It is absolutely mind boggling to me that Saban would play the football player in question for the assault after the game.
My head is spinning that the mentioned broadcast team chose to bring the issue up and offer opinions or any information regarding the situation in Knoxville.
It makes it appear that they were asked or told by someone at Alabama to speak on the issue and water it down and basically blame the victim.
I will say that based on video evidence the female fan was not shoved as mentioned in the broadcast last night. Shoving isn't condoned either, but it was certainly an attempt to make the action seem less aggressive than a punch or slap.
I'm not suggesting they should have stayed silent about this issue, but to chose to speak on it and make excuses for and defending the action is just literally despicable.
This is a situation that may very well just be beginning as far as the victim seeking legal advice and who knows, there may be some type of investigation going on.
Imagine these broadcasters reaction if the player in question was a UT player and the fan involved was not a UT fan.
Saban is a bigger piece of crap b/c he is in a position of authority. Herbie and Fowler are nothing more than ESPN pawns who are in love with Saban, Meyer and ultimately Ohio State. I'm sure Saban would have had something to say if a TN player would have bitch slapped his daughter. This should show the world that Saban is a complete POS. He and the wide receiver should be suspended. Saban is a POS who can do no wrong in the eyes of the media especially ESPN. I feel for the young lady who go slapped for no reason. So during the next Alabama victory please feel free to give Saban's wife and daughter a love tap. Lastly, the SEC should have taken action but they are up Saban's ass so far they could not take action. Great job SEC office and Saban.....two worthless entities.