Fox being sued for allegedly broadcasting ‘lies’ about Dominion

Trump has been compromised by Russia. Whether that is his own doing, or some leverage that Russia has over him, or both, is
not entirely clear, though we do know that Russians have played a big role in bailing out the gangster's real estate business.
The gangster has shown quite clearly that he'd like to be Putin's lover.

Many of the points you labor to make above were never argued by Democrats. Sessions as a Russian spy? Go ahead and show where
that was asserted publicly by Dems.

I can see from the bolded above that you may be around 12 years old. In any event, here is one:

Sessions “still doesn’t get it” — he’s “in trouble,” Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) told Wolf Blitzer later on CNN.

“He’s not in trouble where he happened to be in places where there are Russians,” said Lieu, a member of the House Judiciary Committee who grilled Sessions this week. “He is in trouble because he had a nearly hour-long meeting with Ambassador Kislyak — also a spy — and then he failed to disclose the existence of that meeting under oath to the U.S. Senate. That’s why Jeff Sessions is in trouble.”
I used to respond to deflection away from the Trump Tower meeting, towards the Steele Dossier, with a link to an article which would confirm that both Hillary Clinton and the DNC were in violation of FEC laws for their funding of the dossier, as well as for how it was reported. They were, in fact, sanctioned over this by the FEC ... and deservedly so.

I don't take the time to do this anymore, because I've learned that it doesn't stop the deflection. I guess "What about the Steele Dossier?" is just a natural reflex to reading anything concerning Trump/Russia collusion.

Hillary Clinton and Democrats settle Steele dossier electoral case for $113,000
Ok but do you agree they did what Trump tried to do?

And was I right about what Trump said about the tower meeting?
I think CNN and a few others lost or settled defamation suits in the past, not almost a billion dollars but still. They lied and ended up paying so they are no different, all just after advertising dollars.
I would agree with you on the basics of the comparison of these stations. I don’t believe anything out of any of them until I check it out. The only point here is that Fox’s lies and contradictions are on another level in the Dominion case and they paid accordingly. And I think they are going to have to pay off that other company as well.

This is not your run of the mill slander settlement. The false allegations they were selling to their viewers strike at the heart of the voting process. This has played a big part in the rancor that has been going on for 3 years since Trump got whipped. And I would go a step further and say the situation also played a part in egging on the perpetrators of the January 6th debacle at the Capitol. Again, another level of falsehoods that had far worse consequences than a simple libel case.
I would agree with you on the basics of the comparison of these stations. I don’t believe anything out of any of them until I check it out. The only point here is that Fox’s lies and contradictions are on another level in the Dominion case and they paid accordingly. And I think they are going to have to pay off that other company as well.

This is not your run of the mill slander settlement. The false allegations they were selling to their viewers strike at the heart of the voting process. This has played a big part in the rancor that has been going on for 3 years since Trump got whipped. And I would go a step further and say the situation also played a part in egging on the perpetrators of the January 6th debacle at the Capitol. Again, another level of falsehoods that had far worse consequences than a simple libel case.

A "news" organization that will lie big will lie small so they are all the same bunch of liars. None better than the other.
Ok but do you agree they did what Trump tried to do?

And was I right about what Trump said about the tower meeting?
There are similarities and differences.

The Russians wanted to use this meeting as a quid-pro-quo understanding. They would provide Trump Jr. with some fresh dirt on Clinton (which they didn't actually have), and the Trump Campaign would pledge to repeal the Magnitsky Act if elected (which too many Republican Senators would have objected to).

It was a foolish meeting to partake in, and revealed how naive and unsophisticated Trump Jr. is. He never considered that Rob Goldstone could be lying, and that the Russians would want something in return, which a Trump Administration might not be able to provide.

Hillary Clinton was just as foolish, but for different reasons. She has always been someone who would cut corners, and do unethical things, because she has a sense of entitlement. Our laws and regulations don't apply to her.
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There are similarities and differences.

The Russians wanted to use this meeting as a quid-pro-quo understanding. They would provide Trump Jr. with some fresh dirt on Clinton (which they didn't actually have), and the Trump Campaign would pledge to repeal the Magnitsky Act if elected (which too many Republican Senators would have objected to).

It was a foolish meeting to partake in, and revealed how naive and unsophisticated Trump Jr. is. He never considered that Rob Goldstone could be lying, and that the Russians would want something in return, which a Trump Administration might not be able to provide.

Hillary Clinton was just as foolish, but for different reasons. She has always been someone who would cut corners, and do unethical things, because she has a sense of entitlement. Our laws and regulations don't apply to her.
Fair. Hopefully Trump will move on and we can find a better candidate (or 2) but I don’t have much faith in either of those things happening at this point.
A "news" organization that will lie big will lie small so they are all the same bunch of liars. None better than the other.
Is the same true of people? Is there a person that doesn't lie at all? Do all people lie equally?
You have to know your stance is absurd.
There are similarities and differences.

The Russians wanted to use this meeting as a quid-pro-quo understanding. They would provide Trump Jr. with some fresh dirt on Clinton (which they didn't actually have), and the Trump Campaign would pledge to repeal the Magnitsky Act if elected (which too many Republican Senators would have objected to).

It was a foolish meeting to partake in, and revealed how naive and unsophisticated Trump Jr. is. He never considered that Rob Goldstone could be lying, and that the Russians would want something in return, which a Trump Administration might not be able to provide.

Hillary Clinton was just as foolish, but for different reasons. She has always been someone who would cut corners, and do unethical things, because she has a sense of entitlement. Our laws and regulations don't apply to her.
China definitely got a better deal with the Bidens.
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Why are these "lies" from Fox such a big deal when CNN and MSNBC did it for years straight about Trump and COVID, Rittenhouse, school shooting, lightening pic of shooter to enable riots, Bryant shooting...and the list goes on???
Why are these "lies" from Fox such a big deal when CNN and MSNBC did it for years straight about Trump and COVID, Rittenhouse, school shooting, lightening pic of shooter to enable riots, Bryant shooting...and the list goes on???
1) A prospective plaintiff who was undeterred by the process of discovery, invested the time and money into a defamation lawsuit against Fox News.

2) Private correspondence from Fox News employees revealed that they knew that lies were being told on their shows. For reasons which only concerned selfish gains (Nielsen Ratings), these lies were allowed to continue - with no pushback from the Fox News hosts.

3) The unprecedented enormity of the financial settlement, and the acknowledgement from Fox News that indeed, lies were told about Dominion on their shows.

I think it's funny how you put the word lies in scare quotes, as if there is any doubt that Fox News did lie and welcome lies being told on their shows. Fox News employees have admitted as much in text messages to each other.
1) A prospective plaintiff who was undeterred by the process of discovery, invested the time and money into a defamation lawsuit against Fox News.

2) Private correspondence from Fox News employees revealed that they knew that lies were being told on their shows. For reasons which only concerned selfish gains (Nielsen Ratings), these lies were allowed to continue - with no pushback from the Fox News hosts.

3) The unprecedented enormity of the financial settlement, and the acknowledgement from Fox News that indeed, lies were told about Dominion on their shows.

I think it's funny how you put the word lies in scare quotes, as if there is any doubt that Fox News did lie and welcome lies being told on their shows. Fox News employees have admitted as much in text messages to each other.
Wasn't Tucker quoted as ating that there was fraud in he election but the proof from Trump etc wasn't legit?
Wasn't Tucker quoted as ating that there was fraud in he election but the proof from Trump etc wasn't legit?
Maybe, but that wouldn't necessarily involve Dominion and their lawsuit.

Tucker Carlson did make it clear that he believed Sidney Powell was lying, but he never said so on his show. Tucker Carlson also wanted a Fox News reporter fired because she had the audacity to fact-check a bogus allegation made by Donald Trump. Carlson's reasoning for this firing was that fact-checking Trump was bad for ratings .... even if that meant arriving at the truth.
Maybe, but that wouldn't necessarily involve Dominion and their lawsuit.

Tucker Carlson did make it clear that he believed Sidney Powell was lying, but he never said so on his show. Tucker Carlson also wanted a Fox News reporter fired because she had the audacity to fact-check a bogus allegation made by Donald Trump. Carlson's reasoning for this firing was that fact-checking Trump was bad for ratings .... even if that meant arriving at the truth.
So then exactly how is that different then say CNN framing the the Bryant shooting as a white cop shooting a black unarmed wasn't til body cam footage was released that they fixed it. They lied to stoke racial divisions, they are doing the same with the Yarl shooting...
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So then exactly how is that different then say CNN framing the the Bryant shooting as a white cop shooting a black unarmed wasn't til body cam footage was released that they fixed it. They lied to stoke racial divisions, they are doing the same with the Yarl shooting...
You're attempting to argue with someone who firmly believes whatever narrative his Democrat overlords tell him to believe. He's just as bad as the Trumpers he rails against for blindly following Trump. Both parties have their sheep.
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So then exactly how is that different then say CNN framing the the Bryant shooting as a white cop shooting a black unarmed wasn't til body cam footage was released that they fixed it. They lied to stoke racial divisions, they are doing the same with the Yarl shooting...
It's a lot different ... but are you capable of anything other than deflection? You are as frequent with it as Weezer.
A "news" organization that will lie big will lie small so they are all the same bunch of liars. None better than the other.
Wrong. They are better than Fox News. Tucker Carlson wanted a Fox News reporter fired, just because she correctly fact-checked Donald Trump. Carlson's reasoning was that correcting Trump with factual information was bad for their standing in the Nielsen Ratings. That pretty much tells you everything you need to know about Fox News ... and sorry, but not everyone would do something like that.
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You're attempting to argue with someone who firmly believes whatever narrative his Democrat overlords tell him to believe. He's just as bad as the Trumpers he rails against for blindly following Trump. Both parties have their sheep.
You never argue or debate anything. You deflect.
2 takeaways :

1) The bar to clear for defamation is higher in New York than it is in Delaware. That's a positive for Fox.

2) The lies told about Smartmatic, on-air by Fox News hosts and their guests (Powell and Guiliani), were frequently in conjunction with the lies being told about Dominion. The two cases are intertwined. That should make arguments convenient for the attorneys of Smartmatic. They have a blueprint to follow.
It's a lot different ... but are you capable of anything other than deflection? You are as frequent with it as Weezer.
So when you can't articulate why FOX is worse then what CNN has done or is doing say you say your liberal buzz words, defection, whataboutism etc. For example Yarl shooting your liberal media is still saying he rang the door bell l, when in fact he ignored a no trespassing sign, banged on the door and tried to enter a house that wasn't his..also they report Yarl had been killed, then had to stealth edit you'll call me uneducated or another name ime sure...that's your tendancy
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So when you can't articulate why FOX is worse then what CNN has done
I don't watch CNN. The only time period in which I ever did, was back when they covered much more than just politics. Their sports coverage with Van Earl Wright, Nick Charles, Vince Cellini, Dan Hicks, Fred Hickman, Hannah Storm and Nancy Newman was exceptional ... but that's going back over 20 years.

I have repeatedly explained why Fox News is worse than MSNBC and every main stream network which provides news coverage. That hasn't stopped you from constantly deflecting ... but I will once more, anyway :

1) Tucker Carlson tried to have one of his own colleagues fired (a female reporter), because she had the nerve to accurately fact-check one of Donald Trump's bogus election fraud claims. Basically, Carlson wanted this reporter fired for doing her job well, just because he thought it was hurting their standing in the Nielsen Ratings. That is despicable ... and you have no comparable "what-about-ism" which you can point towards.

2) Fox News just agreed to pay the single largest financial sum ever, for the purpose of settling a defamation lawsuit out of court ... and now, Smartmatic is in the on-deck circle.

3) The discovery phase of the Dominion suit revealed a very clear duality from the employees of Fox News. They have a very low opinion of their viewership, and an even lower opinion of Donald Trump. You would never know this, however, by watching their shows.
The settlement has no bearing on the other cases. It might indeed embolden Smartmatic to hold out for more money, but Smartmatic has more serious problems in proving their damages.
The settlement has no bearing on it, but the two cases are intertwined. Smartmatic can employ the material uncovered during the discovery phase of the Dominion lawsuit, in their arguments as well. Those incriminating text messages are a matter of public record now.

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