Federal Death Penalty brought back to life

LMAO! You’re totally doubling down on the straw man 😂

The example of crucifixion as I used it was factually correct. You debating crucifixion in a totally different context is on you. You really suck at this logic and debate thingie paper tiger

Keep on blustering. Everyone knows you got nothing better to say.
let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Take it up with the government Louder . State execution was present in ancient times and it’s still present today. I read your post a few pages back that you’re against capital punishment. Fine I respect that. I’m not against it but as others have brought up the cost of making a judicial error is rather final and yes I do take pause on capital punishment for that reason but only that reason. Doesn’t make me want to do away with it though, just makes me desire the process to be as error free as possible. 🤷‍♂️
Would like to hear OC chime in though I know and agree with his position. God said to submit to the law of the land back when the penalty for stealing a loaf of bread was to lose a hand, and the penalty for blasphemy was death. Our punishments under the laws of man have gotten much much lighter and time has passed. His word says he was fine with it before.

I don't believe that any man can twist scripture enough to make God OK with killing an innocent baby that He "knit in her womb and numbered the hairs of their heads". Nor do I think you can twist Gods words enough to make "though shall not murder" somehow be in conflict with every single thing he says about crime and punishment and submitting to the laws of the land. You folks may convince yourselves of that in order to justify your politics, but I believe God made it clear on His word . Dont thjnk you will be able to convince Him that He didnt mean what He said in order to cover for your sin. Neither will I...or any other man.

So the rebellious founders of our nation were sinning? Nazi soldiers were obeying God?

Although we started with the ten commandments, we're talking about Christianity (and all ten commandments still hold water). Christ replaced the old law and taught us a higher way.
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So the rebellious founders of our nation were sinning? Nazi soldiers were obeying God?

Although we started with the ten commandments, we're talking about Christianity (and all ten commandments still hold water). Christ replaced the old law and taught us a higher way.


Matthew 5:17-20 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [a]the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches [b]others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever [c]keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

20 “For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

I’d be careful about throwing around....

It's too bad the spirit of what he taught is lost on so many that claim to follow him.

....when you’re just as ignorant (if not more) as those you’re addressing.

Did Christ only fulfill the Mosaic law, or did He also fulfill traditional/ceremonial law? Christ was the law, as all of Scripture points to Him, and He embodied it in human form, beholden to it and free of sin.

@Orangeslice13 and @Orange_Crush, feel free to interject.
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Matthew 5:17-20 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [a]the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches [b]others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever [c]keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

20 “For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

I’d be careful about throwing around....

....when you’re just as ignorant (if not more) as those you’re addressing.

Because the scribes and the Pharisees had no righteousness to begin with. That shows where we belong when we have not received his grace & mercy unto salvation through his death & resurrection to life. It's through Christ's righteousness that we find favor w/God the Father.
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indeed. too much focus on the words imo.

not to devolve this thread.

In a sense I agree with you Louder. Sometimes self described Christians are the worst representative of Christ and His teachings. Also legalism can be a big problem and often distracts people from what Christ was about when they argue over minute differences in doctrine or scripture. Christ is LOVE. Above all else love. We have to be careful though. Many today paint Him as a peace and love hippie that was tolerant of sin and accepted everyone...just a laid back lovey dovey guy.

He clearly wasn't. When the money changers were tilting the scales in the synagogue...or simply trying to make money in Church...Christ angrily threw the tables over and flogged them....yelling and chastising them in public. Christ wasnt tolerant of sin. He didnt try to bend Gods rules. He didnt grade on a curve . He wants and expects us to honor His Father by trying very hard to keep sin out of our lives altogether. To keep Gods words and commandments. He said simply and more than once "those who love the Father keep his commandments and the Law" those who don't " never knew Him and will be cast down". It is our own selfish desires to live our way and give in to the lust of our flesh and eyes that tries to twist scripture and justify our weakness and sin. Jesus was never OK with sin...or not obeying Gods word. He spent HIS ENTIRE MINISTRY teaching Gods word. That came before Him. Not trying to glorify Himself. We do that. He never did.

I am a sinner. More than most I bet. I fail every single day in thought and deed. Many times per day. Jesus wasn't OK with that and neither is God. He isn't a hippie that accepts everyone. He simply LOVES us anyway. Enough to intercede on our behalf. We are still supposed to really strive to do what is right in Gods eyes and repent...TURN AWAY ...from sin. Not just ask forgiveness. Narrow is the path to salvation and wide is the road to destruction. Gods words. That means many more will burn in Hell than walk in Glory. Scares me..because I am a sinner that knows the truth. I know 5he truth and yet I sin.

The scariest verse in the Bible for anyone...believer or not...should be when Christ says " many will come and say "have we not cast out demons in your name? Etc...and Christ says Depart from me. You never knew me. " Christ didnt say that will happen to a few. He said many. That's very scary. I have never cast out a demon in Christs name. Never saved a village or given my life to service for a humble and Godly cause. What have i done for Him ? Christ Himself said " for you are not my son, but of your father the devil. (Paraphrased) it is clear every man is a son of God, or of the god of this earth. Satan.

I have done very little for God. I have truly believed, and accepted Him as my Savior though. That isnt a "fire insurance card" though. It is supposed to be just the very beginning of a journey that lasts the rest of your life. Not a religion...a relationship. With you and Christ. I have fallen short in many ways so far. While works wont get you into Heaven...we have to be careful to attach anything to salvation besides belief...God also said " faith without works is dead." That's a mouthful. If you know God ...truly Love Him...then your life and works should reflect that. Words and deeds. Avoiding sins of commission...as well as sins of omission...when we know to do good and are too lazy or distracted to do it.

I know me personally...I have a long way to go. I have many sins and shortcomings in my life. What would Jesus say to me if I died today? Have I been "lukewarm" at best? Have I taken up the cross? It is fair to say that many people lose sight of Jesus and His teachings. I agree with you. I think it is also very misguided for people to think that they can live how they want to day to day and they are gonna go to Heaven. Unless "how they want to" involve a lots of prayer, service, study and worship...they are probably living a lie that will land them in Hell for eternity. Sure, Jesus saved the guy hanging next to Him on the cross. That wasnt an example of how it works though. That may very well be the luckiest man in the history of planet Earth. He believed for the shortest possible time, and did the absolute least for the Lord. Too many people seem to think there will always be time later to get right with God. Then life, and death, happens. I choose to beg for forgiveness now...and still am not nearly the man I should be. If it were easy to try and live for God then everyone would do it. I hope I get a lot better at it.
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Matthew 5:17-20 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [a]the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches [b]others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever [c]keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

20 “For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

I’d be careful about throwing around....

....when you’re just as ignorant (if not more) as those you’re addressing.

So Christ still wants us to live the law of Moses? Get real. Unless you want to argue semantics, replaced/fulfilled is the same thing.
Take it up with the government Louder . State execution was present in ancient times and it’s still present today. I read your post a few pages back that you’re against capital punishment. Fine I respect that. I’m not against it but as others have brought up the cost of making a judicial error is rather final and yes I do take pause on capital punishment for that reason but only that reason. Doesn’t make me want to do away with it though, just makes me desire the process to be as error free as possible. 🤷‍♂️

As I stated before, we are the only major western nation that still executes people. Isn't that embarrassing? It is to me.
As I stated before, we are the only major western nation that still executes people. Isn't that embarrassing? It is to me.
I think you care too much what other countries think. We’re also the only major western country with a constitutional protection and right to gun ownership. I DGAF what Europe Canada or Australia think of our laws. And I don’t care about their application of their laws.
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Oh goody. A thread that now combines religion and politics.

Good thing this is not the family Thanksgiving Dinner.
Just need creepy uncle Phil leering at your brother’s new girlfriend and the setting would be complete.
I think you care too much what other countries think. We’re also the only major western country with a constitutional protection and right to gun ownership. I DGAF what Europe Canada or Australia think of our laws. And I don’t care about their application of their laws.

I don't care what other nations think. I was singling the US out for still using the death penalty.
I don't care what other nations think. I was singling the US out for still using the death penalty.
Who are you embarrassed to then? You stated we are the only major western country which still has capital punishment and then tried to sell how embarrassing it was. Seems pretty straight forward you’re attaching that feeling towards other countries 🤷‍♂️
Who are you embarrassed to then? You stated we are the only major western country which still has capital punishment and then tried to sell how embarrassing it was. Seems pretty straight forward you’re attaching that feeling towards other countries 🤷‍♂️

I am embarrassed that we still execute people in the 21st century like nations did in ancient times. I am embarrassed that we are no better with regards to capital punishment than Arab countries who practice sharia law. I am embarrassed that Christians in my country ignore what Christ compels us to do and favor executions.
I am embarrassed that we still execute people in the 21st century like nations did in ancient times. I am embarrassed that we are no better with regards to capital punishment than Arab countries who practice sharia law. I am embarrassed that Christians in my country ignore what Christ compels us to do and favor executions.
We are barbarians, right?
I am embarrassed that we still execute people in the 21st century like nations did in ancient times. I am embarrassed that we are no better with regards to capital punishment than Arab countries who practice sharia law. I am embarrassed that Christians in my country ignore what Christ compels us to do and favor executions.
Embarrassed to yourself? Ok...
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