Florida Player Credit Card Rumors

How many times does a kid get to screw up before being dismissed? Just so we're taking score?

No idea, that's up to coaches and Universities. And again, all schools have their examples. I'd still like to know why Jamies Winston and Dalvin Cook were allowed to finish out their careers. Hell, reporters are afraid to even ask Nick Sabah about how and why he does and does not discipline players.
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IF true (and that is a big IF) there will not be anything the school can do. Rumor has it was a large amount of money. The card companies will go after them, would be out of school's hands.

I won't believe it till I see a credible source. And as we see on here, message boards are not credible sources. Twitter isn't either.

The card companies should do anything. If the card belongs to UF they are the victim and would have to pursue charges.
No idea, that's up to coaches and Universities. And again, all schools have their examples. I'd still like to know why Jamies Winston and Dalvin Cook were allowed to finish out their careers. Hell, reporters are afraid to even ask Nick Sabah about how and why he does and does not discipline players.

So 4 or 5?
It's Florida's turn to suck, so have at it. All is fair in SEC football country. But I can promise you this, the next time Tennessee has a player(s) screw up, I won't say a word. I know better.

Its not if you have kids get in trouble as all schools do. Its how you deal with it.
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Its not if you have kids get in trouble as all schools do. Its how you deal with it.


Well...it's also nice if your lads get into trouble less frequently than other schools' lads. But we all know eventually every school's gonna have that one who does. Or a squad full, in Florida's case lately. :)
Players commit crimes...institution swept it under the rug. Did it get reported? Surely, it's a violation like impermissible benefits. Eligibility should be looked into.
To summarize the Gator hometown reporter Neil Shulman's writeup (first link provided in this thread): "Nothing to see here, it was only One Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars, that's only a class C felony, no big deal, no one is getting punished, it's possible the players might even pay the school back.

"So nothing to see here, move along, move along."

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To me, losing Taylor would maybe hurt more than Callaway. That dude is rock solid at RT. If Calloway is out, you still have Massey, Cleveland, Hammond, etc...

Unless there's more to this, I don't think we lose anyone.

It wouldnt hurt me if they are all out.
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How many times does a kid get to screw up before being dismissed? Just so we're taking score?

You really would think that Callaway's cumulative transgressions would lead to a dismissal. I would just like to know at this point what he could possibly do to be kicked off the team... Not much else to conclude except that McElwain desperately wants to keep him around.
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Many rumors, and at this point they are only rumors, are swirling that numerous Florida players are in trouble for possible credit card fraud. Callaway is one player that is named consistently in these, again, rumors. Anyone else hearing anything?

i just hate it that these rumors are swirling. at least they could simply spread for a while before they swirl....:crazy::crazy:
Lol 1500? Thats a a huge difference from the 150k mentioned in this thread

But man those are all players we cannot afford to lose esp Taylor and Callaway those are 2 of our 3 most important players on offense this year

Telfort and Stewart both 4 star freshmen I got high hopes for and J Smith is a 6'6" DE who could be an Alex McCalister type down the road

Really don't wanna lose any of those guys

You really buying anything Neil has to say? Dude is a complete clown and his only connection to UF involved playing Xbox Live with Clay Burton.
GC Legend
If you want to win then sadly this is the kind of kids you gotta have you just hope they dont get caught. If you want choir boys then youll have one hell of a choir.
Yesterday at 3:08 PM

After the way the Treon Harris "don't tell nobody nuthin" rape was brushed under the rug, does this surprise anyone?
The article doesn't lay out the whole story but essentially Callaway and his lawyers have filed
for an investigation against the university for getting to close to the prosecution team. The article also states there are two investigations but only discusses the aforementioned. I've heard very little of this until now, it seems UF does a pretty good job keeping this stuff out of the national media.
On top of all that, rumors are flying out of Gainesville that approximately half a dozen of gators are being investigated for credit card fraud from an Apple Store.
Goldklamp and Stamper are locking every thread over there to keep a lid on it. If it gets out to national media this time, it will be much harder for the university to sweep under the rug.

You have to read about it from other schools forums. This above is from FSU. The gator boards are locking/deleting any thread/posts with real info.

And someone mentioned Zaire is one of them. Tifwiw
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no worries---mcelwain will get it covered up----their program is as crooked as alabama.
Exactly. Just take Zaire, he's been on campus what, 5 weeks? So in 5 or 6 weeks, in between figuring out where to go to class and how to get around in a new town, he managed to also rack up 150k in credit card charges? That's about 30k a week, with no alerts/cancellations/questions at all. Sounds like an FSU fan stirring up bs.

FSU & UF can't go a year without someone being arrested. I can't remember if Tennessee stays out of trouble more than both of these schools but trust me I am not trying to brag here.
You have to read about it from other schools forums. This above is from FSU. The gator boards are locking/deleting any thread/posts with real info.

And someone mentioned Zaire is one of them. Tifwiw

The same FSU who botched Winston and Cook criminal investigations? FSU recently had a player suspended for felony theft and fraud charges so they'll start as many rumors and threads on this subject to deflect the attention away from Tallahassee.
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Thomas Goldkamp 52387 posts 2 hours ago
Y'all really need to apply a little more common sense to what you read.
1) The article in the OP says that Antonio Callaway and Treon Harris were suspended for the 2016 season. False. Then it goes on one paragraph later to say Callaway avoided the suspension. That should set off some red flags for you.
2) College kids with over $150,000 available to them to spend via credit card? LOL.
What you guys keep posting are blogs who caught a whiff of rumors out there that have some merit to them, but not at all in the form it's been "reported" by these guys. As I said yesterday, the facts are still not fully known, and I believe the incident was something that could be made restitution for without any criminal charges. Until we have more info for you than that, please stop linking trash blogs that obviously don't make sense on the surface.
It's unfair to the players these blogs are (sometimes inaccurately) naming. Grossly unfair. There's a reason that no reputable journalist has reported on this yet.
You're entering "kiss of death" territory. Just as soon as you criticize someone for a player screwing up, your school is next.

And EVERYONE has plenty to be ashamed of in this area.

Have to agree here. There is no collegiate institution that keeps all of there athletes out of trouble. These kids get the opportunity of a lifetime and screw it up by making one horrible decision.
Have to agree here. There is no collegiate institution that keeps all of there athletes out of trouble. These kids get the opportunity of a lifetime and screw it up by making one horrible decision.

One horrible decision? Lol

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