Feds charge six men accused in plot to kidnap Michigan governor

I’m not saying they’re all the same, you may be a little defensive haha. I’m saying it’s fine to generally describe our govt as a democracy without someone needing to come in and say “REPRESENTATIVE democracy” every single time, especially when it’s not the point of the post. Unless the difference is directly relevant to the argument (like with the electoral college), it is largely semantic and we all know what the person means.

In other words, “our representative democracy with a quite unique form and central power limitations” is a mouthful and you shouldn’t assume I disagree with you (or am trying to cape for central government) based on whether I write that out every single time
I haven’t seen it every single time 🤷‍♂️And yes I also realize you’re intelligent enough to know the difference however our average sheep citizen hasn’t given it two ***** of thought and is completely malleable to “yeah why aren’t we more like other Democracies”!

That is when I tend to jump on it when I infer the usage context of comparing the US to all other western countries with the goal of pushing our government more towards the Europe norm. We were explicitly setup to be different.
I’m not saying they’re all the same, you may be a little defensive haha. I’m saying it’s fine to generally describe our govt as a democracy without someone needing to come in and say “REPRESENTATIVE democracy” every single time, especially when it’s not the point of the post. Unless the difference is directly relevant to the argument (like with the electoral college), it is largely semantic and we all know what the person means.

In other words, “our representative democracy with a quite unique form and central power limitations” is a mouthful and you shouldn’t assume I disagree with you (or am trying to cape for central government) based on whether I write that out every single time
That’s why everyone should just agree to call it a “constitutional republic” or simply “republic“ instead to avoid confusion.
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Because a photo with someone you just met means what?
Oh come on, if there was a picture of Captain ANTIFA with some young up and comer in the Democrat party (like mayor Pete), there'd be nothing but "told you so's" being passed around by the leg-humpers.
That’s why everyone should just agree to call it a “constitutional republic” or simply “republic“ instead to avoid confusion.
Yeah agreed. If the person making the statement knows the specific differences between European Democracies and the US Constitutional Republic then the correct stance should be to highlight that we are the latter to highlight our differences. To instead imply the former means they are purposely ignoring the uniqueness of the US government.

If instead they’re just throwing around teens they read on the web or heard on TV, which admittedly will happen quite often, then they are ignorant and should be shown the differences that make us unique.

So to use just generic Democracy somebody is clueless or agenda driven. If in any useage of Democracy or Republic an attempt is made to highlight the uniqueness of our form there should be no issue with that.

Frankly terms aren’t what makes us unique it’s our Constitution’s form. Once the basics on organization are stated a huge amount is dedicated to limitation of government power not investing it. That is fairly unique.
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What's great about this post is that you view his comedy routine as comedy when it is literally the definitive guide to avoid confrontation with police. Speaks volumes..

(Free Secret White People tip: This is how we handle 99.9% of police encounters when not avoiding them all together. You're welcome)
I didnt think we were supposed to give that information out. Thought this was a big secret.
1 is a job that people choose to do. When a POC that is a cop takes off that uniform, whenever they are pulled over, they are still treated as a threat. Not a "blue life"....
BS, there are several POC officers that have never had one encounter with police, let around treated as a "threat"
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I mean you literally wrote a racist statement about black kids growing up without fathers (Which is false) and said that I pulled the race card because I called you on your bull$hit? Lame attempt at reverse psychology. If you point out a racist, you are a racist......
so not all black kids grow up without fathers in the home (which is true, roughly 20-25% do have fathers there, although that is much lower than any other race by far in America, for a variety of cultural reasons.

But you are correct that not ALL black kids grow up without fathers, just like your earlier statements about ALL police treat POCs differently, and that ALL POC police officers get treated as threats are also sweeping non-true generalizations
so not all black kids grow up without fathers in the home (which is true, roughly 20-25% do have fathers there, although that is much lower than any other race by far in America, for a variety of cultural reasons.

But you are correct that not ALL black kids grow up without fathers, just like your earlier statements about ALL police treat POCs differently, and that ALL POC police officers get treated as threats are also sweeping non-true generalizations

Very few in the African American community even pretend it is an actual problem, which is why they blame everything else that is shiny from Donald Trump to global warming

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