I don't quote anybody's talking points.
I think what is so annoying about Fox is that they claim in one breath to be fair and objective, and in the next will say something like "Michelle Obama and her racially charged image: Will it be an issue for the campaign?"
I mean its just so obvious. They don't even try to hide it, really.
I just looked on their political page, and the lead story is very critical of Obama, and in all the traditional ways you would expect from the Republicna war machine: Obama is the racist, Obama lies, and Obama does what is politically expedient.
Obamas Public Financing Reversal Could Widen Playing Field - Americas Election HQ
Never mind saying that he is so popular he can afford to take this tack in the campaign.
I dont know, maybe because OBAMA LIED!
He said and sponsored legislation to enhance public financing! I dont like the idea of public financing but OBAMA HAS until now. No matter how you spin it he lied.
One of the biggest differences I have seen on this board between Dems and Repubs (I am a independant but conservative) is that the Repubs on here have said critical things about Repubs (Bush and Mcain) but the Dems on here DONT and only act as apologists for their party and elected Dems. You cant even call a lie a lie instead you try to spin it. Liberals talk about being open minded and acceptance but all I have seen from liberals in my life is that acceptance means you agree with them and being open minded means you agree with their point of view as well.