if all this is true, AL must be one of the most corrupt states in the country. According to this report, Chizick didn't know about it so he may have been lied to and that's the reason he played Cam. These 'big players' need to be punished as harshly as possible if indeed this web of corruption is proven to be true. There are many reputable people at AU and for it to be destroyed by unscrupulous crooks is pathetic. It could happen at any university so we need to hold our administration accountable and demand integrity in our athletic programs. How sad that Cam's collegiate experience will be forever tainted by this scandal and maybe he was not aware of everything....if true, his father is a poor excuse for a man. All for the love of money...Cam will probably make a lot of money eventually but what about HONOR? What a devastating scenario for young people to observe and how disgusting that our society can be so corrupted by greed and dishonesty. I am not naive and nothing really shocks me anymore but I am sickened by what college sports has become..God help us!