Because he's trying to fix a broken system. Good for him.
So what if they have families or when the cafeteria is closed or they need to dress up for something but all they've been given for free was some adidas climalite t shirts?
So what if they have families or when the cafeteria is closed or they need to dress up for something but all they've been given for free was some adidas climalite t shirts?
It may be broken in some ways, but I've attended UT and let me tell you our players aren't hurting. Gibbs hall is very nice. They have the best food on campus. They are totally pampered now with the new football complex that just opened. They get tons of free gear from Adidas. They get grades practically handed to them a lot of the time. They live a good life I promise. Now, I agree that all of these guys should be able to sell their memorabilia for money, but to say all these guys needs salaries is maniacal. If teams were allowed to pay players, it will kill the small schools in college football. No way, even with a set salary across the board, that a team like Ohio could afford to pay players like OSU could, even with a constant salary across the board. Foster might be trying to help college players out, but in the same time he's bringing negative publicity to UT. It's never a good thing to see UT's name in the same sentence as cheating, no matter the cause. Plus, most people that I've seen report or talk about the situation of Foster's don't believe the story fully adds up, which in my eyes it doesn't. The only thing Foster has done is raise question as to who else UT has paid over the years with Fulmer, etc. I've never been a Foster supporter, as I feel he laid down his senior year here to avoid injury, among other things, but this tops all the dumb things he's either said or done. UT to Foster has become a means to end for his agenda, whether that agenda is motivation to be a great RB because he fells "people didn't understand him here" or helping future college players get paid. He's just selfish, and if people are to blind to see these things and think Foster is a great VFL then the word VFL has lost total meaning.
It may be broken in some ways, but I've attended UT and let me tell you our players aren't hurting. Gibbs hall is very nice. They have the best food on campus. They are totally pampered now with the new football complex that just opened. They get tons of free gear from Adidas. They get grades practically handed to them a lot of the time. They live a good life I promise. Now, I agree that all of these guys should be able to sell their memorabilia for money, but to say all these guys needs salaries is maniacal. If teams were allowed to pay players, it will kill the small schools in college football. No way, even with a set salary across the board, that a team like Ohio could afford to pay players like OSU could, even with a constant salary across the board. Foster might be trying to help college players out, but in the same time he's bringing negative publicity to UT. It's never a good thing to see UT's name in the same sentence as cheating, no matter the cause. Plus, most people that I've seen report or talk about the situation of Foster's don't believe the story fully adds up, which in my eyes it doesn't. The only thing Foster has done is raise question as to who else UT has paid over the years with Fulmer, etc. I've never been a Foster supporter, as I feel he laid down his senior year here to avoid injury, among other things, but this tops all the dumb things he's either said or done. UT to Foster has become a means to end for his agenda, whether that agenda is motivation to be a great RB because he fells "people didn't understand him here" or helping future college players get paid. He's just selfish, and if people are to blind to see these things and think Foster is a great VFL then the word VFL has lost total meaning.
I am for student-athletes getting paid, but I do think it opens up a can of worms when deciding a formula on if athletes from revenue producing sports get paid more or if BCS level programs get paid more than other programs. With that being said, to posit Arian as a "normal college kid" isn't accurate. I had my fair share of Ramen noodles weeks in college too, but I was not literally making my school millions of dollars during that same time. Something needs to be done.To be honest, I always supported Foster....but that boy was lucky to be at UT. He wasn't very highly recruited coming out of HS. Our coaches were at one of his games scouting another player when they noticed him. We gave him a chance to play in the SEC and he recieved a free education. Whatever his food situation was, I'm sure it was probably better than 90% of the other students at UT. "Broke college kid" is not a new term, I certainly had my fair share of Ramen while a student, I'm sure a lot of other posters on this board did too. He really has always been a drama queen, it's unfortunate that he plays victim rather than appreciate what he got....something I would have been proud to receive. Screw being paid, I would pay money to run out through the T!
As a current student at UT, I mostly agree with that. However, I've had classes with some of the players and I'm pretty sure that they arn't being handed any grades.
Also, let's not all get carried away with this free education/food stuff. These athletes are trading their skill to the university for two things.
1) An college education
2) A chance to be coached up to get into the NFL.
I am for student-athletes getting paid, but I do think it opens up a can of worms when deciding a formula on if athletes from revenue producing sports get paid more or if BCS level programs get paid more than other programs. With that being said, to posit Arian as a "normal college kid" isn't accurate. I had my fair share of Ramen noodles weeks in college too, but I was not literally making my school millions of dollars during that same time. Something needs to be done.