Fired Tennessee vaccinations director planning to leave state with her family

I have been doing some heavy research into my family history. So far I have made it back to the 1700's, found a few things in a paper where one side of my family lived on the mountain side and how they survived. More recently how my father and his parents got through the great depression and how they had to live. I wouldn't write off uneducated hicks. Hicks may be looked down on, but it seems they tend to survive hard times where "educated" seem to struggle.
My grandfather ran away from home at 14 and took his two little sisters with him. His father was an abusive drunk. This was during the depression. He survived
How? This was when Trump was promising a vaccine before the election with no clear co-sign from health officials that it was possible (and it wasn't); any vaccine actually administered would likely have the blessing of public health officials anyway, but if that somehow wasn't the case and it was just Trump saying "my vaccines are the bigly bigly best, believe me," people would be skeptical and rightfully so.
Furthermore her throwing shade, in the middle of a pandemic, for political points is profoundly disgusting .
Exactly... I guess you could say that her sentiment was inarticulately spoken, but it's clear that she was saying that she trusted Dr. Fauci's professional judgment; not Trump's.

Would you trust Biden's judgement? Harris' judgement? I wouldn't trust the judgement of the vast majority of politicians.

But it doesn't change what the statement clearly was, no matter how you try and tap dance around it.
Would you trust Biden's judgement? Harris' judgement? I wouldn't trust the judgement of the vast majority of politicians.

But it doesn't change what the statement clearly was, no matter how you try and tap dance around it.
It was inarticulately spoken... but by saying that she would take the vaccination under Dr. Fauci's recommendation, it's not hard to understand what she meant.
It was inarticulately spoken... but by saying that she would take the vaccination under Dr. Fauci's recommendation, it's not hard to understand what she meant.
Yes, she was trying to score political points and insult Trump. That's what she was doing. Politics before country. It's a practice of both parties.
Yes, she was trying to score political points and insult Trump. That's what she was doing. Politics before country. It's a practice of both parties.
Yes, she meant that to be nothing more than a dig at Trump, but she hadn't organized her thoughts very well.
She briefly stooped to Trump's level.... "profoundly disgusting" is over the top.
During a world wide pandemic? About a vaccine? No it's not. It's gross. 4 million people world wide have died bc of Covid. And you don't think her pissing on a vaccine is pathetic? Come on.
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Yes, she meant that to be nothing more than a dig at Trump, but she hadn't organized her thoughts very well.
She hasn't organized anything very well, other than her rise in politics. How many things has Biden put her in charge of that she's done nothing to address? I know the border crisis, but as I recall, there was more.
Do you think a single vaccine would have been approved if the CDC, Fauci m, etc. didn't think so? Come on. Quit being dumb. Trumps an ass hat. We had elected officials throwing shade for one reason only. Same reason Trump was pumping it. Oh and who was right? Are the "Trump" vaccines safe? If not then I suspect you did not get one. Oh no you are right. Biden fixed the vaccine but couldn't fix Afghanistan.

I mean I think it was unnecessary shade, but “grossly irresponsible” or whatever is a bit much. I’m by no means a Kamala fan but it was pretty clear what she was saying
Would you trust Biden's judgement? Harris' judgement? I wouldn't trust the judgement of the vast majority of politicians.

But it doesn't change what the statement clearly was, no matter how you try and tap dance around it.

Just FYI you’re celebrating while making it very clear that you’re missing the point
During a world wide pandemic? About a vaccine? No it's not. It's gross. 4 million people world wide have died bc of Covid. And you don't think her pissing on a vaccine is pathetic? Come on.
I don't think that is what she did. She was trying to disparage Trump's credibility and poorly worded her sentiment.
I don't think that is what she did. She was trying to disparage Trump's credibility and poorly worded her sentiment.
That's as dumb as the people who claim Trump didn't mean anything by "there are good people on both sides" or " stand back and stand by."

If you are good with Trumps comments then you are good with hers. Otherwise you are FOS.
It's not me missing the point, and wth would I celebrate?

The article that started this was about how Democrats wouldn’t take a vaccine under Trump. Kamala was presented as the example when that clearly wasn’t what she was saying (her first words were "If Dr. Fauci, the doctors, tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it” for example) and you’re laser focused on whether she literally said something she clearly didn’t mean anyway
The article that started this was about how Democrats wouldn’t take a vaccine under Trump. Kamala was presented as the example when that clearly wasn’t what she was saying (her first words were "If Dr. Fauci, the doctors, tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it” for example) and you’re laser focused on whether she literally said something she clearly didn’t mean anyway
The statement from NGV was Harris said she would not take a vaccine because Trump told her to. BB called BS on that statement. Then we see video proof of Harris actually saying that. Fauci was brought into the conversation after the fact. BB was wrong in his statement, and has yet to simply admit that.
The statement from NGV was Harris said she would not take a vaccine because Trump told her to. BB called BS on that statement. Then we see video proof of Harris actually saying that. Fauci was brought into the conversation after the fact. BB was wrong in his statement, and has yet to simply admit that.

This whole thing would be like me saying Trump wanted people to inject bleach and then saying “did he not refer to injection of a disinfectant? Did he or did he not? He did, right? Look at the video! Gotcha! Admit you’re wrong!”
This whole thing would be like me saying Trump wanted people to inject bleach and then saying “did he not refer to injection of a disinfectant? Did he or did he not? He did, right? Look at the video! Gotcha! Admit you’re wrong!”
Never saw that presser so I have no idea what Trump said. I saw what BB said. He was wrong.
The statement from NGV was Harris said she would not take a vaccine because Trump told her to. BB called BS on that statement. Then we see video proof of Harris actually saying that. Fauci was brought into the conversation after the fact. BB was wrong in his statement, and has yet to simply admit that.
You are playing a childish "gotcha game", that I'm not interested in. I knew the video that her comment was alluding to, because we have had this argument over Kamala Harris before. Harris was saying that she would take the vaccine, but it would be following the professional recommendation of Dr. Anthony Fauci; not the politically motivated urging of Donald Trump.
You are playing a childish "gotcha game", that I'm not interested in. I knew the video that her comment was alluding to, because we have had this argument over Kamala Harris before. Harris was saying that she would take the vaccine, but it would be following the professional recommendation of Dr. Anthony Fauci; not the politically motivated urging of Donald Trump.
Her statement was politically motivated.
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This whole thing would be like me saying Trump wanted people to inject bleach and then saying “did he not refer to injection of a disinfectant? Did he or did he not? He did, right? Look at the video! Gotcha! Admit you’re wrong!”

You and BB are wrong. Period. There’s video proving it.
Can’t imagine a vaccination director wanting people to get vaccinated. I love Tennessee and am conservative as hell but we’re going to be on the wrong side of this when history reflects.
I think a growing number are realizing this.

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