Fired Tennessee vaccinations director planning to leave state with her family

What she was advocating was injecting the state between kids and their parents. That's something any state would do well to avoid except in matters of eminent risk to one or both.

She got frustrated made some poor decisions. Now she's fired.
Yes, did some reading up on her and agree.
The dense part is saying “LOL. No they didn’t.” WHEN THEY DID say they would not get vaccinated if Trump told them to. Backtracking is saying, well she meant she would if the scientists told her to. But scientists have always been on both sides. And Fauci flip flops on his positions. They said what they said so own it or take the same stance on every lie that the Left has been framing about Trump’s comments over the last 5 years. You can’t have it both ways.

We were talking about whether Democrats would take the vaccine if Trump were president, based on the article that I know you've seen me reference by now. Not about whether, if Trump were on an island pushing a vaccine against the advice of health officials, they would have doubts. So it made no sense to bring up the latter in the first place, and you're making a fool of yourself tripling down on it. Simple
Actually tnmarktx owned y’all. Shocking that you’ve missed that as well. Absolutely shocking.

Yeah you maybe shouldn't be the one to talk about missing context right now lol. Tnmarktx just posted the video, nothing in my post was inaccurate or "missed"
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Exact quote, re: rapists. Presented without comment
"Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

I cannot find a quote concerning Nazis.
His statements are factually correct. And the media ran with “trump says all Mexicans are rapists”. And the Charlottesville quotes as well as fine people on both sides. There are examples everywhere of it. In media, social media and on this board. Not hard to find
The dense part is saying “LOL. No they didn’t.” WHEN THEY DID say they would not get vaccinated if Trump told them to. Backtracking is saying, well she meant she would if the scientists told her to. But scientists have always been on both sides. And Fauci flip flops on his positions. They said what they said so own it or take the same stance on every lie that the Left has been framing about Trump’s comments over the last 5 years. You can’t have it both ways.

Also I literally did do this, with the bleach/disinfectant thing that you directly referenced yourself, but go off
Also I literally did do this, with the bleach/disinfectant thing that you directly referenced yourself, but go off
When are you ever going to answer my transgender question in the other thread Nash? Curious to your thoughts on it
Look at NurseGoodVol’s exact words. LOL. YES she did!

The Left has been lying about what Trump said and meant for 5 or more years. It’s convenient to be the judge and jury for everything either has said. Just take your L and quit backtracking. She said it. You said it. Words hurt.
Take your "L"? Childish and stupid..
Exact quote, re: rapists. Presented without comment
"Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

I cannot find a quote concerning Nazis.
Trump said some crazy stuff but is amazing how people have created their own reality in their head about him.

Funny, it’s just the opposite with Joe. The media can’t stop falling over themselves trying to prop him up and cover up his goofs.
Trump said some crazy stuff but is amazing how people have created their own reality in their head about him.

Funny, it’s just the opposite with Joe. The media can’t stop falling over themselves trying to prop him up and cover up his goofs.

Trump's detractors and Biden's detractors are equal in their zeal and in their desire for failure for their focus.
His statements are factually correct. And the media ran with “trump says all Mexicans are rapists”. And the Charlottesville quotes as well as fine people on both sides. There are examples everywhere of it. In media, social media and on this board. Not hard to find

Now to comment: the sound byte media needs to die.
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Trump said some crazy stuff but is amazing how people have created their own reality in their head about him.

Funny, it’s just the opposite with Joe. The media can’t stop falling over themselves trying to prop him up and cover up his goofs.
It's because they know he's dementia patient walking around. They feel sorry for him. They supported, voted for him so they have to keep the lie going as long as possible. In some ways I feel sorry for him too. Poor man shouldn't be paraded around and put on display. He should be in a nursing home somewhere.
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Name calling. The old go to when the liberal arguments fail.

LOL. Yes they did. Here you go… “L”. Wear it with pride.

And yet, most of the epithets, insults, and outgrouping that is found in this board comes from the hardline right.

I have yet to see you approach posts that include "dim", "libtard," "RINO", "Republic***," or any other derogatory material with the same disdain.
Liberals know no bounds when it comes to hypocrisy and lies. Didn’t Joe call for politics to be excluded from the approach to battling the pandemic and immediately read the political shot written for him and displayed on his teleprompter?
And yet, most of the epithets, insults, and outgrouping that is found in this board comes from the hardline right.

I have yet to see you approach posts that include "dim", "libtard," "RINO", "Republic***," or any other derogatory material with the same disdain.

I’m Libertarian. I find the Dems, liberal, and left to be by far the bigger liars and hypocrites of either extreme.

“Most” is quite a generalization. Do you have stats to support yet another wrong statement? I don’t remember any poster right of center on this board question my IQ. Just the losers on the Left.
I’m Libertarian. I find the Dems, liberal, and left to be by far the bigger liars and hypocrites of either extreme.

“Most” is quite a generalization. Do you have stats to support yet another wrong statement? I don’t remember any poster right of center on this board question my IQ. Just the losers on the Left.

So you are ok with the epithets, insults, and outgrouping. Noted.
I’m not the feelings police. I understand that there have been mean tweets.

Never said anything about feelings. I'm talking maturity and basic human decency.

I'm sorry that people I don't agree with either have questioned your IQ. They need remediation as well.

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