'24 FL CB Cai Bates (FSU Commit)

Yea because I'm realistic recruiting is not for me. 👍
whats realistic about expecting the coaches to close on every recruit that we lead for at some point?

Not one single staff in America, not even Saban or Kirby send out exactly 25 scholarship offers. They don't even get every single recruit they are leading for at some point. And those two are the best in America.
Nobody is whining. And it's funny you can't stand complaining so bad that you posted a response where you whined and complained. This place is over run with smart @sses. It's exhausting.
Relax, man.

Boom party @1900!! Be there!!
So this kid is really 5'11 3/4" 😳.
168 Lbs.
With 4.53 speed in the 40.

41 inch VERT
Much more than the stupid a$$ response on this one.

Don’t justify your consistent net negative to the program presence on this board. Coach’s losses, BALL CARRIER fumbles and QB interceptions and profoundly negative agendas share a value.
You can’t make the deals tied to performance in a literal sense unfortunately
I understand that. But you can make deals based on demand for product. How that has to be worded I'm not totally sure but I'm sure there's a way.

It can't be, "If you start we'll pay you". But maybe... to be paid at least four customers have to use your NIL in the course of a year.
Nobody is whining. And it's funny you can't stand complaining so bad that you posted a response where you whined and complained. This place is over run with smart @sses. It's exhausting.
Was gonna say didn’t see where anything you said seemed whiny or complaining, but didn’t wanna get into a words contest with Buddy. Ppl keep complaining about ppl bitching and I haven’t seen anyone do as such lol. I’m honestly confused. Guess I can’t handle recruiting huh? Lmao
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What is it with these "where should he go" twits? Egos needing even more stroking? Worst thing about the portal is that coaches can't un-recruit some of these prima donnas for fear they'll be offended and hit the portal.

Building bigger followings. For both tweeter and recruit which makes more recruits ask tweeter for edits.

Business moves.
I hate calling this so far in advance because of what’s happened the last few weeks with last minute changes and people seem to get their pantries in a bunch when things change but this screams all Vol to me at the moment

Some of us have followed recruiting for over 25 years and GET that this stuff is very fluid.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Thank you. I, for one, won’t freak out on you if he doesn’t end up a Vol. 😂
I hate calling this so far in advance because of what’s happened the last few weeks with last minute changes and people seem to get their pantries in a bunch when things change but this screams all Vol to me at the moment

Don’t worry: I’ll keep my pantry well stocked and neatly organized, regardless of Bates’ decision.
I hate calling this so far in advance because of what’s happened the last few weeks with last minute changes and people seem to get their pantries in a bunch when things change but this screams all Vol to me at the moment

When I was in med school, I would have killed for my pantries to be in a bunch. My pantries were mainly ramen.

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