Fox being sued for allegedly broadcasting ‘lies’ about Dominion

Fwiw, MSNBC is reporting that the agreed upon settlement amount was "north of $800 million," but attorneys for Fox News wanted that figure to be kept undisclosed. Dominion agreed to a discount, if Fox News would allow the amount of the financial settlement to be announced.

Because what's the fun of making so much money, if you can't brag about it, right? LOL.
I'm still looking for a news source that doesn't shill for one party or the other. Doesn't exist as far as TV channels go. That's why I prefer newsprint where it's easier to separate the facts from the spin.

I agree. I will read CNN and Fox and then do some dives into the subject matters that interest me. My dives will include other news outlets as well as general background. I refuse to watch anything on tv in the news arena
That’s not what you said, you said they live there. So I called you out on the wrong use of irony. NYC is a great place, NYC has major issues right now in regards to crime. Both can be true.
They do live there the majority of the time.
Fox headquarters is there 100% of the choice....and that is the source of the irony.
How many rightwing news sources portray NYC as you just did?
Hell, the PF is full of posters who think every metropolitan area is a cesspool, and we both know what feeds that impression.
They do live there the majority of the time.
Fox headquarters is there 100% of the choice....and that is the source of the irony.
How many rightwing news sources portray NYC as you just did?
Hell, the PF is full of posters who think every metropolitan area is a cesspool, and we both know what feeds that impression.
Portray NYC as a great place with high crime? Many…great place for food, shows, entertainment, shopping. Great place to get shot, robbed or assaulted at any moment. But again, majority of the on-air personalities live outside the state/city. Nice try though….weekend hotel isn’t the same place of residence. You mean FOX is located in the news capital of the world. Not sure that’s irony either.
Portray NYC as a great place with high crime? Many…great place for food, shows, entertainment, shopping. Great place to get shot, robbed or assaulted at any moment. But again, majority of the on-air personalities live outside the state/city. Nice try though….weekend hotel isn’t the same place of residence. You mean FOX is located in the news capital of the world. Not sure that’s irony either.
Sure it is. I guess you just need to be willing to dig a tad deeper.
When is the last time Fox ran a positive news story on NYC?
And weekend hotel? If you spend 250 days out of the year in one location, year after year, then that is your primary residence.
Sure it is. I guess you just need to be willing to dig a tad deeper.
When is the last time Fox ran a positive news story on NYC?
And weekend hotel? If you spend 250 days out of the year in one location, year after year, then that is your primary residence.
every weekend, the Sunday crew brings in local groups to promote businesses, philanthropy, events happening. Where does Hannity or Tucker Carlson live? Where does Jesse Watters, Kilmeade or how about Breit Beir…tell us which one lives in NYC.
But this is known, let's not pretend that journalism, especially TV and network news journalism is a bastion of truth and straight news. There was a slow liberal creep that permeated in newsrooms for decades. It spawned a new network that was very successful, mostly because it was the only one that wasn't a left lean.

One cannot excuse a blatant 6 month perpetuation of known lies with reference to the "slow liberal creep" in the MSM. The latter in no way justifies the former.
One cannot excuse a blatant 6 month perpetuation of known lies with reference to the "slow liberal creep" in the MSM. The latter in no way justifies the former.
No, it doesn't. But as I stated let's not pretend the industry is tarnished because of this particular instance. FOX has done similar things in the past, though this one only appears different because of monetary scale. CNN isn't immune to this kind of situation, they didn't care when they impugned an awkward kid and used him as a prop to attack Trump with. It's been going on long before that and certainly this.

FOX has a huge black eye, and they should. But let's not clutch Pearls and "why I never!".....
All of the newstainment networks feed you what you want to hear/see so that you'll keep watching, they are all the same.
Except for the fact that only one of them has been hit for almost $1 billion for lying and defamation that they knew they were doing. Sure they all exaggerate things to their benefit but this Fox mess is another level of deception. And they may have to pay that other machine company as well so I don’t think it’s over yet.
Sure it is. I guess you just need to be willing to dig a tad deeper.
When is the last time Fox ran a positive news story on NYC?
And weekend hotel? If you spend 250 days out of the year in one location, year after year, then that is your primary residence.
You do know Tucker lives in Florida, he moved from DC....and he shoots out of DC, Maine, FLA, and Cali..
Except for the fact that only one of them has been hit for almost $1 billion for lying and defamation that they knew they were doing. Sure they all exaggerate things to their benefit but this Fox mess is another level of deception. And they may have to pay that other machine company as well so I don’t think it’s over yet.
CNN paid sandman quarter of a billion, and Rittenhouse hasn't even filed yet but he will command similar or even more.
One key difference is that many people posting in this forum take Fox as gospel, revel in fox's ratings, and have a whole thread where they talk about how "Tucker was on fire tonight."
They use the term “on fire” legitimately now. As in “Liar, liar pants on fire”.
You do know Tucker lives in Florida, he moved from DC....and he shoots out of DC, Maine, FLA, and Cali..
I'm proud to say I have no clue where Tucker lives. I obviously made the wrong assumption that he did his show from NYC which would mean he lived nearby.

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