Fauci is a fraud

This is so true. It's foolish to take Fauci's word as scripture at this point, not because he isn't a smart guy (I have no doubt that he is) but because he's been all over the map with this. I'm not blaming him for any of this (the blame lies with our communist friends in China), but the idea that only his opinion is valid is naive.
It is possible that Fauci has been “all over the map” because he is continually trying to get a valid, scientific message across and then, on the other hand, keep Pompous Maximus happy so that he still has a platform to speak from. Tough to do when you are working with a moron that espouses introducing UV light and disinfectants INTO the body as a possible cure and puts people in charge who don’t have a clue what they are dealing with (Kushner??) How tough does that have to be for a learned and respected man like Fauci to have to sit there and dance around that? I tend to think Fauci is being very measured in his responses and would like to say more but can’t and keep his position.
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This is so true. It's foolish to take Fauci's word as scripture at this point, not because he isn't a smart guy (I have no doubt that he is) but because he's been all over the map with this. I'm not blaming him for any of this (the blame lies with our communist friends in China), but the idea that only his opinion is valid is naive.
Fauci has been very unimpressive. Career bureaucrat.
It is possible that Fauci has been “all over the map” because he is continually trying to get a valid, scientific message across and then, on the other hand, keep Pompous Maximus happy so that he still has a platform to speak from. Tough to do when you are working with a moron that espouses introducing UV light and disinfectants INTO the body as a possible cure and puts people in charge who don’t have a clue what they are dealing with (Kushner??) How tough does that have to be for a learned and respected man like Fauci to have to sit there and dance around that? I tend to think Fauci is being very measured in his responses and would like to say more but can’t and keep his position.

So it’s Trump’s fault?
It is possible that Fauci has been “all over the map” because he is continually trying to get a valid, scientific message across and then, on the other hand, keep Pompous Maximus happy so that he still has a platform to speak from. Tough to do when you are working with a moron that espouses introducing UV light and disinfectants INTO the body as a possible cure and puts people in charge who don’t have a clue what they are dealing with (Kushner??) How tough does that have to be for a learned and respected man like Fauci to have to sit there and dance around that? I tend to think Fauci is being very measured in his responses and would like to say more but can’t and keep his position.

Look, I won't deny that Trump is a boisterous blowhard, but why is it so hard to admit that Fauci may have made some mistakes? Can't both be true?
It is possible that Fauci has been “all over the map” because he is continually trying to get a valid, scientific message across and then, on the other hand, keep Pompous Maximus happy so that he still has a platform to speak from. Tough to do when you are working with a moron that espouses introducing UV light and disinfectants INTO the body as a possible cure and puts people in charge who don’t have a clue what they are dealing with (Kushner??) How tough does that have to be for a learned and respected man like Fauci to have to sit there and dance around that? I tend to think Fauci is being very measured in his responses and would like to say more but can’t and keep his position.

or it's possible he couldn't let a $.60 malaria medicine be used and promoted as effective when he's connected to the entire vaccine and other Big Pharma world. A fool and his money are easily separated.
It was a matter of time before the science deniers resorted to discrediting the scientists on personal grounds.

Anything to distract from the science.

Science that is showing 60+ % of cases in NY are of people who have been sheltering in place?
Fauci must clearly be a plant for the W.H.O then.

This is so true. It's foolish to take Fauci's word as scripture at this point, not because he isn't a smart guy (I have no doubt that he is) but because he's been all over the map with this. I'm not blaming him for any of this (the blame lies with our communist friends in China), but the idea that only his opinion is valid is naive.

Just think about the collective meltdown on the left after President Trump is re-elected and Dr Fauci is "reassigned." Lol
or it's possible he couldn't let a $.60 malaria medicine be used and promoted as effective when he's connected to the entire vaccine and other Big Pharma world. A fool and his money are easily separated.
Facts are not your friend in your conspiracy supposition.
Facts are not your friend in your conspiracy supposition.
Facts are that any competing theory, alternate explanation, or challenge to the narrative is being scrubbed from the internet. This ought to scare the **** out of you.

You need to get your ****ing head out of the sand. Despite multiple Countries having success this drug was essentially scrubbed overnight.
Efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19: results of a randomized clinical trial
Facts are not your friend in your conspiracy supposition.
The Malaria drug is cheap, the drug they're pushing now is very expensive. $600 worth of the Malaria drug would treat a thousand people. Let's look at the Gilead drug remdesivir

Will Gilead price its coronavirus drug for public good or company profit?

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), which assesses effectiveness of drugs to determine appropriate prices, suggested a maximum price of $4,500 per 10-day treatment course based on the preliminary evidence of how much patients benefited in a clinical trial.
Facts are that any competing theory, alternate explanation, or challenge to the narrative is being scrubbed from the internet. This ought to scare the **** out of you.

You need to get your ****ing head out of the sand. Despite multiple Countries having success this drug was essentially scrubbed overnight.
Efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19: results of a randomized clinical trial

But Trump touted it so even if this winds up as a vaccine for Covid 19 we must not use it
But Trump touted it so even if this winds up as a vaccine for Covid 19 we must not use it
Follow the money trail. No money to be made on an patentless, cheap drug. Fauci is knee deep in this vaccine ****.

They’ve admitted to faking the numbers on Covid deaths. Funny how the facts show flu deaths (among others) at a rapid decline.
Though I suppose doublethink really grew under Obama, who was at the same time both a weak and incompetent community organizer AND a cunning and powerful figure prophesying Biblical cataclysm who would take everyone's guns and replace the Constitution with sharia law.

Kind of like how Trump is an idiot and also an evil mastermind Russian spy?

Yeah, I don't think the hypocrisy game is one anyone on the left should be attempting to play right now.
Kind of like how Trump is an idiot and also an evil mastermind Russian spy?

Yeah, I don't think the hypocrisy game is one anyone on the left should be attempting to play right now.

Director Comey agrees with you
With or without intervention it’s still BS numbers, Sweden says hello 👍

The last time I was in Sweden the population was approx 11 million roughly the size of NYC or LA. Their population is no where as dense either

I’m wondering why you guys don’t wait until the game is over before announcing the score

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