Fired Tennessee vaccinations director planning to leave state with her family

This is known as "projection". You have a hyper-partisan, far-right radical (Wayne Root) projecting the attitude and behavior of his like-minded peers onto who he views as being "the opposition".

There is nothing to support this belief. Liberals do not typically reject science and the medication from which it has been developed. Also, most liberals are like myself, and simply don't believe that Donald Trump and his administration had any responsibility for the development of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, who didn't take any money from Trump's "Operation: Warp Speed", during the stages of development. With that in mind, why would we be thinking about Trump when deciding whether or not to get the vaccine? Did liberals refuse to get flu shots while Trump was president? I don't think so.

Also, does anyone know what the guy who wrote this column, Wayne Root, did before he got into politics? He was one of the worst sports handicappers in the history of sports gambling in Las Vegas. I'm not kidding. The guy is an idiot.
This is known as "projection". You have a hyper-partisan, far-right radical (Wayne Root) projecting the attitude and behavior of his like-minded peers onto who he views as being "the opposition".

There is nothing to support this belief. Liberals do not typically reject science and the medication from which it has been developed. Also, most liberals are like myself, and simply don't believe that Donald Trump and his administration had any responsibility for the development of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, who didn't take any money from Trump's "Operation: Warp Speed", during the stages of development. With that in mind, why would we be thinking about Trump when deciding whether or not to get the vaccine? Did liberals refuse to get flu shots while Trump was president? I don't think so.

Also, does anyone know what the guy who wrote this column, Wayne Root, did before he got into politics? He was one of the worst sports handicappers in the history of sports gambling in Las Vegas. I'm not kidding. The guy is an idiot.
There were plenty of people from the party of science saying they wouldn’t take the vaccine if it was available prior to the election because it would obviously be a ruse by Trump to get re-elected. This insinuated that the President somehow had authority to push through an untested vaccine and the FDA would go along with it because reasons (I’m sure something about Trump having them jailed or fired).
I have nothing against the woman, but why does she think anyone cares that she is moving?
Reminds me of that woman from the kavanaugh hearings saying people were hunting her. No one knew who you were before this, no one knows now, and no one will care in the future.
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There were plenty of people from the party of science saying they wouldn’t take the vaccine if it was available prior to the election because it would obviously be a ruse by Trump to get re-elected. This insinuated that the President somehow had authority to push through an untested vaccine and the FDA would go along with it because reasons (I’m sure something about Trump having them jailed or fired).
Such as who?
Per a recent survey from "Politico" :

The #1 reason that unvaccinated Trump voters give for not wanting the shot (or shots) doesn't even have anything to do with science. It is this :

"I don't want to give liberals the satisfaction." (and they are usually just referred to as "the libs")

One might hope that such logic would not also be applied to the question of whether or not to have their children vaccinated (if they have any), but that is probably hoping for too much.

An idiot... is an idiot.
That’s pure garbage. So what’s the number one reason for minorities? They are in large not Trump supports, and largely unvaccinated.
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There were plenty of people from the party of science saying they wouldn’t take the vaccine if it was available prior to the election because it would obviously be a ruse by Trump to get re-elected. This insinuated that the President somehow had authority to push through an untested vaccine and the FDA would go along with it because reasons (I’m sure something about Trump having them jailed or fired).
Name them. There are always exceptions, yet you act as though this was something common
Can’t imagine a vaccination director wanting people to get vaccinated. I love Tennessee and am conservative as hell but we’re going to be on the wrong side of this when history reflects.
The vaccines (or therapeutics) may be safe and effective. But that isn't the major point. We can't have govt coming in and mandating injections on something as benign as COVID. I think reasonable people can draw a line between COVID and Ebola to determine when such drastic actions are needed, but right now, the hysteria and actions taken to address COVID have gone way too far.
Per a recent survey from "Politico" :

The #1 reason that unvaccinated Trump voters give for not wanting the shot (or shots) doesn't even have anything to do with science. It is this :

"I don't want to give liberals the satisfaction." (and they are usually just referred to as "the libs")

One might hope that such logic would not also be applied to the question of whether or not to have their children vaccinated (if they have any), but that is probably hoping for too much.

An idiot... is an idiot.
What was the reason given by blacks for not getting vaccinated?
Per a recent survey from "Politico" :

The #1 reason that unvaccinated Trump voters give for not wanting the shot (or shots) doesn't even have anything to do with science. It is this :

"I don't want to give liberals the satisfaction." (and they are usually just referred to as "the libs")

One might hope that such logic would not also be applied to the question of whether or not to have their children vaccinated (if they have any), but that is probably hoping for too much.

An idiot... is an idiot.
It's not my number 1 reason. I couldn't care less what you libtards think of me.
What was the reason given by blacks for not getting vaccinated?

From the many articles I've read on the subject, there's a common thread of mistrust because of the way blacks have been treated in terms of medical experimentation. There's very little trust, and history shows why.

There's also a feeling they're talked down to by the .gov instead of being treated as intelligent and capable adults. Again, right on the money.
From the many articles I've read on the subject, there's a common thread of mistrust because of the way blacks have been treated in terms of medical experimentation. There's very little trust, and history shows why.

There's also a feeling they're talked down to by the .gov instead of being treated as intelligent and capable adults. Again, right on the money.
It’s not just African Americans worried about medical experimentation. That’s why most unvaccinated are unvaccinated (there’s little research - and people are fearful of it). So if that’s a legit reason, why do you have issue when others are worried with it?

Oh, and I’m partially vaccinated (receive second dose next week).
From the many articles I've read on the subject, there's a common thread of mistrust because of the way blacks have been treated in terms of medical experimentation. There's very little trust, and history shows why.

There's also a feeling they're talked down to by the .gov instead of being treated as intelligent and capable adults. Again, right on the money.

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The vaccines (or therapeutics) may be safe and effective. But that isn't the major point. We can't have govt coming in and mandating injections on something as benign as COVID. I think reasonable people can draw a line between COVID and Ebola to determine when such drastic actions are needed, but right now, the hysteria and actions taken to address COVID have gone way too far.
You have left a lot to unpack here, because even the basic premise of your argument is wrong.

(1) COVID can not be accurately described as "benign". It has proven to be a lingering virus in the public realm over the last 17 months, whose variants are increasingly infectious. Death rates are low, which is good... but too many people living in the United States have contracted this virus for it to be dismissed as "benign".

(2) The major point should definitely be how safe and effective the vaccines are. Aside from the issue of safety, there is no other valid reason for not seeking a COVID vaccination.


(3) On February 20, 1905, the Supreme Court ruled in a 7-2 landmark decision, in the case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, that the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts could fine residents who refused to receive smallpox injections. In the majority opinion, Justice John Marshall Harlan wrote about the police power of states to regulate for the protection of public health:

"The good and welfare of the Commonwealth, of which the legislature is primarily the judge, is the basis on which the police power rests in Massachusetts. Upon the principle of self-defense, of paramount necessity, a community has the right to protect itself against an epidemic of disease which threatens the safety of its members." - Supreme Court Justice, John Marshall Harlan

In short, this ruling stated that the government can mandate that its citizens receive an injection for the purpose of preventing the spread of infectious disease. The malignant or benign nature of the disease in question, is not left open for each individual private citizen to determine. That determination is the responsibility of the legislature (as Justice John Marshall Harlan put it), otherwise known as the government.
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I know you'll never be able to articulate an answer in an intelligent manner, but why do you have a problem with her?

I didn’t say I had problem with her. My response was to the article quoting her pompous prick of a husband.
Show me proof of "everyone who takes the vaccine", please.

Then show me evidence that the prevailing belief of that group is that those who can't take the vaccine or have chosen not to are uneducated trump supporters.
It's been said on here, and if you have Facebook, go to any news site about corona. That's literally most of the comments, people calling people science denying, uneducated trumper if they don't take it
It's been said on here, and if you have Facebook, go to any news site about corona. That's literally most of the comments, people calling people science denying, uneducated trumper if they don't take it

You read the comments?

That's rule #1 on ANY news-oriented website, even the ones you like: Never read the comments.

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