'24 FL CB Cai Bates (FSU Commit)

I don’t think it’s that simple. Talent and scheme have to be considered. Hell even the Dline needs to be considered. Hadden looked really solid outside of one idiot play vs Florida. Hell the whole secondary looked “better”. Still not where I want them to be but whatever. My sole issue with Martinez is the player’s not getting their head around in coverage enough. A lot of the other is the scheme we’re in and that’s on Banks.

To be completely fair I still don’t think we have the players we need at every position and the depth we need. As long as Heupel and company keep improving in recruiting and performance I’m good with it. Offense regressed this year, I think the defense took a step forwards before injuries got us.
Definitely understand where you're coming from but a poster that coaches DB's said they're being taught technique properly. Said if they're in phase with the receiver they turn their heads but if they're not they play the receivers hands. For the most part, that's how our corners and nickels/star play. Our scheme in the secondary isn't good so imo it probably makes our DB's look even worse than they probably are. The best gameplan and execution I've seen from them was against A&M. Looked like we played man coverage most of that game too.
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Definitely understand where you're coming from but a poster that coaches DB's said they're being taught technique properly. Said if they're in phase with the receiver they turn their heads but if they're not they play the receivers hands. For the most part, that's how our corners and nickels/star play. Our scheme in the secondary isn't good so imo it probably makes our DB's look even worse than they probably are. The best gameplan and execution I've seen from them was against A&M. Looked like we played man coverage most of that game too.
I think it’s simpler than that even… if we get a kinda pressure with 4 our Dbs play well. It’s simple math, additional time is an absolute advantage to the receiver and qb
Should’ve never hired him in the first place terrible everywhere he has been. He will only recruit 3 and 4 star players
UGA got three 5 star DB’s while he was there. Heupel’s staff has recruited better than what they inherited. Just need to continue that. Banks calls the plays and coaches the safeties.
Why are injuries always thrown our as an excuse for FR? Like FR are extremely fragile and/or upperclassmen are immune from injury. I’m unaware of the higher chances of getting injured as a FR trend/research.
Most Freshmen have not been in a strength and conditioning program anywhere close to a SEC’s S&C program. They need to gain enough strength to protect them fro most sever injuries. Actually, two Summers of S&C is needed for most to compete. You will find an exception now and then but it is not the norm.
So we should keep a bad coach just because he is a decent recruiter and players like him. Got it 🙄🙄
In my mind, it's too early to make a judgment on Heupel as a coach. When I look back at his offenses as an OC plus his UCF and UT numbers, this season is an outlier. He just made a mistake with Milton and painted himself into a corner. Last year wasn't a fluke. When he has the players, he has the ability to have us knocking at the door of a 4 team playoff. I'm hopeful that makes it a near lock that we make a 12 team playoff from time to time. For my money, I'm going to see how he goes about rebuilding this roster. I discount year 1. That simply doesn't count in my book. We've only got what, 4 players left from the 2021 class? I'm going to let this guy flip this roster and get his players in here. That's when I think he's on the clock. Right now, I"m just hoping he's got a list of transfer targets and a ton of NIL money to spend.
Most Freshmen have not been in a strength and conditioning program anywhere close to a SEC’s S&C program. They need to gain enough strength to protect them fro most sever injuries. Actually, two Summers of S&C is needed for most to compete. You will find an exception now and then but it is not the norm.
True. It's also a huge jump to the SEC from HS. Most of these kids don't face an equal on a football field from their soph year on in HS. They've always been the biggest, fastest or strongest and they most certainly don't experience the physicality that awaits them in a jump like this. A lot of these "injuries", like you pointed out, come from their bodies just not being mature enough to handle the shock. Just takes time. Pretty easy for fans to call for a freshman to play, but most are going to have that deer in the headlight look in their eyes when they get out on that field and face SEC players. Throw in being on their own for the first time, school, girls, etc. There's a lot on their plates and their heads are swimming for a time. Things do slow down, but for each at their own pace. I've been there and so have Heupel and his staff. They won't toss a kid into the deep end before he's ready. Our problem is transfers, the NCAA and the collapse of the 2021 class. Each took a serious bite of our apple. No quick fix. We're going to just have to show some patience and expect some growing pains.
Why are injuries always thrown our as an excuse for FR? Like FR are extremely fragile and/or upperclassmen are immune from injury. I’m unaware of the higher chances of getting injured as a FR trend/research.
How many FR play significant minutes at GA? You know, the school that signs the highest rated HS guys every year? Not that many Hershal Walkers out there..... Lots of risk/reward issues involved with putting true FR on the field, especially at the upper end of the P5 schools where UT plays. Name all the FR at the top half of the SEC schools that logged minutes this year. Their existence or lack of existence will be telling. Getting both physically and mentally prepared to play at the D1 level before throwing them out there is the NORM, not an aberration.
In my mind, it's too early to make a judgment on Heupel as a coach. When I look back at his offenses as an OC plus his UCF and UT numbers, this season is an outlier. He just made a mistake with Milton and painted himself into a corner. Last year wasn't a fluke. When he has the players, he has the ability to have us knocking at the door of a 4 team playoff. I'm hopeful that makes it a near lock that we make a 12 team playoff from time to time. For my money, I'm going to see how he goes about rebuilding this roster. I discount year 1. That simply doesn't count in my book. We've only got what, 4 players left from the 2021 class? I'm going to let this guy flip this roster and get his players in here. That's when I think he's on the clock. Right now, I"m just hoping he's got a list of transfer targets and a ton of NIL money to spend.
He wasn’t talking about Heupel.

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