches..." (Surah 3:156-)

I've read and studied the quaran and there's plenty more if you would like me to post.
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Here's some more peace and tolerance from the great "religion of peace".

"The Jews and Christians say: 'We are the children of God and His loved ones.' Say: 'Why then does He punish you for your sins?" (Surah 5:18)

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)
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Just a couple more words of peace for you.

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-)
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Post the entire Books, please. You know as well as I that those verses are prefaced by qualifying such infidels as are forcing their religion on Muslims and oppressing Muslims. Thanks again.
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Not a single source in the entirety of that link actually backs up the claim made in the title. You are slipping.

You wanted something that quoted a police report.
You got it.

yeah, I'm struggling here to come up with the examples of right wingers killing liberals - other than this example in Norway if that was indeed the case.

I havn't speculated one way or the other but if indeed
this turns out to be as LG and Unreal characterize the
event, that will be one vs over 17,000 islamic terrorist
events since 9/11.

It's starting to look like a domestic terror attack done by one man alone, similar to the OKC bombing. The death toll on the island is said to have risen to 80.

Again, OKC was NOT a one man alone act.

It's true that the FBI shut down it's investigation as
soon as McVeigh and Nichols were arrested and never
questioned known associates of the two who were
of mideaster origin.

INS Deported bin Laden Brother-in-Law Just Days After OKC Bombing
(link to the original article doesn't work, takes you to a
foreign language page.)

Evidence in the FBI's possession at the time potentially
implicated the Saudi businessman in the 1993 World
Trade Center bombing, the airliner bombing plot and the
Oklahoma City bombing. Khalifa was formally named as
an unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center

By April 1995, both Yousef and Murad were already in
U.S. custody, according to Lance. Interrogation reports
obtained by Lance also show that both Yousef and
Murad were questioned about their links to Khalifa within
hours of entering U.S. custody.

On the basis of evidence in the FBI's hands at the time
a deal was finally approved in April, Khalifa was at
minimum a material witness in the three biggest criminal
cases in the history of the United States.

On the day of the Oklahoma bombing, Murad told a
prison guard that the "Liberation Army" was responsible
for the attack, an allegation he repeated to the FBI the
following day, according to documents obtained by
Lance, who contributed to this article.

Just one day before the Oklahoma City bombing, on April
18, Khalifa had made an immigration court appearance in
which his attorney continued a monthlong fight against
INS efforts to deport the Saudi businessman to Jordan,
according to contemporaneous newspaper accounts in
the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Francisco

On April 19, Timothy McVeigh used a truck bomb to blow
up the Alfred E. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma
City. On April 21, his accomplice, Terry Nichols,
surrendered to police.

By April 23, the Chicago Tribune printed one of the first
news stories about Nichols' longstanding connection to
Cebu, a city in the south of the Philippines. In 1990,
Nichols married a Filipina he met through a "mail-order
bride" service and visited her family the country several
times subsequently.

His last trip to the Philippines took place from November
1994 to January 1995, the same period that Yousef and
his coconspirators had been working out of Manila.

Khalifa had lived in the Philippines for several years prior
to the U.S. visit, according to dozens of sources.

Contemporaneous news accounts of his INS proceedings
detailed Khalifa's Philippines history as well as his alleged
ties to Yousef, which were well-known.

But the FBI was in possession of even more evidence
suggesting Khalifa could be linked to the 1993 WTC
attack, Bojinka and Oklahoma City.

The 2002 indictment alleged that an alias used by
Khalifa was found on one of several bomb-making
manuals brought into the U.S. in 1992 by an accomplice
of Ramzi Yousef.

Those manuals included detailed instructions about how
to build improvised explosives, including recipes for urea
nitrate (used in the World Trade Center attack) and
ammonium nitrate (used in Oklahoma City), according to
trial records.

The manuals included instructions on the use and
handling of every major component currently believed to
have been part of the Oklahoma City bomb, including
ammonium nitrate, nitromethane, PETN, blasting caps
and instructions on creating shaped charges for use in
destroying buildings.

The manuals also contained entries on using hydrogen
peroxide and aluminum powder. Ammonium nitrate,
hydrogen peroxide, aluminum powder, diesel fuel and
blasting caps were found at the Michigan farm of James
Nichols, brother of Terry, during an FBI search around
April 21, according to a criminal complaint filed in April
1995 but subsequently dropped.

A spiral-bound notebook seized when Murad was
arrested contained a page of instructions on the
properties of nitromethane, one of the Oklahoma City
bomb components, according to evidence presented at
Murad's trial. Murad had used the notebook to record
instructions on bomb-making provided by Yousef, who
is universally considered an explosives genius.

The notation on nitromethane is located in a section of
the notebook that can be dated to late December 1994,
at which time Terry Nichols was staying in the
Philippines, according to trial testimony.

The entry on nitromethane appears to differ from other
content in the notebook, which consisted largely of
shopping lists for the Bojinka plot and notes on the manufacture of chemicals specifically used in that
plan, as described at length during Murad's trial.

Nitromethane was not visibly used in the Bojinka plan,
according to trial testimony, but it was a significant
component of the OKC bomb.

McVeigh and Nichols followed the "Turner" blueprint
closely, but the choice to replace fuel oil with
nitromethane was a deviation that made the bomb
more powerful. The specific recipe appears to have
been first used in Oklahoma City.

Subsequent to the Oklahoma City bombing, ammonium
nitrate bombs became a favorite weapon of al Qaeda,
and have frequently been used in attacks connected
with Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, one of the Manila

Yousef had arrived in Manila in November 1994, shortly
before Terry Nichols, to begin planning several ambitious
terror attacks against U.S. and Western interests.

The al Qaeda cell in Manila consisted of Yousef, Murad,
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (now believed to be the
mastermind of the September 11 attacks) and Wali Khan
Amin Shah, a Malaysian al Qaeda operative who called
Khalifa's cell phone several times during November,
according to FBI affidavits and other trial testimony.

Archived-Articles: Confession of the Oklahoma City Bomber: John Doe 2 Exists

Last week the vault of top-secret bombing evidence
cracked open. The Department of Justice, responding
to Freedom of Information Act requests, released a
declassified report detailing the May 26, 2005
interrogation of Terry Nichols. According to the record,
Nichols broke his decade-long silence, acknowledging his
hands-on role in constructing the massive truck bomb
that demolished the Oklahoma City Murrah Building.
While this revelation was all but academic, what Nichols
said next threatens to rewrite history.

During the interview, the convicted bomber unleashed a
startling admission: John Doe 2 exists. The FBI report
states, "Nichols advised that John Doe 2's name had not
been mentioned during the (FBI) investigation, and
therefore, he feared for his life and his family's well-
being should it become public."

One seemingly innocuous statement in this recently
declassified FBI memo effectively shatters the
government myth that two angry white males
singlehandedly pulled off the crime of the 20th century.

To begin, Nichols clearly implied that he knew the
identity of John Doe 2 when asserting that his co-
conspirator's name "had not been mentioned" during the
prodigious FBI investigation. Keep in mind, the bomber
had direct access to sealed court files and classified
discovery materials that federal prosecutors were legally
required to disclose to his defense lawyers during the
state and federal trials. As a result, Nichols was
informed about every suspect that surfaced on law
enforcement's radar screen.

A month after Nichols told the FBI that a third man
participated in the bombing, he repeated this same
daunting revelation to a U.S. congressman. An FBI
agent was present during the June 2005 Colorado prison
cell interview with California Representative Dana
Rohrabacher, scribbling handwritten notes of what was
discussed. But Bureau policy strictly forbids the
recording of suspect interrogations; therefore, the most
trustworthy account of Nichols' earthshaking testimony
rests with the congressman.

Upon exiting the meeting, Rohrabacher phoned me and
candidly recounted the details of Nichols' stunning
disclosures. To insure accuracy, I taped the
conversation. Rohrabacher described the prisoner as
apprehensive and hesitant to name the infamous third
terrorist, but he offered not-so-subtle hints of foreign
complicity in a crime that the government has classified
as domestically inspired. When Rohrabacher bluntly
asked Nichols to assess the plausibility of the multiple
eyewitness sightings placing Timothy McVeigh in the
presence of Iraqi soldiers in Oklahoma City, Nichols
shockingly conceded that the central theory presented
in my 2004 book, The Third Terrorist: The Middle East
Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing, "could be

Dispelling the image of Timothy McVeigh as the bombing
mastermind, Nichols resolutely confirmed that the
decorated Gulf War veteran had numerous liaisons with
men of Arab extraction, boldly proclaiming, "McVeigh
talked about Middle Easterners on a number of
occasions, and quite frequently," ......

Now, we connect the dots further. If McVeigh did,
indeed, collaborate with Saddam Hussein's former
soldiers, then John Doe 2 has escaped justice for
slaughtering 171 innocent Americans. But, not
surprisingly, the FBI's final summary of the prison
interview, which was declassified and published last
week, redacted Nichols' damning statements that
McVeigh associated with Middle Easterners in the very
city where the terrorist bombing took place.

For 16 years, the FBI has brazenly refused to speak to
two dozen Oklahomans who encountered Timothy
McVeigh colluding with Iraqi ex-enemy combatants in
an act of terror that murdered more civilians within our
borders than all the U.S. soldiers who perished on the
sands of the Persian Gulf War. Now their sworn
testimonies, identifying eight specific Middle Eastern
collaborators, have been validated as "correct,"
ironically, through the unwitting confession of
McVeigh's partner in crime, Terry Nichols.


JaynaDavis.com: From Middle America to The Middle East

Jayna Davis was the first journalist on the scene
after the bombing and followed up extensively.

Controversy Over Alleged Islamic Ties to Oklahoma City Bombing Continues (Jayna strikes back!)
(link to original no longer works)

"Twenty-two witness affidavits supported by 25-hundred pages of corroborative evidence is hardly a 'very small package of information,' (about the Oklahoma City bombing). ..........

I interviewed nearly 80 potential witnesses, but I
deemed only two-dozen to be credible because the
veracity of their testimonies could be independently
corroborated and their stories did not conflict with
the government's timeline of the movements of the
Oklahoma City bombers. All confidently identified
eight specific Middle Eastern men
, the majority
of whom are former Iraqi soldiers, collaborating with
McVeigh and Nichols
during various stages of the
bombing plot. They have signed sworn affidavits confirming their testimonies.

After a thorough vetting process, this investigation has
earned the ringing endorsement of the lead
impeachment prosecutor David Schippers,
former Deputy Director of the State Department's
Office of Counter Terrorism Larry Johnson,
former Director of the CIA James Woolsey,
former Chief of Human Intelligence for the
Defense Intelligence Agency Colonel Patrick
Lang, the Director of Congressional Task
Force on Terrorism and Unconventional
Warfare Yossef Bodansky, and the editorial
board of the Wall Street Journal, including
senior editorial writer Micah Morrison.

Former CIA analyst and Deputy Director of Counter
Terrorism for the Department of State, Larry Johnson, has determined that

'without a doubt, there is a definite
Middle Eastern tie to the Oklahoma
City bombing.'

As a Fox News consultant, he has expressed publicly
his concern that the Islamic terrorist network, which
assisted McVeigh and Nichols, is still operational and
poses a threat to national security.

James Woolsey CIA director in sworn testimony to
congress endorsed Davis work.

“When the full stories of these two incidents (1993 WTC
bombing and the 1995 OKC bombing) are finally told,
those who permitted the investigations to stop short
will owe big explanations to these two brave women.
And the nation will owe them a debt of gratitude.”
James Woolsey CIA director.

When a Muslim commits an act like this, you call him a religious terrorist.

When a ultra fringe fundamentalist Christian does it, you just call him crazy.

This is the point of my posts in the subject. Any religion can be tortured to justify violence. The people who do so are ALL crazy.
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