What about, you know, the facts in the indictment. If true do they not bother you?
Only indictment is the Mar-a-Lago case. NY is Chicken Sh** and who really cares. GA will just contribute to J6 committee findings, Committee Findings will be hard to prove but stranger things have happened. Carroll is a civil case and who cares -- NY women are batty as hell.
The one that comes from nowhere to being a ball buster, NJ Fed Case, which is a drop dead case and will bury Trump as it looms in the backdrop. A NJ Fed indictment is Trump's Death and he knows it. He might be able to slip around MAL but he will never get past NJ.
Yes, they bother me, no matter who it is. Dem or Rep serving as the President of the US as they have an obligation to protect and serve this Nation. What's Bad for Politics is that either Party will go out of there way to defend their Candidate with Whataboutism, even if they are guilty as hell. All it tells me is how screw up Congress is by doing so. Both Parties are equally to blame. If Pres Biden is guilty of any crime as suspected and it is proven, then, his goose should be cooked as well.
The thing that also bothers me is that Trump will never have to liquidate a single asset in his defense as idiots continue to donate to his cause... Rich man's defense being paid for by poor people.
I don't know very much, but I do know how to handle Classified Documents and the procedures of handling them, especially OPLANs and GDPs. The President can request any of these SCIF documents and there is a set of control procedures which bothers me to no end as to how they ended up in FL & NJ, Delaware, Indiana and NY.
It seems as though we are in our 12th Season of the Celebrity President, Vice President, Congress Apprentice. A Bunch of below average guys and gals doing a Rookie type job.