F all of them

we had 1 OL that started the weeks prior, Jack Jones, 3rd string DT's and Elliot Berry starting with Jumper at LB after playing 4 straight ranked opponents. It could have and should have been a lot worse.

I know brother. I'm more on your side than you think, but if nothing else, we should have been able to score more than 10 points.
I know right.

Fans are obsessed with the boo.

How many times have you heard a crowd get loud with a players name after a routine play just because their name sounds like "boo".

Moose Johnson- Cowboys
Bruce Bennedict- Braves
Blue a RB for Texans

The point is so many fans are so anxious to hear themselves "boo" they create ways to "boo" without looking like the Jackwagon that boos their own. Of corse there are plenty that think booing helps and is the best motivator.

After we scored our 1st TD against Fl, the crowd cheered loudly and the gloom and doom that was sneaking into the fans evaporated quickly as the Vols went on to score another 4 TDs. All the time the smelly gators could only wish they could stop it. They couldn't.

What's the largest bottle of Jack available? My brother picked up a 3 liter on a cruise.

After I empty a bottle of boos I will use a shaker to fill the empty bottle with O&W(Not every bottle, that would get out of hand.)

Usually the 100ml is the best value. Very convenient to carry, easy to chug, and after 2 or 3, people are easier to put up with.

You forgot about John Kuuuuuuuuuhn!
we were gassed, injured, and needed a bye week coming off the VT game, breaking the UF curse, huge win at GA and OT game in Texas and locker room issues. Scheduling was horrible. No teams run thru that gauntlet and do well vs #1.

Who's responsible for our conditioning?
Who's responsible for our conditioning?

Seems like it was Overstreet that talked about running the hill.

He said something like, if you ever got tired and didn't think you could finish a drill everyone would start running the hill until you COULD finish the drill.

That confused me. Seems like you would be more tired after running the hill a few times, rather than being less tired to finish a drill.
All the media blather and matter of fact predictions don't mean one hills of beans come kickoff time. Like Peyton said just focus and play together and let the chips fall where they may. I have heard enough predictions to last a lifetime. Time to get it on!!!!! GO BIG ORANGE!!!!!
All the media blather and matter of fact predictions don't mean one hills of beans come kickoff time. Like Peyton said just focus and play together and let the chips fall where they may. I have heard enough predictions to last a lifetime. Time to get it on!!!!! GO BIG ORANGE!!!!!

Two weeks till Game Day.

These will be the most important practices leading up till Sept 4th.
Seems like it was Overstreet that talked about running the hill.

He said something like, if you ever got tired and didn't think you could finish a drill everyone would start running the hill until you COULD finish the drill.

That confused me. Seems like you would be more tired after running the hill a few times, rather than being less tired to finish a drill.

Mind over matter.
Got to love the defeatist attitude of Volnation.

Mink has something most of this board lacks, a backbone and a love for this team.
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Got to love the defeatist attitude of Volnation.

Mink has something most of this board lacks, a backbone and a love for this team.

Has nothing to do with backbone or love. It has to do with bring dumb and delusional just like Nationdom and D4H.
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Mind over matter.

My oldest would get the milk for me to pour for him, but when the time came to return the milk jug to the fridge he would say, "It's too heaby daddy.", I would explain that the milk jug weighed less due to me pouring some out between the time he carried it to me to pour and the time he was claiming it to be "too heaby". He never really picked up on that concept until he was old enough to say heavy with out the the "b". By that time he was pouring his own milk and didn't want to hear nothing about anything being "too heaby".

Once he had his milk, he didn't mind me and nothing else mattered.
Has nothing to do with backbone or love. It has to do with bring dumb and delusional just like Nationdom and D4H.

Oh, it may not be related to backbone, so much.

But Mink's attitude has EVERYthing to do with love for the Vols. That's obvious to everyone around, I think.
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Got to love the defeatist attitude of Volnation.

Mink has something most of this board lacks, a backbone and a love for this team.

It ain't "cool" to show love for your team on a message board if they're not doing as well as you want or think they should be doing. It is cool however, to boo them during a game. Then when the coach with "thin skin" shows disapproval, it's funny to see the "thick skinned" show up here and show their disapproval of the thin skinned coach.

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It ain't "cool" to show love for your team on a message board if they're not doing as well as you want or think they should be doing. It is cool however, to boo them during a game. Then when the coach with "thin skin" shows disapproval, it's funny to see the "thick skinned" show up here and show their disapproval of the thin skinned coach.


I'm embarrassed(for you) that I followed your post perfectly.
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Oh, it may not be related to backbone, so much.

But Mink's attitude has EVERYthing to do with love for the Vols. That's obvious to everyone around, I think.

Sometimes the program needs tough love. Jones really needs it.
Sometimes the program needs tough love. Jones really needs it.

There are times when unbridled optimism is what a program needs from the fan base.

When the world it telling them they can't do it, that's when they need to know who has their back and is willing to "Stand up and be counted.".

Don't get put in the trick bag of tough love. 121 gets enough of that. No need for Volnation to pile on.

Sometimes it's the smallest spark of belief that inspires the greatest of actions. Even if it's faked.

Check the stats of 121. The players the coaching staff, there are plenty of genuine reasons to believe and to know that 121 can achieve the highest of expectations.

Do the research. There is no reason to have to fake it.

121 is stacked with talent. Rock has put an edge on them. It 2 weeks we get to enjoy the fruit of their labor.

It's Rock or bust.
It ain't "cool" to show love for your team on a message board if they're not doing as well as you want or think they should be doing. It is cool however, to boo them during a game. Then when the coach with "thin skin" shows disapproval, it's funny to see the "thick skinned" show up here and show their disapproval of the thin skinned coach.

I'm embarrassed(for you) that I followed your post perfectly.

I drew Venn diagrams and was able to make it out. :)
There are times when unbridled optimism is what a program needs from the fan base.

When the world it telling them they can't do it, that's when they need to know who has their back and is willing to "Stand up and be counted.".

Don't get put in the trick bag of tough love. 121 gets enough of that. No need for Volnation to pile on.

Sometimes it's the smallest spark of belief that inspires the greatest of actions. Even if it's faked.

Check the stats of 121. The players the coaching staff, there are plenty of genuine reasons to believe and to know that 121 can achieve the highest of expectations.

Do the research. There is no reason to have to fake it.

121 is stacked with talent. Rock has put an edge on them. It 2 weeks we get to enjoy the fruit of their labor.

It's Rock or bust.

Talent.. not really. Jones deserves all the tough love for being mediocre.
Coaching isn't rocket science. The ones that get in it are the guys willing to put in all he long hours. It take a long time and a bit of luck to end up with a good head coaching gig. I think it's funny when people act like a coach has some sort of crazy skill set or talent. The reality is a whole lot of the fans in the crowd have a great mentality capacity and higher overall intellectual level than a coach. If the entire stadium is booing they likely have a reason to do so. As far as the game being in hand already...it's a mind set more than anything else. These are young kids looking at the coach to creat a culture and identity. You'd likely never see urban Meyer or Saban basically leaving points on the field in the first half of a game. Every possession is a chance to help creat that foot on the throat mentality
Please enlighten all of us morons here who are willing to put in countless hours to do something they love and make millions doing so how this is done with your great mental capacity and higher intellectual capacity" than our coaching staff. He'll I put in countless hours doing something I hate just to feed my family and hopefully make it to watch a few games a year. Just didn't realize I was surrounded by 100,000 could be big time coaches who just aren't willing to put in long hours to make it
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