Fox being sued for allegedly broadcasting ‘lies’ about Dominion

CNN paid sandman quarter of a billion, and Rittenhouse hasn't even filed yet but he will command similar or even more.
Not exactly ...

CNN Confirms Settlement After $275 Million Lawsuit with Nick Sandmann

The last paragraph from "The National Trial Lawyers" reads as follows :

Sandmann, who is represented by high-powered attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood, was seeking $275 million from CNN. Fox 19 reported that CNN agreed to settle the lawsuit against Sandmann. "The amount of the settlement was not made public during a hearing at the federal courthouse in Covington," Fox reported.


The plaintiff, Nick Sandmann, was seeking $275 million in the lawsuit, but the amount of the actual settlement was not made public. CNN would not have settled for the same amount that they were being sued for, however. More than likely, it was significantly less than that.
Except for the fact that only one of them has been hit for almost $1 billion for lying and defamation that they knew they were doing. Sure they all exaggerate things to their benefit but this Fox mess is another level of deception. And they may have to pay that other machine company as well so I don’t think it’s over yet.

I think CNN and a few others lost or settled defamation suits in the past, not almost a billion dollars but still. They lied and ended up paying so they are no different, all just after advertising dollars.
I think CNN and a few others lost or settled defamation suits in the past, not almost a billion dollars but still. They lied and ended up paying so they are no different, all just after advertising dollars.
Facebook lost a similar amount in a privacy suit I believe as well ...
And FOX News will continue to make tons of money, while Marxist CNN and MSDNC will continue to languish in their also ran status.
Why do you care so much about where Fox News stands in the Nielsen Ratings, especially when it is abundantly clear that is the only thing which the Fox News hosts care about?

They lie to you in order to get those ratings, but instead of feeling manipulated by them, you celebrate them for it. It's like you consider their ratings a triumph for your ideology. It's weird.
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Let's roll through these one more time:

Tucker Carlson
On Fox News’ Arizona call:
“We devote our lives to building an audience and they let Chris Wallace and Leland ******* Vittert wreck it,” Carlson texted in a group conversation with Ingraham and Sean Hannity roughly two weeks after the election. Vittert was a Fox News reporter who was frequently criticized by Trump, and he left the network in April 2021 for NewsNation.

On hating Trump:
“I hate him passionately … What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong,” Carlson texted a colleague on January 4, days prior to the riot at the U.S. Capitol. He added, “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.”

On the antics of Trump lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood:
“Sidney Powell is lying by the way. I caught her. It’s insane,” Carlson texted Ingraham on November 18.

In a message from November 4, Carlson texted a colleague that there was “no doubt there was fraud” in the election. “But at this point, Trump and Lin and Powell have so discredited their own case, and the rest of us to some extent, that it’s infuriating. Absolutely enrages me.”

In a text on November 9, Carlson referenced Powell’s Dominion claims, commenting, “The software sh*t is absurd.” (Carlson then said on television that night, “We don’t know anything about the software that many say was rigged. We don’t know. We ought to find out.”)

*****In a text on November 22, Carlson also called Powell a “*unt.” (just a hint, she isn't his aunt)

On Trump skipping Biden’s inauguration:
“Hard to believe. So destructive,” he texted a staffer on November 10. “It’s disgusting. I’m trying to look away.”

On the prospect of ditching Trump coverage on Fox:
Two days before the Capitol riot, Carlson wrote to a colleague that “we are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.” The day after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, he texted his producer that “Trump has two weeks left. Once he’s out, he becomes incalculably less powerful, even in the minds of his supporters. He’s a demonic force, a destroyer. But he’s not going to destroy us. I’ve been thinking about this every day for four years.”

Rupert Murdoch, Fox Corporation chairman
On Hannity’s and Ingraham’s on-air claims of election fraud:
“Maybe Sean and Laura went too far,” Murdoch wrote the day after Biden’s inauguration in an email to Fox CEO Suzanne Scott. “All very well for Sean to tell you he was in despair about Trump … but what did he tell his viewers?”

On the infamous Rudy Giuliani press conference with the hair dye:
“Stupid and damaging,” Murdoch wrote to a friend on November 19, the day of Giuliani’s meltdown. “The only one encouraging Trump and misleading him. Both increasingly mad.” Murdoch said he had heard that Trump was “apparently not sleeping and bouncing off walls” and that he worried about “what he might do as president.”

On calling the election for Biden:
“I hate our Decision Desk people!” Murdoch emailed former New York Post editor Col Allan on the day the election was called. “And pollsters! Some of the same people I think. Just for the hell of it still praying for Az to prove them wrong!” Later that day, he emailed his son Lachlan, writing that Fox News “should and could” have called the election for Biden before any other network. “But at least being second saves us a Trump explosion!”

On how to handle Trump postelection:
“The more I think about McConnell’s remarks or complaint, the more I agree,” Murdoch wrote in an email on Biden’s Inauguration Day. “Trump insisting on the election being stolen and convincing 25 percent of Americans was a huge disservice to the country. Pretty much a crime. Inevitable it blew up Jan. 6th. Best we don’t mention his name unless essential and certainly don’t support him. We have to respect people of principle and if it comes to the Senate, don’t take sides. I know he is being over-demonized, but he brought it on himself.”

Laura Ingraham, Fox News host
On pressure from Fox News executives:
“We are officially working for an organization that hates us,” Ingraham texted Carlson and Hannity on November 16.

“Why would anyone defend that call?” Hannity asked in response, referring to the early decision to call Arizona for Joe Biden.

“I’m disgusted at this point,” replied Carlson.

“I think the three of us have enormous power,” Ingraham wrote. “We have more power than we know or exercise.”

Suzanne Scott, Fox News CEO
On the Arizona call on Election Night:
“Listen, it’s one of the sad realities: If we hadn’t called Arizona those three or four days following Election Day, our ratings would have been bigger,” Scott said in a Zoom meeting on November 16. “The mystery would have been still hanging out there.”

Viewers going through the 5 stages of grief,” Scott texted Fox co-chair Lachlan Murdoch two days after the election. “It’s a question of trust — the AZ [call] was damaging but we will highlight our stars and plant flags letting the viewers know we hear them and respect them.”

On how the network should proceed postelection:
“Audiences don’t want to see too much of the Mayor Pete’s and Coons etc in the news hours,” Scott wrote to Fox News president Jay Wallace. “Need to be careful about bookings next 2 months - especially in news hours.” Scott had forwarded Wallace an email from Rupert Murdoch, in which he observed that Fox News was losing to CNN in the ratings.

On how fact checking Trump is “bad for business”:
“This has to stop now,” Scott wrote in an email to a network vice-president in early December, referring to anchor Eric Shawn’s fact-checking of Trump. “This is bad business and there clearly is a lack of understanding what is happening in these shows. The audience is furious and we are just feeding them material. Bad for business.”
No, it doesn't. But as I stated let's not pretend the industry is tarnished because of this particular instance. FOX has done similar things in the past, though this one only appears different because of monetary scale. CNN isn't immune to this kind of situation, they didn't care when they impugned an awkward kid and used him as a prop to attack Trump with. It's been going on long before that and certainly this.

FOX has a huge black eye, and they should. But let's not clutch Pearls and "why I never!".....

Fair enough and I don't disagree with what you say.

One other thing I do think the behind the scenes communications makes this one more remarkable given that they are still kissing Trump's arse despite apparently having no respect for him.
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The only news I watch now is the local ABC affiliate and lately their evening anchor is letting his extreme bias show through all too often.

ABC local and national news is what the wife turns on, and I hate their national news. The smirks and snarky approach. Jon Karl or whatever the guy's name is makes me want to commit murder; I'd love to strangle the smug POS. I make it a point to be doing something else until the worst of the political BS is covered.
Not exactly ...

CNN Confirms Settlement After $275 Million Lawsuit with Nick Sandmann

The last paragraph from "The National Trial Lawyers" reads as follows :

Sandmann, who is represented by high-powered attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood, was seeking $275 million from CNN. Fox 19 reported that CNN agreed to settle the lawsuit against Sandmann. "The amount of the settlement was not made public during a hearing at the federal courthouse in Covington," Fox reported.


The plaintiff, Nick Sandmann, was seeking $275 million in the lawsuit, but the amount of the actual settlement was not made public. CNN would not have settled for the same amount that they were being sued for, however. More than likely, it was significantly less than that.

You mean they are on the other side of the political spectrum from you, so they appear more extreme.
No ...

Fox News just agreed to pay the largest sum of money ever to settle a defamation lawsuit.

They are more extreme, and in a class by themselves, because their lies have resulted in such consequences.
No ...

Fox News just agreed to pay the largest sum of money ever to settle a defamation lawsuit.

They are more extreme, and in a class by themselves, because their lies have resulted in such consequences.

I have a feeling, that sometime in the future, one of the Marxist TV networks will have the same thing happen to them.
There was the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting.

If nothing was wrong with that meeting, then why did both Trump and Trump Jr. feel the need to lie about the purpose of the meeting? The e-mail exchange between Rob Goldstone and Trump Jr. make it clear that it wasn't to discuss the repeal of the Magnitsky Act and the subsequent resumption of Americans adopting Russian orphans. The purpose of that meeting from Donald Trump Jr.'s perspective was to receive opposition research from Russian agents, for use in the upcoming 2016 Presidential General Election Campaign.

Why did the Trumps lie, if nothing was inappropriate about the meeting? This question is NEVER answered.
Didn’t Trump even admit himself that was the purpose of the meeting and that had he received anything he would’ve turned it over to the FBI? Or am I incorrect in my recollection? I swear I thought I remember him saying that though.

Yes, Trump lied about the purpose and I have zero faith that he would’ve handed jack squat to the FBI. While that is not what you would hope any political candidate would do, I haven’t seen you be critical of Hillary who actually did what you claim Trump tried to do. Adam Schiff also tried to get dirt on Trump but it turned out to be a prank.

So there, I said Trump lied and that he shouldn’t have done so. Do you have anything to say for Hillary and her concocted dossier?
Didn’t Trump even admit himself that was the purpose of the meeting and that had he received anything he would’ve turned it over to the FBI? Or am I incorrect in my recollection? I swear I thought I remember him saying that though.

Yes, Trump lied about the purpose and I have zero faith that he would’ve handed jack squat to the FBI. While that is not what you would hope any political candidate would do, I haven’t seen you be critical of Hillary who actually did what you claim Trump tried to do. Adam Schiff also tried to get dirt on Trump but it turned out to be a prank.

So there, I said Trump lied and that he shouldn’t have done so. Do you have anything to say for Hillary and her concocted dossier?
I used to respond to deflection away from the Trump Tower meeting, towards the Steele Dossier, with a link to an article which would confirm that both Hillary Clinton and the DNC were in violation of FEC laws for their funding of the dossier, as well as for how it was reported. They were, in fact, sanctioned over this by the FEC ... and deservedly so.

I don't take the time to do this anymore, because I've learned that it doesn't stop the deflection. I guess "What about the Steele Dossier?" is just a natural reflex to reading anything concerning Trump/Russia collusion.

Hillary Clinton and Democrats settle Steele dossier electoral case for $113,000
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.”

Agreed as it is less that 5 years that these hits were being discussed and lapped up nightly:

1) Carter Page was a Russian agent
2) Michael Cohen went to Prague
3) Manafort funnelling poling data to Putin
4) Jeff Sessions was a Russian spy
5) Trump is a Russian asset
6) Christopher Steele is a credible source
7) Anthony Scaramucci was involved in Russian hedge fund
8) Trump created a secret server to covertly communicate with Russian bank
Agreed as it is less that 5 years that these hits were being discussed and lapped up nightly:

1) Carter Page was a Russian agent
2) Michael Cohen went to Prague
3) Manafort funnelling poling data to Putin
4) Jeff Sessions was a Russian spy
5) Trump is a Russian asset
6) Christopher Steele is a credible source
7) Anthony Scaramucci was involved in Russian hedge fund
8) Trump created a secret server to covertly communicate with Russian bank

Trump has been compromised by Russia. Whether that is his own doing, or some leverage that Russia has over him, or both, is
not entirely clear, though we do know that Russians have played a big role in bailing out the gangster's real estate business.
The gangster has shown quite clearly that he'd like to be Putin's lover.

Many of the points you labor to make above were never argued by Democrats. Sessions as a Russian spy? Go ahead and show where
that was asserted publicly by Dems.
Sleazy Rupert Murdoch bails out and pays BIG to avoid further embarrassment. I and others are very disappointed that Dominion did hot hold
firm on getting a public, on-air apology from FoxLies. Indeed, each of its hack hosts should have been forced to read a retraction/apology.
It's quite evident that fox exists to spew BS to low-information, gullible people (read Maga) who are so into their political ideology that they're
happy to be stupid for the cause. Dominion moving forward with other lawsuits against the Pillow Man, Rudy G and that shrewish female
lawyer who's already acknowledged she had no proof for any of the election nonsense she was spouting.

A second voting-machine company now pushing ahead with its lawsuit against Fox. Expect another settlement. If we wanted to reduce the political
polarization in America, the first thing we should do is deport the vile Rupert Murdoch.

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