Forgive Student Loans?

Honestly, we should be working to reduce enrollment in 4 year schools. Anything outside of engineering, medicine, business, should have very small availability.

And honestly, 90 percent of engineering jobs can be done by someone who is intelligent and doesn't have a degree at all. I went to college, but I the most I have ever used in my engineering job is a velocity equation.
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Honestly, we should be working to reduce enrollment in 4 year schools. Anything outside of engineering, medicine, business, should have very small availability.
Don't disagree with that. I know my oldest has already has college credits under her belt in her first semester. A few of her friends already have a semester.
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So next time dude says he lost two legs for his country, we get to point out that it wasn’t for his country, it was for debt relief like he said? Or he gets to politicize his service for 20 different arguments at the same time?

The poster who thinks the difference between full tuition paid and 10-20K relief is “irrelevant” and “nothing” when it’s that guy’s entire argument maybe should posture a bit less, but hey, you’re welcome to keep digging
You can't comprehend that it's possible to do something with multiple rationales? Holy moly you're actually as dumb as everyone thinks. That explains a lot- it's almost certain you live entirely off of somebody else with this level of what you call "logic".
You can't comprehend that it's possible to do something with multiple rationales? Holy moly you're actually as dumb as everyone thinks. That explains a lot- it's almost certain you live entirely off of somebody else with this level of what you call "logic".

My question wasn’t about multiple rationales you walking rock. Still zero counter arguments and another dead wrong guess
And honestly, 90 percent of engineering jobs can be done by someone who is intelligent and doesn't have a degree at all. I went to college, but I the most I have ever used in my engineering job is a velocity equation.
Most of the time the degree is just the ticket to play the game. There are still winners and losers- all you did with the degree is pay to get in.

If somebody made the decision to pay to get in and lost, that's on them. There are almost infinite other life choices that can be made that don't require a student loan, or tickets to play that could've been purchased that would have created more success. In the end it is individual responsibility to pay back the loans or figure out an alternative. This handout is a joke.
Getting butthurt about debt relief because people didn’t go back in time and give you the same relief is what’s stupid. I’ve been paying off loans too, I would never be the type of dickhead to get mad because others don’t have to

What’s stupid is believing that if someone’s degree isn’t valuable enough for them to pay off their debt for it, but it’s valuable enough for someone else to pay it off for them.
My question wasn’t about multiple rationales you walking rock. Still zero counter arguments and another dead wrong guess
Walking rock? At least that's funny.

You literally, explicitly, openly said the guy can't claim two reasons for services, "you walking rock". The jazz cabbage got your brain damaged so bad you can't even remember what you yourself typed. Or maybe you've run into too many walls, or the multiple personalities are kicking in. Either way you're operating on about four total brain cells here, chief.
@NashVol11 here must smoke full time- he thinks it's only possible to do things for one reason at a time. I guess when you're blitzed out of your mind 100% of the time that may be true.

Continuing to make it obvious that this conversation is going 10 feet over your head. Fine with me lol, I don’t think others will have the same comprehension issues you are and the posts are right there to see
Most of the time the degree is just the ticket to play the game. There are still winners and losers- all you did with the degree is pay to get in.

If somebody made the decision to pay to get in and lost, that's on them. There are almost infinite other life choices that can be made that don't require a student loan, or tickets to play that could've been purchased that would have created more success. In the end it is individual responsibility to pay back the loans or figure out an alternative. This handout is a joke.

100 percent correct. Man, doesn't it just warm your heart to know that taxpayers are on the hook for all those people who got sociology or gender study degrees?
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Continuing to make it obvious that this conversation is going 10 feet over your head. Fine with me lol, I don’t think others will have the same comprehension issues you are and the posts are right there to see
What's over my head? It seems like you're literally the only person in here that comprehends whatever you posted in the way you are. Must be nice being a self-proclaimed genius- we used to lock up those types in an asylum. Maybe we ought to bring that practice back, no?
The tech industry is in the same boat. Don't waste your time going to college.

It is amazing, in an era when education is more accessible than at any other time in history (with the internet), somehow education has become more expensive.

That really doesn’t line up.
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100 percent correct. Man, doesn't it just warm your heart to know that taxpayers are on the hook for all those people who got sociology or gender study degrees?
If those people actually made themselves useful to society through some type of service, I'd be alright with it. Instead, they get to be losers and leeches and get them gibs no matter what.
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Walking rock? At least that's funny.

You literally, explicitly, openly said the guy can't claim two reasons for services, "you walking rock". The jazz cabbage got your brain damaged so bad you can't even remember what you yourself typed. Or maybe you've run into too many walls, or the multiple personalities are kicking in. Either way you're operating on about four total brain cells here, chief.

He can have all the rationales he wants, but looking at the 7th-most important reason and claiming you “lost your legs for that” just to create a sob story for a political argument is so disingenuous that a 3rd-grader would roll his eyes
And honestly, 90 percent of engineering jobs can be done by someone who is intelligent and doesn't have a degree at all. I went to college, but I the most I have ever used in my engineering job is a velocity equation.

Much truth here. I don’t want to design a bridge but I’ve worked around engineers that had jobs I could do.
What's over my head? It seems like you're literally the only person in here that comprehends whatever you posted in the way you are. Must be nice being a self-proclaimed genius- we used to lock up those types in an asylum. Maybe we ought to bring that practice back, no?

And on the point you dropped (I don’t blame you), it’s not “for nothing” anyway when most schools cost much more than 10-20K a year
He can have all the rationales he wants, but looking at the 7th-most important reason and claiming you “lost your legs for that” just to create a sob story for a political argument is so disingenuous that a 3rd-grader would roll his eyes
Glad you're now admitting the level at which your brain functions, seeing how you're the only one rolling your eyes here.
What are you looking for? I don't agree with the free handouts. Never will.

I said at least save face for the President by offering to those that will move this country forward in regards to infrastructure, engineering, teachers, doctors, scientist, technology... not wasted degrees. That is a better spin than a blanket 10K, 20K pell grant.
Given just about every response to his tweet I would say you’re about the only one who isn’t
You're using twitter as a baseline for reality?

Again, I'm guessing we're all here paying off your weed bill/student loans too. Or maybe you're one of the ones that couldn't figure out how to put your pants on to secure one of those lottery scholarships. Or maybe you got granted into school. Who knows, whatever it is you ain't too bright.
What are you looking for? I don't agree with the free handouts. Never will.

I said at least save face for the President by offering to those that will move this country forward in regards to infrastructure, engineering, teachers, doctors, scientist, technology... not wasted degrees. That is a better spin than a blanket 10K, 20K pell grant.
Handing additional cash to Pell Grant recipients is possibly the stupidest part of all of this.

If you were so stupid that you deeply indebted yourself after getting an opportunity to go to school free, you deserve all the bad coming your way. We're quite literally funding the worst and the dimmest with that one.
If those people actually made themselves useful to society through some type of service, I'd be alright with it. Instead, they get to be losers and leeches and get them gibs no matter what.

Want a gender studies degree? Here is your final exam: What makes a person male or female? A. The person chooses their gender. B. Having either a penis or a vagina, whether placed there by nature or by a surgeon. C. A persons chromosomes. If you chose option "C', then congratulations, you have just earned a bachelors in gender studies!

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