Fentanyl Now Leading Cause of Death For Ages 18-45

Why are they using it ?
Because there are three levels of drug addiction and the more you use the more you need and then eventually your body dies. That’s why in the hospital at any given time roughly 15% of patients are 20-30 year olds with failing hearts, lungs, and kidneys
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You can thank the pain clinics and doctors violating their oath by issuing unwarranted prescriptions to their junkie cash paying clients for that. And a special thanks to the doctor that didn't educate my nephew on the addiction rates to Oxycodone after his operation and how to address coming off it. So, when that prescription ended, along came heroin.
It was a multi faceted issue. More than just doctors to blame
That has gone by the wayside.

It's like this...and it happens more than people would admit. an epidemic within itself:

My oldest nephew is a herion addict. clean now for several years with a very good job I hooked him up with and working local up here and out of our GA hometown where he was a police target. He got on it after a hand surgery when he was young after the Oxycontin ran out. took him till his later 30's and most of his parents savings and a good chunk of his grandparent money to stay clean. Been in jail several times and is legally a non-violent felon. Granted, alot of todays youthful heroin users came out of hte "OXY" users cause it is so much cheaper. But, who was parenting that addiction you ask...2 pothead parents that would send him to get their weed cause he's already got a record if anyone gets caught buying. Many parents in their age group are still toking on weed, and trying to teach their kids to say no. It doesn't work. Thankfully for my own self, I never had an urge to put weed or hard drugs in my system to check it out. I feel like I read my son pretty well and that his body is still pure at 29.
The legalize it crowd has no idea the effect weed has on those that become addicts
The legalize it crowd has no idea the effect weed has on those that become addicts
They aren't addicted to weed. Alcohol does more damage in this country than weed could ever do. If your aren't calling for a return of Prohibition then you're a complete hypocrite
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They aren't addicted to weed. Alcohol does more damage in this country than weed could ever do. If your aren't calling for a return of Prohibition then you're a complete hypocrite
I’m not calling for prohibition. I’m speaking facts on what weed and other drugs do to society. Also the great majority of heroin and meth addicts also are addicted to weed still
Link it up.
Lol you want me to pull up death certificates? AMR and KFD respond to roughly 40-60 drug related OD calls a day, UTMC get approximately 30 serious ODs a day and deaths related to drugs are probably an average of 10-20 a week at our hospital alone
I’m not calling for prohibition. I’m speaking facts on what weed and other drugs do to society. Also the great majority of heroin and meth addicts also are addicted to weed still
they aren't addicted to weed. They're much more likely to be alcoholics. Weed would be less dangerous than tobacco
“There is no scientific data that would validate the assumption [that fentanyl-laced weed is causing widespread fatalities] thus far,” Lawrence Weinstein, MD, ABHM, FASAM, FAMA, and Chief Medical Officer at American Addiction Centers, tells WebMD Connect to Care.

Fentanyl Laced Weed: 3 Myths You Should Stop Believing Now
Lol you want me to pull up death certificates? AMR and KFD respond to roughly 40-60 drug related OD calls a day, UTMC get approximately 30 serious ODs a day and deaths related to drugs are probably an average of 10-20 a week at our hospital alone
Those are documented deaths from laced weed? Unlikely you're telling the truth here
Those are documented deaths from laced weed? Unlikely you're telling the truth here
Not all of them. I’m talking all drugs. However drugs laced with fentanyl is involved in most. Including weed. Sorry if that upsets you but it’s factual. Talk to Dr Gray or Emerson sometime. Or go to Helen Ross McNabb whom we partner on our DUAI task force. They also could show you actual statistics or tell you themselves
They aren't addicted to weed. Alcohol does more damage in this country than weed could ever do. If your aren't calling for a return of Prohibition then you're a complete hypocrite

So people that spend everyday of their lives looking to get high aren't addicts? And the good ole "but alcohol" nonsense. You realize the vast majority of marijuana users don't just use marijuana.
Laugh off a Dr who is directly involved in this that refuted your claims.
Dr Fauci is a doctor too. So is Dr Eugene Gu or Dr “death”. I’ve seen doctors out in handcuffs before for stealing drugs or abusing patients. What’s your point? I’m telling you facts and you are linking something where you strawmanned that I implied alcohol and tobacco wasn’t dangerous
Dr Fauci is a doctor too. So is Dr Eugene Gu or Dr “death”. I’ve seen doctors out in handcuffs before for stealing drugs or abusing patients. What’s your point? I’m telling you facts and you are linking something where you strawmanned that I implied alcohol and tobacco wasn’t dangerous
That guy knows more than you even though you love to act as if you're really in patient care. Your claim is a myth
Not all of them. I’m talking all drugs. However drugs laced with fentanyl is involved in most. Including weed. Sorry if that upsets you but it’s factual. Talk to Dr Gray or Emerson sometime. Or go to Helen Ross McNabb whom we partner on our DUAI task force. They also could show you actual statistics or tell you themselves
But that's not what my post said that you dug up from months ago and quoted. Weed is not being laced with fentanyl in large numbers like you claim. I posted a quote from the Chief Medical Officer at American Addiction Centers that refuted your claim
That guy knows more than you even though you love to act as if you're really in patient care. Your claim is a myth
Considering I was one of the founders of the DUAI program, which hospitals all over the county from Cali to Vanderbilt to Grady to Ohio have copied to deal with drug addicted patients, I’d argue I have a pretty good understanding of the health benefits, bad outcomes and inner workings of narcotics and of drug addiction. From all VII schedules of drugs. I taught the course at regional health conferences throughout the country the past two years along side Dr Jerry Epps and Dr Keith Gray. So I’m pretty sure I know what’s “myth” vs facts of what’s actually going on both from a law enforcement and a healthcare perspective.
you can choose to believe or not believe but facts still are facts.
Considering I was one of the founders of the DUAI program, which hospitals all over the county from Cali to Vanderbilt to Grady to Ohio have copied to deal with drug addicted patients, I’d argue I have a pretty good understanding of the health benefits, bad outcomes and inner workings of narcotics and of drug addiction. From all VII schedules of drugs. I taught the course at regional health conferences throughout the country the past two years along side Dr Jerry Epps and Dr Keith Gray. So I’m pretty sure I know what’s “myth” vs facts of what’s actually going on both from a law enforcement and a healthcare perspective.
you can choose to believe or not believe but facts still are facts.
Then post it. If fentanyl laced weed is such an issue like you claim then they should be documented. Telling me to call random Dr to validate your claim is useless

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