Fired Tennessee vaccinations director planning to leave state with her family

Kinda like everyone who takes the vaccine calling anyone who doesn't an uneducated trumper? Many of us didn't vote for him, and there are many folks who medically can't take it.

Show me proof of "everyone who takes the vaccine", please.

Then show me evidence that the prevailing belief of that group is that those who can't take the vaccine or have chosen not to are uneducated trump supporters.
I see Joe struck a nerve

I've had enough of this 'one drop" mindset. No one here will ever meet the purity requirements to be a true conservative or true liberal.

People can have Belief A, C, and L without automatically being required to accept Belief B, D, and K. But according to the binary cancer that is so pernicious, anyone who accepts Belief A must also obviously espouse Belief B-Z.
I'm having a hard time understanding why this would elicit such anger. I happen to have a teenage daughter. Even if I was opposed to her being vaccinated (and I'm not, she already has been), I would not have a problem with a physician attempting to administer shots to teenagers before they go back to school. It seems like at the very least, her intentions were good, and she was trying to keep people from getting sick. It also seems like she was just doing her job, and the Tennessee Department of Health should have demonstrated some backbone here. Politics should not have a role in this.

"Don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out!"

Seriously? Where did that come from? You seem oddly offended by a doctor who wants to vaccinate kids during a global pandemic.

Because the overarching theme of Trump/Fox messaging was and still is that the threat is overhyped and an excuse for government overreaction. A certain segment of the right feels compelled to stick to that theme, no matter the consequence.
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Because the overarching theme of Trump/Fox messaging was and still is that the threat is overhyped and an excuse for government overreaction. A certain segment of the right feels compelled to stick to that theme, no matter the consequence.

Yea, that overreaction thing never happened.
Per a recent survey from "Politico" :

The #1 reason that unvaccinated Trump voters give for not wanting the shot (or shots) doesn't even have anything to do with science. It is this :

"I don't want to give liberals the satisfaction." (and they are usually just referred to as "the libs")

One might hope that such logic would not also be applied to the question of whether or not to have their children vaccinated (if they have any), but that is probably hoping for too much.

An idiot... is an idiot.
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Per a recent survey from "Politico" :

The #1 reason that unvaccinated Trump voters give for not wanting the shot (or shots) doesn't even have anything to do with science. It is this :

"I don't want to give liberals the satisfaction." (and they are usually just referred to as "the libs")

One might hope that such logic would not also be applied to the question of whether or not to have their children vaccinated (if they have any), but that is probably hoping for too much.

An idiot... is an idiot.

The growth of tribalism should be worrying, but people seem to revel in it instead.

It was my Christian and patriotic duties to get the vaccine; I might still be infected, but it reduces my viral load and may prevent someone else from catching it from me. I will not be a stumbling block to others.
I'd put money against that. Big money. Absolutes have a really bad track record of accuracy.

How about reading the "opinion" piece first to see what it says before giving a comment instead of just reading the "headline" that's provided.
Because the overarching theme of Trump/Fox messaging was and still is that the threat is overhyped and an excuse for government overreaction. A certain segment of the right feels compelled to stick to that theme, no matter the consequence.
The messaging has also been inconsistent. On the one hand, Trump and Fox News believe that he should get full credit for the development of the vaccines, and the speed with which they received FDA approval. They insist that his actions saved literally tens of thousands of lives... but on the other hand, it's perfectly okay if nobody wants to take the shots.
I was born and raised in Virginia. Although I don’t live anywhere near that hell hole they call northern VA it’s still embarrassing. They will fit right in up there.
I wonder what is meant by this? :

"They will fit right in up there."

What have they done? Do you think it makes this doctor a crazy liberal, because she wants teenagers vaccinated before they return to school, during a pandemic which has already lasted a year and a half?
I wonder what is meant by this? :

"They will fit right in up there."

What have they done? Do you think it makes this doctor a crazy liberal, because she wants teenagers vaccinated before they return to school, during a pandemic which has already lasted a year and a half?

Sad thing is the answer is probably yes, he does think that
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Don’t let the door hit you in the a** on the way out!

Brad Fiscus told NBC News on Saturday that the couple's decision to move to northern Virginia sometime between mid-September and October was initially "precipitated by the actions of the Tennessee Department of Health" to fire his wife, Dr. Michelle Fiscus, this summer amid Republican outrage over her push to inoculate teenagers against Covid-19.

Fired Tennessee vaccinations director planning to leave state with her family
I know you'll never be able to articulate an answer in an intelligent manner, but why do you have a problem with her?
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Per a recent survey from "Politico" :

The #1 reason that unvaccinated Trump voters give for not wanting the shot (or shots) doesn't even have anything to do with science. It is this :

"I don't want to give liberals the satisfaction." (and they are usually just referred to as "the libs")

One might hope that such logic would not also be applied to the question of whether or not to have their children vaccinated (if they have any), but that is probably hoping for too much.

An idiot... is an idiot.
Refusing to get vaccinated and dying because of it is one hell of a way to own the libs.
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Per a recent survey from "Politico" :

The #1 reason that unvaccinated Trump voters give for not wanting the shot (or shots) doesn't even have anything to do with science. It is this :

"I don't want to give liberals the satisfaction." (and they are usually just referred to as "the libs")

One might hope that such logic would not also be applied to the question of whether or not to have their children vaccinated (if they have any), but that is probably hoping for too much.

An idiot... is an idiot.
Of all the people I know that have discussed getting vaccinated and choosing not to…. Not one has come even remotely close to this line of thinking…. It’s liberal horse S

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