Fentanyl Now Leading Cause of Death For Ages 18-45

Then post it. If fentanyl laced weed is such an issue like you claim then they should be documented. Telling me to call random Dr to validate your claim is useless
They are documented. In several patients charts and death certificates. How should I procure all of those for you 😂😂😂
So people that spend everyday of their lives looking to get high aren't addicts? And the good ole "but alcohol" nonsense. You realize the vast majority of marijuana users don't just use marijuana.
To weed? No more than caffeine. Your last sentence makes my point

"But alcohol" isn't nonsense. It's more destructive than weed will ever be yet can be bought at every grocery or corner store. How many lives does tobacco take yearly? If you're in favor of banning weed but keeping those legal then you're a hypocrite
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Considering I was one of the founders of the DUAI program, which hospitals all over the county from Cali to Vanderbilt to Grady to Ohio have copied to deal with drug addicted patients, I’d argue I have a pretty good understanding of the health benefits, bad outcomes and inner workings of narcotics and of drug addiction. From all VII schedules of drugs. I taught the course at regional health conferences throughout the country the past two years along side Dr Jerry Epps and Dr Keith Gray. So I’m pretty sure I know what’s “myth” vs facts of what’s actually going on both from a law enforcement and a healthcare perspective.
you can choose to believe or not believe but facts still are facts.
All that experience and you still can't admit alcohol is much more dangerous than weed.

Fentanyl laced weed is simply not an issue like you want to claim. If it were you would have links to provide
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To weed? No more than caffeine. Your last sentence makes my point

"But alcohol" isn't nonsense. It's more destructive than weed will ever be yet can be bought at every grocery or corner store. How many lives does tobacco take yearly? If you're in favor of banning weed but keeping those legal then you're a hypocrite

I never said we should ban weed, I don't care either way. To act as it isn't addictive and ruins just as many lives as any other drug is ridiculous.
To weed? No more than caffeine. Your last sentence makes my point

"But alcohol" isn't nonsense. It's more destructive than weed will ever be yet can be bought at every grocery or corner store. How many lives does tobacco take yearly? If you're in favor of banning weed but keeping those legal then you're a hypocrite
You realize that stating that marijuana has negative health effects isn’t some crazy conspiracy theorists or “the man” trying to keep dumb pot heads down OR even is “for” banning it completely. Right?
I never said we should ban weed, I don't care either way. To act as it isn't addictive and ruins just as many lives as any other drug is ridiculous.
Because it simply doesn't. Weed isn't out there killing people and costing lives. Most of the issues come from it being illegal and part of the mindless wod
You realize that stating that marijuana has negative health effects isn’t some crazy conspiracy theorists or “the man” trying to keep dumb pot heads down OR even is “for” banning it completely. Right?
You came in digging up my quote about fentanyl laced weed being a real issue. Don't hurt your back moving those goal posts
Refute it then. Still 1 more link than you've provided
Again I’m speaking from first and second hand experiences directly with patients. I can’t violate HIPAA and give you their charts or drug screens. I guess if you want to go and scour death certificates you can see because they are public. Or you can speak to literally hundreds of Emergency and first responders in the area. Or you can continue to speak from a position of ignorance on the subject. I really don’t care either way.
Some potheads defend weed more then they would anything else and I’ve always found it humorous
All that experience and you still can't admit alcohol is much more dangerous than weed.

Fentanyl laced weed is simply not an issue like you want to claim. If it were you would have links to provide
Who said anything about alcohol not being dangerous? Again you bring up these weird strawman arguments to deflect that marijuana causes negative health issues
Who said anything about alcohol not being dangerous? Again you bring up these weird strawman arguments to deflect that marijuana causes negative health issues
Please link the reports of fentanyl laced weed that you claim is an epidemic. It's the reason you dug up a months old post yet you won't do it
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Please link the reports of fentanyl laced weed that you claim is an epidemic. It's the reason you dug up a months old post yet you won't do it
I said “epidemic”? Or I said it happens a lot? You sure like to say things that was never said to bolster your “argument”

Do you believe that marijuana has negative health effects on people? Yes or no
Weed makes people disinterested and lazy. Video games likely cause as many problems.

Just like there shouldn't be DUI's for weed because it just makes the user drive slower. 😅 I'm starting to realize why you must hold the position you do and just keep deflecting to other irrelevant things.
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my favorite pothead argument is “at least it’s not heroin”
You lose when you start calling people pot head for simply acknowledging that weed is much less harmful than other substances really available everywhere across this nation. The push by people like you too demonize it cause more issues
Just like there shouldn't be DUI's for weed because it just makes the user drive slower. 😅 I'm starting to realize why you must hold the position you do and just keep deflecting to other irrelevant things.
Not to mention a kid was just shot in Knoxville this week in a home invasion over weed 😂. And the number of traffic accidents caused by people who are high on it too.
Just like there shouldn't be DUI's for weed because it just makes the user drive slower. 😅 I'm starting to realize why you must hold the position you do and just keep deflecting to other irrelevant things.
Where have I ever made that claim? You and Ricky may be on weed because your posts are really low effort

if someone wants to use it they should be able to. That's my position. Prove me wrong

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