Feds charge six men accused in plot to kidnap Michigan governor

I mean you literally wrote a racist statement about black kids growing up without fathers (Which is false) and said that I pulled the race card because I called you on your bull$hit? Lame attempt at reverse psychology. If you point out a racist, you are a racist......

Yes, YOUR neighborhood is the model for the entire country...good to know.
Onelilreb: Cops treat all races the same. You just have to be respectful. See? Look at this video tutorial.

Video tutorial: “Bring white people, cops like them the most”


I have no idea what you do for a living but I’ll bet any amount that I’ve been pulled over more than you have by cops . They don’t have to have a reason to pull me over to check my weight . I’ll also bet you aren’t subject to your vehicle being subjected to an inside and out inspection at least three or 4 times in every state you drive through with the threat of 10s of thousands of dollar fines each and every time . I got some bad news for you from the real world not the MSM world .. get some act right , show some self responsibility , self restraint and common sense , be polite and there’s a 99.9% chance you won’t have a problem . In my world , the cops don’t give a sh!t what the color of your skin is , they want to make sure you aren’t breaking the law . Simple really unless you make it difficult.
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look onelilracist.....I don't need Joe Biden to do anything for me :oops:. I vote in local elections too. Local elections matter WAY more than presidential elections. But I will vote for Joe Biden to piss off the racists. Maybe they will go back in the shadows and hide. But I've got a list of all the racists, so that when the lights come on they can't scurry away in the shadows and act like they don't remember the racist things they say. Ain't that right @AirVol and @Y9 Vol
What did I say that hurt your sensitive feelings?
Oh, so let me get this straight, you have to be BLACK to understand the video? Yeah, that's not racist AT ALL.

What are you talking about? Lol I’m saying people apparently didn’t watch the “bring white people, that way you’ll get a ticket instead of a bullet” part of the video
What are you talking about? Lol I’m saying people apparently didn’t watch the “bring white people, that way you’ll get a ticket instead of a bullet” part of the video

There’s one part talking about bringing a white friend and it’s right after him telling you to tell your black friend to shut the F up . It’s not because the cops will treat you better . The entire skit is him telling black people how not to act and how you should act . Now either Chris Rock is a racist or he knows what the problem really is ... Act right .
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What are you talking about? Lol I’m saying people apparently didn’t watch the “bring white people, that way you’ll get a ticket instead of a bullet” part of the video

You are moving the goal posts. You are not the only one that watched the entire video. But keep up with the "white people can't understand black humor" road map. It suits you.
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You are moving the goal posts. You are not the only one that watched the entire video. But keep up with the "white people can't understand black humor" road map. It suits you.

My goal posts haven’t moved, you’re just arguing against something no one said haha. Idk what I said that was similar to “you need to be black to understand this” - I was saying that the video is touted in this thread as a race-neutral guide but explicitly acknowledges differential treatment by race
My goal posts haven’t moved, you’re just arguing against something no one said haha. Idk what I said that was similar to “you need to be black to understand this” - I was saying that the video is touted in this thread as a race-neutral guide but explicitly acknowledges differential treatment by race

Good Greif, If you actually believe that you are the ONLY one that knows that, racism is not your affliction, ignorance is.
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Saying we don’t live in a democracy is disingenuous word parsing. No one lives in a “pUrE” democracy and everyone knows that already
So no you’re wrong. How did this start? The usual method of misrepresenting our government which is why Constitutional Republic ALWAYS gets busted out. As was pointed out in earlier in another post the differences matter in the limitations imposed by the formation documents. Our government is rather unique within western countries. What’s disingenuous is just throwing out democracy and acting like they are all equivalent. The truth is very far from it.
At least one of your so called "Trump supporters," Brandon Caserta called the Constitution illegitimate, hated the police, and had an anarchist flag. I call on Biden to condemn this Democrat supporter. It is obvious to me that Caserta took orders from Maxine to get up in the face of politicians, and also from Biden talking of the police becoming the enemy. That must be what pushed this guy over the edge.

You're trying too hard.
So no you’re wrong. How did this start? The usual method of misrepresenting our government which is why Constitutional Republic ALWAYS gets busted out. As was pointed out in earlier in another post the differences matter in the limitations imposed by the formation documents. Our government is rather unique within western countries. What’s disingenuous is just throwing out democracy and acting like they are all equivalent. The truth is very far from it.

It started with someone playing semantics and trying to correct Ashevolle for describing our government as a democracy, which it is. It’s on the first page of the thread and was not exactly an argument about electoral politics, feel free to read back
It started with someone playing semantics and trying to correct Ashevolle for describing our government as a democracy, which it is. It’s on the first page of the thread and was not exactly an argument about electoral politics, feel free to read back
That doesn’t discount what I said in my post. As I stated all western countries are representative democracies. However our form and central power limitations are quite unique. What disingenuous is acting like they are all the same which is what you’re pushing now too. Look I realize the Democratic Party pushes for a big strong central government it’s a cornerstone of their platform. So get the people to think they are all the same as part of the sales job. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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That doesn’t discount what I said in my post. As I stated all western countries are representative democracies. However our form and central power limitations are quite unique. What disingenuous is acting like they are all the same which is what you’re pushing now too. Look I realize the Democratic Party pushes for a big strong central government it’s a cornerstone of their platform. So get the people to think they are all the same as part of the sales job. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I’m not saying they’re all the same, you may be a little defensive haha. I’m saying it’s fine to generally describe our govt as a democracy without someone needing to come in and say “REPRESENTATIVE democracy” every single time, especially when it’s not the point of the post. Unless the difference is directly relevant to the argument (like with the electoral college), it is largely semantic and we all know what the person means.

In other words, “our representative democracy with a quite unique form and central power limitations” is a mouthful and you shouldn’t assume I disagree with you (or am trying to cape for central government) based on whether I write that out every single time

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