First They Came for the Confederate Statues, Then they came for the...

It's really not hard. It's like the states that changed their flags to have "stars and bars" during the civil rights movement. What they did was clear. And despicable. And about time they've all changed that crap. It wasn't about history.
A lot of the Confederate statues went up around 1911, same time as a lot of the Union statues - they coincided with the 50 year anniversary of the war.

Now, a lot of the schools that were named for Confederates were conspicuously announced around the time of Brown.
And the presence of the Confederate battle flag became ubiquitous during the civil rights movement…

There were statues that went up in the 50’s & 60’s too, and they went up for a reason.
You just need to have a small inkling of common sense to know a Nathan Bedford Forrest statue outside of Tennessee was 100% for intimidation, especially when it devotes as much space to the KKK than Civil War....

I don't need a newspaper article to give me common sense.

You can make an intellectual argument that a NBF statue in West TN could be for historic purposes. That same statue in GA or the Carolinas where he never stepped foot....
Do not know about the Carolinas, but he did fight at Chickamauga and was highly thought of in Cedartown for preventing a Union cavalry raid.
He was well known for Fort Pillow Massacre and the KKK.....

Naming him after military wins would be the equivalent of naming your kid Jeremy, Butch, or Derek...
And mostly well known for being an absolute genius at handling cavalry. A natural tactical genius. If there are such things as fearless men, NBF may very well have embodied that trait.

You keep throwing up the KKK thing, but do not seem to know a lot about his involvement.
Take some time to learn about the civil war and reconstruction, trying to unite rather than divide. Divide is the theme nowadays, it wasn't then.
Being forced to free the slaves but then putting up Confederate soldiers in every public place wasn’t “uniting” anyone
The world doesn't revolve around you. Learn some history starting with the reconstruction period.
That’s not “uniting” for any Black person or anyone sympathetic with former slaves, so if you’re just saying white slave owners were “uniting” and no one else matters then sure
That’s not “uniting” for any Black person or anyone sympathetic with former slaves, so if you’re just saying white slave owners were “uniting” and no one else matters then sure
The world doesn't revolve around black people.

I'm normally up for educating you but I'm rather busy today. Talk to me when you learn anything about history.
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The world doesn't revolve around black people.

I'm normally up for educating you but I'm rather busy today. Talk to me when you learn anything about history.
Lmao so yes, you were saying Reconstruction was “uniting” between white slaveowners and themselves. The exact opposite of “uniting” for the former slaves that were a big reason why there WAS a war and Reconstruction, but those people don’t count, of course
Do not know about the Carolinas, but he did fight at Chickamauga and was highly thought of in Cedartown for preventing a Union cavalry raid.

I'd agree at that point, a statue near Rome, GA assuming that it wasn't put up in a courthouse area in the 1950s/60s could have some historic significance.

If a statue was placed in Valdosta in 1960, I'd say that is not for historic purposes.
And mostly well known for being an absolute genius at handling cavalry. A natural tactical genius. If there are such things as fearless men, NBF may very well have embodied that trait.

You keep throwing up the KKK thing, but do not seem to know a lot about his involvement.

I'd agree there is nuance to the KKK discussion with NBF.

But in a 3 or 4 sentence discussion that accompanies the statue, that nuance isn't evident. "NBF was born... He was Confederate...He was known for Massacre of Fort Pillow where he killed lots of AA Union soldiers...He founded the KKK. He died..."

You put that on a courthouse lawn by the colored entrance in 1950s in an area where he never stepped foot.

We both know this example isn't history....
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Lmao so yes, you were saying Reconstruction was “uniting” between white slaveowners and themselves. The exact opposite of “uniting” for the former slaves that were a big reason why there WAS a war and Reconstruction, but those people don’t count, of course
You are a top reason for the dumbing down of America. Get back to me when you learn history.
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