Fired Tennessee vaccinations director planning to leave state with her family

This is known as "projection". You have a hyper-partisan, far-right radical (Wayne Root) projecting the attitude and behavior of his like-minded peers onto who he views as being "the opposition".

There is nothing to support this belief. Liberals do not typically reject science and the medication from which it has been developed. Also, most liberals are like myself, and simply don't believe that Donald Trump and his administration had any responsibility for the development of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, who didn't take any money from Trump's "Operation: Warp Speed", during the stages of development. With that in mind, why would we be thinking about Trump when deciding whether or not to get the vaccine? Did liberals refuse to get flu shots while Trump was president? I don't think so.

Also, does anyone know what the guy who wrote this column, Wayne Root, did before he got into politics? He was one of the worst sports handicappers in the history of sports gambling in Las Vegas. I'm not kidding. The guy is an idiot.
If liberals don’t think about Trump when getting the vaccine why did Joe and Kamala sit on a stage and tell the entire country they wouldn’t trust a vaccine developed under Trump in such a short time frame? Ami Bera, Jay Insleee, Nancy Pelosi all said they wouldn’t take the vaccine simply because Trump said it’s safe and available.

So whats the difference in the other side being hesitant as well, especially when the very people who came off as wary themselves, are now demanding everyone get it. Anyone has a right to be suspicious of the vaccine and the long term-unknowns, as well as the sudden unwavering push from one side of the aisle.
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If liberals don’t think about Trump when getting the vaccine why did Joe and Kamala sit on a stage and tell the entire country they wouldn’t trust a vaccine developed under Trump in such a short time frame? Ami Bera, Jay Insleee, Nancy Pelosi all said they wouldn’t take the vaccine simply because Trump said it’s safe and available.

So whats the difference in the other side being hesitant as well, especially when the very people who came off as wary themselves, are now demanding everyone get it. Anyone has a right to be suspicious of the vaccine and the long term-unknowns, as well as the sudden unwavering push from one side of the aisle.
So, both are wrong. Agreed. Here’s a good position for anyone. Stop doing the wrong thing.
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Do you think a single vaccine would have been approved if the CDC, Fauci m, etc. didn't think so? Come on. Quit being dumb. Trumps an ass hat. We had elected officials throwing shade for one reason only. Same reason Trump was pumping it. Oh and who was right? Are the "Trump" vaccines safe? If not then I suspect you did not get one. Oh no you are right. Biden fixed the vaccine but couldn't fix Afghanistan.

Keep this same bolded energy toward people who hear “if the doctors say to take it I’ll be first in line” and try to say with a straight face that she was refusing to take any vaccine developed during the Trump administration
It was inarticulately spoken... but by saying that she would take the vaccination under Dr. Fauci's recommendation, it's not hard to understand what she meant.
When was Trump ever going to be unilaterally approve, produce and distribute a vaccine? It wasn’t an inarticulate statement (which she’s well versed in) it was a shot to discredit Trump’s involvement and sow doubt in voters minds that not only could the vaccine potentially be unsafe but that Trump would bypass every Dr, acronym bureaucracy, protocol/procedure etc. and single-handily declare it ready to go, just to get re-elected. The authoritarian label by the Left on him is rich now, with leaders on the Left, including Joe, making up rules as they go and telling the citizenry what we can and can’t do.
The ignorance is claiming that she didn’t say something when there is video evidence that she uttered every word. Where’s the video of Trump saying bleach should be injected?

OK, this is worse because you clearly read some of the exchange but none of it sunk in. There also definitely is video of Trump talking about "injecting disinfectant," even though "you should inject bleach" is clearly not what he meant, similar to this scenario
For those who struggle with reading comprehension, this is the article that started the conversation:

If Trump Were President, Not One Democrat in America Would Be Vaccinated

Which says this:
Not one Democrat in America would be taking these vaccines.
If Trump were president, no Democrat would take the jab.

BB rightfully called that absurd, and then NGV offered up Kamala as proof, which is equally absurd if your comprehension is above a kindergarten level, and now people want to play semantics
OK, this is worse because you clearly read some of the exchange but none of it sunk in. There also definitely is video of Trump talking about "injecting disinfectant," even though "you should inject bleach" is clearly not what he meant, similar to this scenario

Her words were disputed. Not y’all’s interpretation of what she meant. She clearly said that she would not be vaccinated if Trump said to do that. Trump never said to inject bleach.

“LOL. No she didn’t.”. She did.
Her words were disputed. Not y’all’s interpretation of what she meant. She clearly said that she would not be vaccinated if Trump said to do that. Trump never said to inject bleach.

“LOL. No she didn’t.”. She did.
No... her intent was disputed. I should know. I was doing the disputing.
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No... her intent was disputed. I should know. I was doing the disputing.

Look at NurseGoodVol’s exact words. LOL. YES she did!

The Left has been lying about what Trump said and meant for 5 or more years. It’s convenient to be the judge and jury for everything either has said. Just take your L and quit backtracking. She said it. You said it. Words hurt.
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Look at NurseGoodVol’s exact words. LOL. YES she did!

The Left has been lying about what Trump said and meant for 5 or more years. It’s convenient to be the judge and jury for everything either has said. Just take your L and quit backtracking. She said it. You said it. Words hurt.
Just like when the left lied about the “all Mexicans are rapists” or “he said nazis were good people” BS. They can’t ever admit the truth.
Fired Tennessee vaccine chief 'mailed dog muzzle to HERSELF' before claiming someone sent it to intimidate her after she published memo saying teens should get COVID shots without parental permission

Tennessee's top vaccination official has been accused of lying about mailing a dog muzzle to herself before she was fired for publishing a memo supporting children over the age of 14 getting a COVID-19 vaccine without parental permission.

Shortly before her firing, Dr. Michelle Fiscus claimed someone anonymously sent a dog muzzle to her state office through Amazon in the mail in an attempt to intimidate her.

During a recent appearance on CNN, Fiscus told Anderson Cooper there was no note to accompany the package, and that Amazon refused to reveal the sender when she contacted them.

Fiscus said she reported the incident to the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, which conducted an investigation and discovered the package containing the muzzle traced back to a credit card in Fiscus' name.


Shortly before her firing, Dr. Michelle Fiscus (pictured) claimed someone anonymously sent a dog muzzle to her state office through Amazon in the mail in an attempt to intimidate her

Fired Tennessee vaccine chief 'mailed dog muzzle to HERSELF' | Daily Mail Online
Uhm, that's a man.
Can’t imagine a vaccination director wanting people to get vaccinated. I love Tennessee and am conservative as hell but we’re going to be on the wrong side of this when history reflects.
What she was advocating was injecting the state between kids and their parents. That's something any state would do well to avoid except in matters of eminent risk to one or both.

She got frustrated made some poor decisions. Now she's fired.
Just like when the left lied about the “all Mexicans are rapists” or “he said nazis were good people” BS. They can’t ever admit the truth.

Exact quote, re: rapists. Presented without comment
"Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

I cannot find a quote concerning Nazis.
Look at NurseGoodVol’s exact words. LOL. YES she did!

The Left has been lying about what Trump said and meant for 5 or more years. It’s convenient to be the judge and jury for everything either has said. Just take your L and quit backtracking. She said it. You said it. Words hurt.

NurseGoodVol’s exact words made no sense in the context of the conversation that was happening. How are people this dense
BB: it’s ridiculous to suggest no Democrat would take a vaccine under Trump


Republicans: oh snap NGV just owned y’all
NurseGoodVol’s exact words made no sense in the context of the conversation that was happening. How are people this dense

The dense part is saying “LOL. No they didn’t.” WHEN THEY DID say they would not get vaccinated if Trump told them to. Backtracking is saying, well she meant she would if the scientists told her to. But scientists have always been on both sides. And Fauci flip flops on his positions. They said what they said so own it or take the same stance on every lie that the Left has been framing about Trump’s comments over the last 5 years. You can’t have it both ways.
BB: it’s ridiculous to suggest no Democrat would take a vaccine under Trump


Republicans: oh snap NGV just owned y’all

Actually tnmarktx owned y’all. Shocking that you’ve missed that as well. Absolutely shocking.

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